Thanks Clareel and Bess,
I played the flute and piccolo in the orchestra on Sunday (which I play reasonably well) however I am also learning the violin (which I play very badly but it's fun !). I love music and most of my childhood free time was spent on musical activities. I didn't play much for about 10 years (combination of work and moving around a lot so not meeting people to play with). I started playing again when I couldn't fit into my drysuit for diving (so about the only positive thing of gaining lots of weight !) and now I just love playing again.
I'm still having a good week. Made a really delicious fish pie earlier this week. Yum Yum Yum. I was so proud of myself ! And it was really easy too.
Today I went shopping (well, more of a mini shopping trip). Bought another pair of size 14 work trousers and a pair of size 12's to slim into. OMG. I have never ever ever bought anything in a size 12. I started my adult life in a 16 and went up from there. I can do them up but am probably around a stone away from being able to wear them in public. But it's a goal and it motivates me. Also bought some new 34 bras which again is a first for me. Still didn't have the courage to try anything else on

but I left it a bit late which may have been a deliberate avoidance tactic ! I always used to look at myself in the mirror and pretend that I didn't really look like I did (or just avoid looking) and now I still can't believe what I see some of the time. Obviously I still have a fair way to go but I look ok. I just can't get used to it.
Bought a small slice of cake (15 syns - calorie count on the pack) and 2 huge trays of raspberries to treat myself. All within syns allowance obviously. Am just chomping my way through 1 tray of the raspberries now which are absolutely amazing before I have my cake (I also bought a mini chocolate pudding which will be 9.5 syns but I'm saving it for tomorrow

). Haven't had any other syns today so it's fine. Also did Day 2 of Jillians shred with my new mat and weights. EEEEEEK. I am feeling a bit wobbly now but pleased.
So all in all, I am feeling very proud. I don't care what I lose this week because I've been good. Obviously I hope that I lose something but I really don't care. It's coming off and will continue to do so.
Thanks for all your support.
Gail x