Loving & Losing
HGB day one: I had a smoothie made the way I usually have it every morning but it completely filled me up! I think tomorrow I will try to make it a bit smaller. That was at about half 7am and kept me going through til 11am when I got a bit peckish and had a pack of Special K biscuit moments to take the edge off. About half 1 I had poached eggs on toast for lunch and that hit the spot nicelyThen I had visitors so I used the opportunity to get a pack of mallows out of my cupboard. It had been a couple of hours since lunch so I managed to munch a couple of them myself. I had to go out just after 5pm to my exercise group (rehab for my knee post op) then I had Aquafit after that. So I munched a bag of crisps before I went and took a Nakd bar for between the sessions. I get light headed if I exercise on an empty stomach so I was conscious of how little I'd had. When I got home I was fine for about an hour then had a Gold Bar. I am still awake and started to get hungry again so I made a toastie with one slice of bread folded over and one slice of cheese (and my favourite Franks really hot sauce).
So that was day one, I know there wasn't a lot of healthy food in all of that but it was a bit of a mish mash of a day with visitors and having to go out early evening. Tomorrow should be a more healthy one.
I am loving it. I love the feeling of freedom and I'm loving that I have so much energy and just feel so positive about... Well... Everything!
MissMiff, how was your lasagne? I love pasta but never really liked lasagne. How much of it could you manage?
Hi Taz...
Glad you had a good day.. To stop me munching choccy, crisps and bickies, I simply dont buy them..so if they arent there, I am not tempted.. I do treat myself to 3 malteasers every night, which I thoroughly enjoy.. (but I forgot to buy them today, and I ran out 2 days ago..so must restock tomorrow)
The lasagne was lovely... It was tastier than my normal one..(which I have tried to eat since having my hgb but as i am making healthier options, i just couldnt stomach the butter, oil, meat fats, and cream that I put in it.)..
I dont know why, but whilst shopping, as much as I adore red meat, and have often seen a cow in a field and eyed it up.. I just cant bring myself to buy it anymore.. The kids are a little miffed at the complete change, but they'll get used to it!
Fish, Chicken, Turkey and Quorn!..is my limit.. (if you see 2 teenage kids, and a little fat husband dribbling outside the butchers window, send them home, cos they belong to me..lol)
I serve my whole families dinner on small plates, theyre approx half the size of a normal plate.. I managed to eat 5 mouthfuls with a leaf of romane lettuce and some raw red onion. I was satisfied right through til about 9pm, when i had a slice of rye bread (which was delish)
So today is a great day!..6 more great days like this will hopefully result in a great loss..!