I used to hate buying a new camera, because I was a fan of the old manual SLR which coincidentally still takes fab photos, despite it's age.
Only bought the first digital one to go to Florida one year, because, as you say, much easier.
This one the Fujifilm one, I got through ill gotten gains!
My son ordered a box set of dvd for £49.99 from Play, and when the parcel arrived, it had the camera in it, which was priced at £249, instead of the dvd's.
So, being a naughty person, I didn't tell them, and ordered him the dvd's from Amazon!
I'm sure Play can take the loss - especially as I have purchased several hundred DVD's from then since 2001!
Well I have managed to stay 100% today.
Breakfast 2x Weetabix + Milk (HEXA & B)
Lunch - Chicken sandwich 2nd HEXB for bread), spread (2syns) crisps (6syns) banana and apple.
Dinner Chicken breast, salad, grated cheese (2nd HEXA) dressing (1.5) so 9.5 syns ans can have an Alpen light and Mueller light later.
Mixed news from today. I over-slept because like a numpty I forgot to set the alarm! 13 hours after my early night I awoke! worse still was my carshare had to make her own way to work and was late

I was a good 1.5hours late too and will have to make the time up (or hopefully take it as holiday). I'm now worried of course whether I will be able to sleep tonight after that long sleep last night

On the plus side, I did a good thing today. I found a purse/wallet thing when I got out of the car at work today. I was going to hand it in, but am not trusting of security! - I checked inside and among the debit and credit cards and folded notes (££££ kerching!) was the driving licence of the owner.
Needless to say I handed it to her (Sue) and she was over the moon. I am now officially a star as well as a darling

just for doing the right thing

Is that really so unusual?
Biggest bonus for me was the lady sitting next to Sue, had a cutting on the wall from SW - she had only lost over 8st and had featured in all the magazines etc. - What a lucky co-incidence!! Needless to say, I was more interested in this lady than any monetary reward from Sue for returning her untouched purse!
Actually meeting this other lady (Gill) was reward enough. Her story is/was amazing and her husband is matching her too. She was knocked-out by my story and being a fellow SW'er understood exactly what I was saying - Brilliant!
Maybe my being late was meant to be after all? Had I been on time, I would have been in work before Sue arrived and some chancer may well have found her purse and made off with the contents, and I would never have me and conversed with Gill. I love to think stuff like this happens for a reason.
Well this time tomorrow I will know the extent of my holiday damage. I know it will hurt like hell and I will beat myself black and blue, but ultimately, I will have a target and something to focus on.
Watch this space!