Gail's diary and thoughts on her SW journey

Good luck for weigh in Gail, you deserve all your successes! xxxx
Well, I learnt another lesson today. There is more than one reason why I don't go to supermarkets...........and it's not just for convenience (ie having my shopping delivered !). It didn't help that I had an argument with my sister just before going (over now !) and that I was hungry but I still didn't do very well - came back with a bagful of sugary things :(

I have now given some of that away (thanks to a helpful friend for taking it off my hands !), some of it has come home with me which hopefully will be synned over a number of days and weeks (which I should be fine with because I always have loads of sweet stuff in the house and don't tend to trough it all in one go) so the only damage done really was some hot cross buns. Bah ! Haven't eaten bread type stuff for ages Oh well. A lesson learnt and I will have to do some training sessions on going to supermarkets with some guidelines to stick to !

So, fingers crossed for tomorrow. May not be quite as good as it might have been but I have learnt another lesson :eek:. I wouldn't have got my 5 stone shiny anyway, so hopefully no gain, or a small loss and onwards !

Gail x
A hot cross bun won't ruin everything, promise!

Just a check in to say Hi and see how you're doing! :)

Also, CONGRATS BMI under 30! Well done! :)

I lost 0.5lb today. At this rate I will hit my 5 stone shiny in May - aaaargh. However as discussed yesterday, I learnt a valuable lesson about why I always have my shopping delivered and don't go into supermarkets :eek:. Didn't do anything else wrong this week. So a good (but bad !) reason for a small loss. But last week I also had a good reason for a small loss (Saturday night out) so it should have balanced out and had a reasonable loss this week. So now I know what to do and I am going to keep a written food diary this week. I know that I usually do a bit better when I do that so that's my aim this week. I have nothing particularly difficult on this week - only a meal out with a SW friend so although it will be lots of yummy food, it will be SW friendly.

A hot cross bun won't ruin everything, promise!

Just a check in to say Hi and see how you're doing! :)

Also, CONGRATS BMI under 30! Well done! :)


Thanks. I agree. Except it wasn't just 'a' hot cross bun :eek:. Still it's behind me now and I am determined to get my 5 stone shiny soon.

Religious items like hot cross buns don't have calories :)

Excellent! :) *stocks up on Easter Eggs*

And don't forget to show religious tolerance, be sure to include all faiths !

Ha ha ha. Thanks. I have eaten my fill (and everyone else's fill as well !) of hot cross buns. So enough of the seasonal/religious food stuffs. I am focused and raring to continue :cool:

Gail x
Oh Gail, I am sorry you were disappointed, but it was still a small loss, not a gain. :hug99:

I'll be very interested to see what your food diary contains next week- hope it'll be written on here? So you'll be doing me a favour by keeping it.

I've finally found some time (but not enough) to read other people's diaries on here. I feel motivated to really get to grips with different SW menu's next week.

Your 5 stone shiny (WOW!:eek:) won't be so far away! xxx
You're so close to your 5 stone shiny! Yay! Hope you don't feel bad about the hot cross bun(s). You're so good that one slip is not a crime! I LOVE hot cross buns, the same way Jules loves her bakewells. Would love to syn one on the Easter weekend, but they're not the same without butter and jam! And I don't think I could have just one.

Hope your weekend was good otherwise xx
Pinkie1973 said:
How many syns is a bit of butter? I agree, it wouldn't be the same at all.

I think it's about 2 syns per tsp?! Crazy!
Awwwww. You're all soooooo lovely. Thanks.

I think I'm more disappointed in myself than the loss itself (because the loss itself was fair based on the rest of the week + the hot cross buns !). Because I am usually so good and can say no to those kind of things that I just feel a bit let down by me. However, I don't feel down. I have had a good day and I am not worried that I'm going to fall off the rails (actually that is a huge NSV because if I look back to my diary when I first started writing, I felt as though anything could knock me off track. I don't feel that any more). I haven't had any more syns today (apart from finishing the hot cross buns this morning - oops) but will get back to my usual syns tomorrow.

I have a big gourmet food weekend coming up at Easter (3 x michelin starred restaurants (combination of ratings !) in the same weekend eeeeeeeek !) so I really need to get my act together this week. I think that my goal is to try and get to my 5 stone shiny and a bit beyond by then so that when I gain after the Easter weekend (which is inevitable based on what I'm going to be eating and drinking) that it doesn't set me back too far and ideally if I could have achieved AND hang on to the 5 stone shiny, I'd be delighted :). So, it's a challenge.

I will post my food diary this week (in brief) with syns etc and am going to aim for 5-10 syns per day if possible, but will go up to the 15 if needed.

So fingers crossed, thanks yet again for all your support.

Gail x
Hi Gail - well done on another loss, however small!

Don't beat yourself up about the Hot Cross Buns - it's done now! Just hope you enjoyed them (I know I would have!)

That 5st shiny will be yours before you know it, you have the determination to get there, even if you do suffer the occasional set back. As you said to me once, we're only human!

Thanks Nicki for your kind words and for popping by.

So, I have had a good day. Have resisted a few things but had a little of what I wanted. I have eaten a truckload of fruit today.

Will try to keep my food diary brief:

Breakfast - mullerlight vanilla, 150g raspberries, 1 passion fruit
Snack - white chocolate M&S biscuit - 6.5 syns
Lunch - Homemade SW chicken korma (nothing like a korma), 45g (dried) rice, brussel sprouts, broccoli, 2 clementines
Snack - 5 clementines, 2 alpen lights
Evening meal - lentil shepherds pie with 2/3 HexA cheese on top, huge salad of lettuce, tomato, orange pepper, cucumber, 1 ferrero rocher (3.5 syns), 400g strawberries (eeeek !)
Total syns- 10
I have drunk loads of water and am completely shattered and stuffed now. Was on call over the weekend and called overnight so need to go to bed very shortly.

Day 1 - 100% - completed :)

Gail x
Great to see your food diary Gail, very helpful. Sleep tight! x