We have 3 fridges and 2 freezers lol!
That's just for your snacks isn't it Tubs
Oh well today was a mixed day. Started off with a SW-style breakfast of syn-free burgers, sausage, baked beans, mushroom & fried egg (1syn for oil). Won't be bothering with that again, didn't particularly like the taste of the sausage and would rather something I enjoyed at the cheaper price and better taste.
I mentioned I made a vegetable soup that would have had Baxters, Heinz, Campbells, Covent Garden Soup Co. etc. all vying for my culinary skills and worrying about their future profits, you may recall?
Well I only went and left said masterpiece in its food fask on the bench! Meaning lunch was the HEX B wholemeal bread I planned to have with it, with some crabsticks! - a couple of Alpen Lights (6) were synned and I added apple, banana and a plum.
That was bad enough, but on my hike today, I slowed right down, dropping to the back of the group struggling at times not to faint, or be physically ill

Not sure what it was thoguh, I even briefly thought it may have been those syn-free sausage & burgers I had this morning, but my symptoms were more "flu-like". I felt completely "flat" as though I was running on empty with shooting pains from arms, legs, back and shoulders - even on level ground, I was struggling. Uphill was damn painful.
On my return I at my soup literally as I got through the door and comfort-ate with a nice salad with Ryvita (6), Laughing Cow (HEXA) to keep up my share of super-free as it was an e/easy day.
Even now I feel drained, and it is only because after my jetlag and getting my sleep pattern corrected I have not gone straight to bed as I feel dreadful

10pm will be late enough.
As for tomorrow, well I car-share (or to be more accurate, I take two other people to work each day) and will see how I feel at 6am when the alarm goes as to how I feel then. At the moment I am undecided between food-poisoning, sunstroke and flu (I have ruled out the potentially fatal man-flu).
To cap it all, my GPS batteries died after about 5 mile so not even ure how far I walked today, but I know it was more than 10

- so much for a nice Sunday stroll.
I'm now having to take on extra fluids (rehydrating) might have been a touch of sunstroke. My face is burning which suggest this (either that or Dawn is talking about me).
Anyways, I finished the walk strongly, and should dwell on a great weekend rather than a dodgy couple of hours. The Body magic for the weekend was off the scale.
- Just as well as with the salad dressing (1.5) and my forgotten cappucino first thing (2.5) I make that a belly-bustin' 17 syns!
Harly the end of the world, but enough to not be 100%.
Can I justify having 13 syns (or less) tomorrow, or use the extra two from the ones this week when I was under to claim 100%?
Don't be too tough on me or I might:cry: