krupskaya said:
Oooh blonde - you gotta post a pic! I haven't been to Cosmo yet. Purposely trying to avoid it as I know I'll find the food yummy lol - chinese is my all-time fave!
Enjoy the weather - it's gonna rain tomorrow - booo!

In that case u will LOVE Cosmo!! So yes, tread very carefully! Praps go there for a real treat! X

Here's the new blonde me!! (I'm on the left in blue polka dot dress in the one with my friend)X
gonnabesmall said:
wow heather,you look bloody amazing,

Aww Leanne that's very sweet of ya! Wish I believed that meself, but I suppose we're never happy with ourselves lol x
now listen here Hevs! take the compliment - you look SOOOOOOOO gorgeous babe!!! so shurrup and accept it. Its a fact. You are hot. xxx

Love ya xxxx
now listen here Hevs! take the compliment - you look SOOOOOOOO gorgeous babe!!! so shurrup and accept it. Its a fact. You are hot. xxx

Love ya xxxx

Teehee!! Awwww fanx!! *Goes all red with embarrassment!!*!!

Whoopsy- I'm not going to get a loss tomorrow because I've been all laxidazy all weekend and basically off plan!! Not a great week food-wise really!! Must try harder next week!!X
Week 85- Saturday and Sunday- Day 6 & 7

Oops!! Been a bit off plan really! All started when I went out for lunch for a retirement do with work pals- about 25 of us! Had a reasonable lunch- Salmon fillet with jacket potato (big dollop of tartare sauce though- and picked at friends' leftover chips!!). Had 2 'mocktails' (I was driving) in Pitcher & Piano which were probably quite a few syns. Went home and ate 3 Dairy Milk chocolates, Lindt chocolate, blue cheese and generally grazed on bits and pieces that added up to goodness knows how many syns and I wasn't even counting!! Then today I went out for breakfast with dh, had Eggs Benedict with smoked salmon (on a white muffin, came with lots of Hollandaise sauce) then a caramel frappacino in Starbucks (albeit with skimmed milk but who knows how much sugar and stuff is in it!!). Then had a good few Dairy Milk chocolates, a Kelloggs Fibre Plus bar, and generally been snacky!! It would be a total miracle if I lost ANY weight at tomorrow's WI as I have had basically 3 flexisyn days this week! It is NOT condusive to weight loss and I'd be an idiot to think it would be!! I will do my best in work tonight (on a night shift- I have Morroccan lamb tagine with Ainsley roast veg couscous and actual roasted veg to take in with me, plus a pear, blueberries and a yogurt) and I will do my very best to stay on plan throughout tomorrow (WI day). Tues will be the start of a very good week!
Ellebear said:
Well get back on plan tomorrow - you look fabulous xxx

Thanks chickadee! Very kind of you to say so! Feel really spewy and blobby now! These bingey days just arent worth it!! Nevermind, onwards and downwards eh?!x
You look bl@@dy gorgeous hun xxxxx
missfortissimo said:
We all fall off the wagon now and again. It sounds like you enjoyed company while you were off though. And you are completely gorgeous in your picture, btw! :D:D:D

Thank youuu!! That gives me a boost on this fat day I'm having !!!xxxxxxx
Devon_Dumpling said:
You look bl@@dy gorgeous hun xxxxx

Hi DD, thank you too! Hope you are well! Seem to go 4 ages without seeing (well chatting to) you! XxX
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Hi DD, thank you too! Hope you are well! Seem to go 4 ages without seeing (well chatting to) you! XxX

No - it really has been ages hun! Just need to redress the current work/life balance and get back into it! You're doing fab xxx
Hi yall, So I GAINED 2lb this week!!! Totally expected/deserved! Infact if I'd got away with it it wouldn't have done me any favours as I would probably have got complacent, not tried so hard this week and ended up being stung next week, so better to have the kick up the bum now to force me to take action!!! And as for losing 2lb last week and gaining it again this week, as my supportive hubby said last night, it's not a failure, it's simply maintaining all the hard work I've done over the last 19 months! No damage done!! So I'm trying to think like that! But I know that things have to change this week as I have that slightly vulnerable, slippery feeling today- not quite in the zone where it could go pearshaped if I let it, which is why it is important that I don't allow it to!!! So my plan is to have 3 red days then an EE day Fri as I'm going to a wedding, then red days again over the weekend when I'm working nights!!
Week 86- Day 1 (Tues)- Red day- Day off.

Had a long lie-in so skipped breakfast!

Lunch- 4 Weight Watchers sausages (2 syns), 2 poached eggs on 2 slices wholemeal Nimble (HEXb1). Reggae Reggae sauce (1 syn). Homemade frappaccino- 350ml skimmed milk (HEXa1) with coffee and sweetener, whizzed in blender with ice. A comice pear.

Tea- Leftover lamb tagine with steamed asparagus and broccoli. 100g cooked wholewheat pasta twists (HEXb2). Blueberries. Raspberry & cranberry Mullerlight.

Skimmed milk in cups of tea & coffee (part HEXa2).

Total syns 3
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Week 86- Day 2 (Wed)- Red day- Day off.

Going to bezzie's Grandpa's funeral so a bit anxious about the challenge ahead food-wise!

Breakfast- 3 egg smoked salmon omlette.

Snack after funeral (in case not much I could have back at house!)- A banana and a lemon Hifi bar (HEXb1).

Lunch- Very impressed with the post-funeral buffet which they had ordered from La Baguette Du Jour, a company in Swansea! There was plenty I could have on red! Cold slices of beef, ham and turkey, lots of free salad, smoked salmon (all free). 2 small new potatoes in skins (Part HEXb2). A little coleslaw (2 syns) and a small piece of cheese (HEXa1). Fresh fruit (gorgeous platter!!) Orange, melon, pineapple, strawberries, grapes. A small piece of ginger cake (my treat- ?10 syns approx- that's a guess!). My friend gave me a big platter of leftover salad to bring home- wow, the things that excite me these days!!

Tea- At home-Didn't fancy too much as ate quite a bit earlier! A bowl of Quorn Italian style balls (from frozen) with tinned chopped tomatoes, red onion, courgette, red pepper, chilli, dried herbs, fresh basil. A vanilla/choc sprinkles Mullerlight.

Milk in tea and coffee (Part HEXa2).

Red grapefruit with sweetener.

Total syns approx 12.
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