Plodding on.......
Thanks Bev!! It does feel fantabuloso!! I'm chuffed that people might be inspired by me this week!!:flirt2: However, if you feel that 1lb in 4 weeks is slow, you may feel encouraged (and quite human) to know that the week before Christmas I was 11st 6.5lb, so it has taken me 28 weeks to lose 4.5lb!! I have basically been treading water for 6 months! But my hubby put a positive slant on it for me by pointing out that I have not only lost some since Christmas(!) but I have proved that I can maintain the weight I've lost over the past 20 months! So there's no race, and it's not about if we get there, it's about when we get there and for how long we stay there (which I hope will be for ever!!!)X
Great post. I totally agree. I think you are a great inspiration. I'm pretty certain that you were one of the people that I saw with a big loss that inspired me to think about what I could achieve on SW when I first came on Minimins last year sometime. It made me think that I could actually think about getting to a 'normal' weight rather than just thinking about losing a bit. So thanks to you and a few others like you for making me think (and then do) what I never even dreamt I might achieve
I will get around to it at some point I promise!! Thank you so much again!! You're certainly good for my self esteem lol!!Not good at taking compliments me!!! :sigh: I AM proud of myself for getting this far and changing my ways for good (at least that's the plan
!) but the self-critic is always lurking unfortunately!! You say you wish you were there, well keep up your enthusiasm, and let's face it you really really want this, and you'll be there very soon!! You know what to do, you have the tools to do it, so what's stopping you?! Maybe write a list of all the reasons you want to do it and a list of all the things that are stopping you!! You'll be surprised at how long the list of positives is!!!XXXX
Be proud. Because you have done brilliantly
Wow thank you so much!!!I'm pleased as punch that I have inspired you!! It's been very slow progress but nearly there now! If someone had told me at the start I would take nearly 2 years to do it I would have gone off in a huff!! But looking back I'm glad I've done it slowly as I've had a life along the way! If I am any inspiration to anyone I would like to show them that it's OK to take it slowly as you're more likely to change habits long term, and you can have lots of yummy treats along the way!! Thank you once again!! You're doing great yourself, just keep at it and NEVER give up- even when you feel at your weakest and want to throw it all in, be kind to yourself, hold on tight and those feelings will pass and you'll come out the other end feeling stronger and more determined!!XXX
I would agree about how long it takes. I knew it was going to be a long journey - at the start I thought 18 months - 2 years. Now I think maybe 18 months but maybe still 2 years, even more ??? But I don't care. I feel so fantastic with how far I've come that it doesn't matter and I can see that you feel the same. I'm so pleased for you.
So, thanks Heather for being one of the people that has kept me at it (even if you didn't know it !) and helped me feel just brilliant
Gail x