Gail's diary and thoughts on her SW journey

I love reading your diary Gail, you encourage me so. Fantastic about the 14's and the 12 as another goal! Will the 12's be about as low as you'll go? I notice we are the same height....

You work out the syns on the 20 cals = 1 syn? (Hope I've remembered that right.)

I had a good day yesterday too, I was out at red wine time (when I prepare supper), was back late so had to buy supper out, found a Budgens and bought fish sticks, a rice salad and a small bag of maltesers. Then looked for a sugar free sweet drink (I've only just started having these) that wasn't coke (yuk!) Bought the only alternative, Iron Bru.....oh dear, I thought coke was disgusting but this surpasses it! So went back to water. I felt really smug, driving home and nibbling a whole packet of maltesers to myself without sharing them!

Very hungry today, have had 2 breakfasts, one very early, a weetabix with soya milk a small banana and one dried apricot chopped up on it and just, an omelette with lean bacon and a tiny grating of cheese. I made squash and lentil soup yesterday after being inspired by another friend, Alli, which was lovely and there's enough for lunch today. Lots of salad growing in the greenhouse - I got organised for once and sowed it in the Autumn - including yummy peppery land cress.

I can't tell you how much better I feel for starting SW, even though I know I haven't really got going. Unlike you where this is your first diet (make it the last), I started dieting in 2009 and messed about until now. Plenty of regrets there. The only good thing that came out of it was losing 2 stones and learning my enormous limitations in self discipline/willpower/feebleness. So although I'm making very small steps, I feel such relief and hope now, mainly due to finding you all so supportive on here. Thankyou. :)
Well Gail, I think that you deserve to treat yourself. You must be really excited to be in a position to get the size 12 trousers on. Thank you for all your encouragement Gail. Have a good weekend. X
Hi Gail, I too am intrigued by your cake!

Bess, you're doing so well, lovely to hear that you're getting into it. Xxxxx
I love reading your diary Gail, you encourage me so. Fantastic about the 14's and the 12 as another goal! Will the 12's be about as low as you'll go? I notice we are the same height....

I can't tell you how much better I feel for starting SW, even though I know I haven't really got going. Unlike you where this is your first diet (make it the last), I started dieting in 2009 and messed about until now. Plenty of regrets there. The only good thing that came out of it was losing 2 stones and learning my enormous limitations in self discipline/willpower/feebleness. So although I'm making very small steps, I feel such relief and hope now, mainly due to finding you all so supportive on here. Thankyou. :)

I'm so pleased to hear that Bess. It is such a relief to finally be doing something and I'm so pleased that we're helping. :)

I still haven't decided how far I'll go. I think that I would like to lose another 3 stone but I've no idea whether I'll get that far. I'm still about a stone higher than my lowest ever weight and about half a stone from my lowest ever stable weight (and even then only for a few months). I feel good now so anything that I lose from now on is a bonus. Even though I have bought my first pair of size 12's, I'm not that close to being able to wear them in public yet and I'm not even a size 14 in all shops (although I haven't had the courage to go shopping properly yet so I wouldn't know but I know that M&S sizes (which are my benchmark) are bigger than most). I am definitely not anywhere near a 14 in the top. Probably mostly a 16-18.

Well Gail, I think that you deserve to treat yourself. You must be really excited to be in a position to get the size 12 trousers on. Thank you for all your encouragement Gail. Have a good weekend. X

It's a pleasure Jane - thanks to you too. The support does make a difference :D

Hi Gail, I too am intrigued by your cake!

Bess, you're doing so well, lovely to hear that you're getting into it. Xxxxx

The cake wasn't that special really - nothing to get excited about (not that I regret it though !). Just a little individual jam and synthetic cream (yum !) sponge rectangle from M&S but I enjoyed it. Not sure it's worth 15 syns when you think about what else you could have for 15 syns but I hadn't had cake for ages and it was nice to know it's syn count. So you can all stop drooling now ! Nothing like the Ella's bakehouse cakes that I was drooling over on Little Sausages diary a while ago :)

hope u have a great weekend :wavey: x

Awwww thanks Val. You too.

I was doing really well this week but didn't have a great day. Ate 'rather' too many biscuits ie a lot (I'm ashamed to admit in public how many :eek:). I don't even know why which is stupid. So, anyway, as is my usual, I will try and keep my syns a bit lower tomorrow but if I need to use them I will. I would rather just accept today and move on than try and over restrict syns which is more likely to lead to further errors. Scales have been a bit slow to move this week but that's fine. Whatever happens on Sunday will happen. If I lose, great, if I don't I will accept the consequences of a good week with 1 bad day and try again for next week. Not feeling bad about it, just a bit disappointed in myself. Ho hum !

Anyway, looking forward to a really long lie in over the weekend :) and not much planned. What a relief :D

Gail x
I agree Gail, sometimes it's good to have something like cake that's a lot of syns but that is really yummy. I'm going to have a cherry bakewell soon as I love them and they're my absolute fave treat.
Afternoon all,

0.5lbs off for me this week. Which is fine. I had a big meal out at friends from which there were some positives (a small portion of pudding, smaller portion of meat than others, leaving a bit of carbs on my plate and asking not for sugar on the fruit), but I still ate a few too many crisps, should have left the sour cream and a few too many biscuits (I should have only had 1). So, more lessons for me !

So my BMI has dropped to 29.9 on here and on body optimise :D I know that if I had to step on scales elsewhere (ie with clothes on !) I would still be just in that 'obese range' but I am so proud of myself.

I have an interesting situation at work. A friend and colleague of mine who is also overweight (but not as much as me when I started) joined SW about the same time as I did. We often eat together at lunch time. She wasn't really sticking to it so has only lost about a half a stone but has now decided to start again. It must be hard for her because I have almost daily comments from people at work (especially when I see people that I haven't seen for a while) but she has virtually said nothing positive to me about it. I try not to speak to her about it much but inevitably we do sometimes. I'm sure she gets a bit fed up of hearing the same discussions from me (others 'wow, you're looking great, how much have you lost now ?' me 'nearly 5 stone, etc etc') but they are often not initiated by me so there's not much I can do about it. The only compliment I can remember hearing from her was at about 3 stone when one of my other colleagues said 'you really are looking great' and she joined in very briefly and said 'yes, you are'. That's it. Every time she loses or has an NSV I am so happy for her and really complimentary but I just feel it's not returned AT ALL. So, maybe I'm just expecting a bit too much and feeling sour grapes but I thought I'd get it off my chest.

Sorry for being grouchy. I'll be back to my usual on the next post !!!

Gail x
Hi Gail

SUPER well done on getting under the 30 bmi range! That must be such an ACE feeling! You're amazing, so happy for you lady!

What are you going to do to celebrate?

As for that situation at work, your colleague is obviously very glum that she was unable to stick to it unlike you! She probably doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to face up to the fact that she could have been in your shoes receiving all the compliments. I know it must be rubbish that she doesn't compliment you but you do compliment her, but you know it can't be because she hasn't noticed, so it must be more to do with how she feels!

Hopefully if / when she gets her head into gear and follows the plan she will come round and you will probably be like her mentor!

Oh that poor woman, I know just how she feels. If she's struggling like I am, every time someone notices your weight loss it'll make her feel so regretful for what she's let slip through her fingers. It'll be like rubbing salt into a wound for her. Give her your quiet support and encouragement.

So well done for getting under 30 bmi! That's just fantastic!! Well done!
I completely understand that. I give her more than quiet support and encouragement. There's nothing I'd like more than to see her succeed. Fingers crossed.

Gail x
hi gail i think ur work colleague probably feels a bit upset that u have lost so much (although u have worked so hard to lose it)and she has struggled i bet she wishes she could have done as well as you. i have a friend who is the same she relishes in it when i put it all on but now i have lost it she doesn't say anything nice i think it makes her feel better when i put on as she isn't doing very well, its a shame when people r like this i am also very supportive of her and feel a bit upset that she doesn't do the same for me.oh well thats life i suppose, hope ur having a nice day x
Woo BMI under 30!!! fantastic news Gail well done :D it's so exciting to just be plain old overweight rather than obese isn't it.

Regarding your friend, I know it can be difficult in situations like this, I've experienced something similar myself. It's a bit frustrating but I imagine she is just looking at how well you have done and thinking 'if only'. At least now she has decided to start again, hopefully things will work out for her this time and you'll probabaly find once she starts losing she will be more supportive of your weight loss.

Oh, well done again!
Hi Gail,

first of all - the lady at work - you know what I say - sod her. You are doing you're thing - and very well too - so first and foremost you look after you. If she can't be happy for you - that is her problem and not yours. Clearly she probably doesn't feel great herself, and it's really good that you are there to support her regardless of what she gives back. Maybe she just can't see beyond herself - but don't let it get to you - it's her issue. Some people are just like that. Whenever she doesn't say something nice and supportive - imagine that inside she wants to say it really (maybe she does, just stubbornness won't let her). You could even say thank you out loud - that might fox her! I dunno, maybe she just doesn't have anything left to give. We're here for you though. :)

Very impressed with the bmi too - I'm going to make that a goal for me as well I think. You have so many NSVs don't you? A great way to keep motivated - well done chica!

Gail! I can't believe I have just now found your diary. I'm usually on my iPhone, and still haven't really gotten used to the app... But I'm here! I've just read through your pages from the start, and it's like fast forwarding through the last few months - I've never known anyone go from wearing a size 18 to buying a pair of size 12 trousers in an hour, before ;)

I hope that your colleague starts following the plan properly so that she, too, loses weight. Part of me thinks she needs a stern word for taking her frustrations out on you when she should just bite the bullet, as you and so many others have, but I bet she is probably terribly upset at herself for not sticking to it. My guess is that every time you are complimented it's like someone has kicked sand in her eyes. I hope for her sake, and yours, that she really makes a go of it. You are the proof that it works!

Your loss is so inspiring, and your positivity, too.

Thanks Val, Clareel, Little Sausage, Spanx and Pinkie (in no particular order !),

This week has been interesting. I'm pretty certain my friend hasn't seen this, but something seems to have changed this week ! She seems much more focused and committed and had a good loss this week. I am so pleased for her and am really hoping that this is a new start for her which will continue. Yay !

Little Sausage - welcome to my thread and thanks for reading :). I have found it really helpful writing things down although since the early days I haven't found the need to reread my old threads but I am still expecting that day so they are there for me when I need to do that. It is interesting to see how things have changed over time and I've certainly seen that in others over the time I've been here (particularly Honey but others too).

I have had a good week. Not much loss on the scales but again that's fine. It's all going in the right direction. My 'app' says that I've lost 1.3lb per week over the last 14 days (and over the last 90 days) which is great. I am starting to be able to see the 'light at the end of the tunnel'. I still don't have a goal yet (!) but I think I would like to aim for a maximum weight of 11 stone and then just keep going from then. I think ideally I would like to go for between 9.5 stone and 10 stone (which I never ever ever dreamt might be possible) but I'll see how I feel/look then. However when/if I get to 11 stone, I think I will need to change my focus to toning up/losing body fat which will become more important over time. But I think that change of focus will be a very difficult one for me. A challenge maybe................!

So, (although I say it on most of my posts, I really mean it) thanks for reading and making the effort to reply. It really does help. Fingers crossed for me (and all the other sunday weighers) on Sunday :)

Gail x
Thanks mustaga. I think so :D

Gail x