From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

Ordered a new camera:eek: I needed one for specific purpose and finished up with a Fujifilm Finepix T200 - I have a collection of cameras and lenses, but I needed something lightweight, slip into a pocket, decent resolution (14mp) and a good optical zoom (10x) this will easily it into the bum-bag as I was in danger of becoming the dude with all the cameras and no photos! as nobody likes to be walking around with a fully camera kit around their neck.

Can you tell I came back with loads of spending money;)

Need a HD Camcorder next;)

That's probably the newer version of the one that I have been taking my food piccies with, its Fujifilm finepix F100, and takes excellent photos for a little camera.;)
Had to get the balance right between weight, quality cost etc. Nightmare Lynne! It is purely for snapshots. No or little creativity (though it has a panoramic feature where you can thread 3 photos together). 10x zoom and fully automatic. I do not need manual focus, manual exposure, aperture or shutter priority etc. I have all those on other cameras. Just a point and shoot, decent resoluton and zoom with little or no shutter lag.

My main criteria was under £100 so with a £10 Amazon voucher I got it for much cheaper. Then I "found" another £5 Amazon voucher so could have had it cheaper again! - can use the other one on a memory card I suppose;)

OK today I decided to try something a litt;e different. Because of the jetlag, I got out of bed unableto sleep at 3am this morning and went online. I was downstairs planning, preparing doing breakfast lunch made etc. well before 6am!

I started the day with toast (again) HEXB and 3syns worth of spread.

or lunch I had a pasta and sauce which was free on green (I seldom do green these days) I added 1.5 syns of spread to enhance taste and put that in a food flask to keep hot for lunch. 2.5syns on the capuccino meant I'd done 7 already!

A banana and apple and some snack-a-jacks (4.5) took me to 11.5

Evening meal was the muchly anticipated baked potato, a massive 84g low-fat chedday (grated) were 2xHEXA with a plate-filling salad and 1syn for the salad dressing. (12.5) then I added 2 syns worth of spread to the cheese to enhance the otato as I had run out of beans! - gutted:mad: - I had been eating that meal all day lol.

So 14.5 syns.

I even had a couple of crispbread just to say I did my 2nd HEXB. I feel strangely stuffed. I still can't believe that was 100% it felt so much more. I think the pasta n Sauce really is great for green days. I have several packets remaining too. Most of them are free or 1-2 syns on green/extra easy.

Anyhow, I'm not hangng around long tonight. Just popped on to confess my syns;) as in dire need of sleep after having none at all yesterday:eek:

Tomorrow I'll mix it up again - change things around as it were. Anything to keep 100%.

Rain and tiredness meant I never got out for my lunchtime walk today:( I'm like a coiled spring:sigh:

Had to get the balance right between weight, quality cost etc. Nightmare Lynne! It is purely for snapshots. No or little creativity (though it has a panoramic feature where you can thread 3 photos together). 10x zoom and fully automatic. I do not need manual focus, manual exposure, aperture or shutter priority etc. I have all those on other cameras. Just a point and shoot, decent resoluton and zoom with little or no shutter lag.

My main criteria was under £100 so with a £10 Amazon voucher I got it for much cheaper. Then I "found" another £5 Amazon voucher so could have had it cheaper again! - can use the other one on a memory card I suppose;)


I used to hate buying a new camera, because I was a fan of the old manual SLR which coincidentally still takes fab photos, despite it's age.
Only bought the first digital one to go to Florida one year, because, as you say, much easier.
This one the Fujifilm one, I got through ill gotten gains!
My son ordered a box set of dvd for £49.99 from Play, and when the parcel arrived, it had the camera in it, which was priced at £249, instead of the dvd's.
So, being a naughty person, I didn't tell them, and ordered him the dvd's from Amazon!
I used to hate buying a new camera, because I was a fan of the old manual SLR which coincidentally still takes fab photos, despite it's age.
Only bought the first digital one to go to Florida one year, because, as you say, much easier.
This one the Fujifilm one, I got through ill gotten gains!
My son ordered a box set of dvd for £49.99 from Play, and when the parcel arrived, it had the camera in it, which was priced at £249, instead of the dvd's.
So, being a naughty person, I didn't tell them, and ordered him the dvd's from Amazon!
I'm sure Play can take the loss - especially as I have purchased several hundred DVD's from then since 2001!

Well I have managed to stay 100% today.

Breakfast 2x Weetabix + Milk (HEXA & B)

Lunch - Chicken sandwich 2nd HEXB for bread), spread (2syns) crisps (6syns) banana and apple.

Dinner Chicken breast, salad, grated cheese (2nd HEXA) dressing (1.5) so 9.5 syns ans can have an Alpen light and Mueller light later.

Mixed news from today. I over-slept because like a numpty I forgot to set the alarm! 13 hours after my early night I awoke! worse still was my carshare had to make her own way to work and was late:eek: I was a good 1.5hours late too and will have to make the time up (or hopefully take it as holiday). I'm now worried of course whether I will be able to sleep tonight after that long sleep last night:eek::eek::eek:

On the plus side, I did a good thing today. I found a purse/wallet thing when I got out of the car at work today. I was going to hand it in, but am not trusting of security! - I checked inside and among the debit and credit cards and folded notes (££££ kerching!) was the driving licence of the owner.

Needless to say I handed it to her (Sue) and she was over the moon. I am now officially a star as well as a darling:cool: just for doing the right thing:confused: Is that really so unusual?

Biggest bonus for me was the lady sitting next to Sue, had a cutting on the wall from SW - she had only lost over 8st and had featured in all the magazines etc. - What a lucky co-incidence!! Needless to say, I was more interested in this lady than any monetary reward from Sue for returning her untouched purse!

Actually meeting this other lady (Gill) was reward enough. Her story is/was amazing and her husband is matching her too. She was knocked-out by my story and being a fellow SW'er understood exactly what I was saying - Brilliant!

Maybe my being late was meant to be after all? Had I been on time, I would have been in work before Sue arrived and some chancer may well have found her purse and made off with the contents, and I would never have me and conversed with Gill. I love to think stuff like this happens for a reason.

Well this time tomorrow I will know the extent of my holiday damage. I know it will hurt like hell and I will beat myself black and blue, but ultimately, I will have a target and something to focus on.

Watch this space!:p
As you say a mixed day, but I agree, things happen for a reason!

Sorry to say, yes it us unusual for people to do the right thing, I remember finding a wallet in the carpark, less than a week before Christmas, needless to say, it was stuffed with dosh, a weeks wages and a Christmas bonus, I didn't know the owner, and it may not have been someone in our building, but security/reception knew the name on the card and called him...he was very, very happy, didn't expect to see it again, and bought me a bottle to drink over the festive season.....I did know the bloke by sight as it turned out...Would've meant Christmas was cancelled, 2 small kids, and a very unhappy wife if things had worked out differently.

Well done for seeming to get back on track so quickly, and dare I say easily?
Tomorrow is tomorrow, think you'll be happy with a gain anyway....just imagine if not, what will you do then eh? LOL
I fear the worst, but whatever it is, it will come back off (I need to be at target in 7 weeks - easy-peasy;))

Debridger, the thought of ruining that blokes Christmas in an awful one. I bet that bottle tasted extra nice.

I know Sue, I have known her for years, but that didn't influence my decision. Actually she married a lad from South Wales (Cardiff) and you know what the Welsh are like:eek::eek:;) (Alright there Lynne:p). To be honest, I always think how I would feel a) if I lost my wallet and never got it back and someone kept it and b) If it was found and returned.

The difference between them two feelings is immence. I like to think I am in credit and that something similar might happen to me next time. Karma if you like. Actually, she never offered me a reward! Damn! I knew I should have kept it;)

Quick post as I have loads to do :(. Loved the wallet story and the fellow SW'er story.

Mostly I wanted to say, take no notice of the scales while you were away. They may have born some resemblance to how much you put on had you weighed at the start, but I wouldn't believe the actual figure for one minute. Also wondered whether you needed to buy a countdown - could you back at target before it runs out ???

Anyway, good luck for tomorrow. Must dash (have cinnabons to eat for my tea - sum total of my food today has been an alpen light, mug shot and 2 minibons :(). Hope to catch you soon.

Gail x
I'm sure Play can take the loss - especially as I have purchased several hundred DVD's from then since 2001!

Needless to say I handed it to her (Sue) and she was over the moon. I am now officially a star as well as a darling:cool: just for doing the right thing:confused: Is that really so unusual?


I know Sue, I have known her for years, but that didn't influence my decision. Actually she married a lad from South Wales (Cardiff) and you know what the Welsh are like:eek::eek:;) (Alright there Lynne:p). To be honest, I always think how I would feel a) if I lost my wallet and never got it back and someone kept it and b) If it was found and returned.


Oh and us too, I think I might have paid for Amazon to build it's distribution depot in Swansea:8855::8855:

Well done on giving the purse back, in this day and age, loads wouldn't, and of course no pressure being married to a Welshman!;)
Quick post as I have loads to do :(. Loved the wallet story and the fellow SW'er story.

Mostly I wanted to say, take no notice of the scales while you were away. They may have born some resemblance to how much you put on had you weighed at the start, but I wouldn't believe the actual figure for one minute. Also wondered whether you needed to buy a countdown - could you back at target before it runs out ???

Anyway, good luck for tomorrow. Must dash (have cinnabons to eat for my tea - sum total of my food today has been an alpen light, mug shot and 2 minibons :(). Hope to catch you soon.

Gail x
Eeeh! how brazen is that?? :eek:

Maximus said:

Dear Dawn - this is a REAL lady! ^^^^^




PMSL!!! :p

Hope u didn't spend too long in the tub btw...;)
You know what you two? I was gonna suggest deportment lessons to see if we could make ladies out of you. I now suspect being deported is the only answer:rolleyes:

Sex? isn't that what posh people get their coal delivered in?
Coal????????? Do people still have coal delivered??? :eek::D
Anyway, enough of this frivolity listen up. I am 100% again today/night.

I barely slept last night (yet again) so was starving and had fruit and yoghurt for brekkie (Mueller Light) AND toast with cheese. (HEXA & HEXB) Capuccino 2.5 syns and spread 2 syns (I actually weighed it out today lol)

Lunch was a chicken salad with 1.5syns for the Caesar dressing and 4.5 for the snack-a-jacks. Followed by apple and banana.

Evening meal was chicken salad again with Ryvita & Laughing Cow (2nd HEXA & B)

So 10.5 syns.

WI tonight was great. I came out full of the joys of spring. Firstly everyone was so pleased to see me. That in itself gives you a lift. It is 5 WI's since I was last there:eek: and combined with the Florida trip, to have gained 5.5lb in that time was a great bonus.

I weighted in at 11st 10.5lb - having said that, I have had 100% in the 4-5 days I have been back, so I reckon I probably got it back under the dreaded 12st mark.

In case you wondering why I mention 12st, it is/was a figure I never want to visit again. Being in the 11s is where I go after being flexi;)

Sooooo what does it all mean?

Well I have given myself 7 weeks to get to where I want to be - according to my consultant, if I lose 9.5lb I will be at the upper limit of my target next week and not have to pay. My best ever week was 8lb loss (and several 7lb weeks) I believe 9.5lb in one week is beyond even me at my obsessed/focussed best;)

7 weeks to lose 9.5lb is the official one (as far as SW are aware) but look at my own target, you will see it is 10lb less than that! - 10st 5lb or 145lb (meaning a total of 100lb loss is my target) with no holidays planned for 7 months, I might have a fighting chance of getting there:8855:
Great news. 5.5 lb is a really good result after your lovely holiday. You should be very proud :)

Week is nearly over so I'm counting the days...............

Gail x