I'm home. Had a really amazing holiday
Well, although I could be proud of the first 5 days of the holiday or so, I have NOTHING to be proud of after that :cry: !!! I really did completely let go (as far as food goes) and ate anything and everything. I totally agree with Steve in that some of that was quite liberating but by the end of it I was looking forward to getting home and getting back on plan. Yesterday was a bit rubbish (not sure why) but I am back on track today and have a plan. On reflection, what could I have done better ? I think that I suffered a bit from the 'I've blown it now so I might as well REALLY blow it' and just kept eating. So maybe a bit more realism as to when I will go off plan and a little bit less expectation of myself so that when I go 'off plan', it's all built in and still 'on projected plan' ????
Don't worry though, I'm fine about it all, I'm just trying to see what I could realistically do better next time.
Wusses the lot of ya
@ Gail, when's WI day?
Official WI day is Sunday. I have weighed today for a baseline. Gain is 6.5 lbs - sorry Steve, I was not that close to you (however I caught a glimpse of your amazing result this week so although I haven't gained as much, I won't lose as much either !!!!). I was 11lb up on the villa scales by the time I left so I am delighted with 6.5lbs gain

. I now have to give myself a deadline to get that weight off. I would like to get that off in 2 weeks but I think I will give myself 3 weeks (from Sunday) because I'm not very good at failing challenges !!
Hi Gail - hope WI is kind.
Don't you DARE go to London to Cinabon for some buns!
Well, the rest of the trip was 'cinnamon bunless'

. Sadly not through choice but because having discovered Cinnabon and developed a good going obsession with them, I then discovered that there were only 3 outlets in Orlando (I know because I googled it

), 2 of which were at Universal Studios (ie $15 parking to get to it) and the other was a fair way away (I considered a last minute cinnamon bun dash but eventually after hard thought decided it wasn't worth the effort). So in the end I only had 2 'proper' cinnamon buns and none for the last few days (the others were from the supermarket - nowhere near as good and almost certainly nowhere near the calorie content either). I don't go to London very often but I have to admit to starting to think about how I could go past a cinnabon when I'm there

. However if I do manage that, it will be very firmly built into my plan (and if I'm honest it is unlikely that I will be that close).
I'm horribly jetlagged today (I was a bit stupid yesterday with my sleep patterns so I deserve it). Back at work tomorrow (which I think I'm almost looking forward to !). Happy days
Gail x