:DTell me about it I have to becareful pulling up my fly incase some is still left outside:px
fattothin Gold Member 9 April 2008 #41 Tell me about it I have to becareful pulling up my fly incase some is still left outsidex
lillie weighs a lot less 9 April 2008 #42 garry i just keep looking at your fat photo and it has just reminded me of someone,have you seen beetlejuice you used to look like that guy with the tiny head lol did that sound bitchy sorry if it did hun xxxx
garry i just keep looking at your fat photo and it has just reminded me of someone,have you seen beetlejuice you used to look like that guy with the tiny head lol did that sound bitchy sorry if it did hun xxxx
fattothin Gold Member 9 April 2008 #43 Beetle juice, beetle juice, beetle juice I know thats what I thought I cant believe you have told everyone, cheers Lilo Lill x
Beetle juice, beetle juice, beetle juice I know thats what I thought I cant believe you have told everyone, cheers Lilo Lill x
TracyJ Gold Member 9 April 2008 #44 Lol LILLIE!! Anyway you lot..i get blamed for sex talk and youre all at it without me! xx
Prettyfacebut? ...body-has-caught-up!!!! 9 April 2008 #52 fattothin said: Tell me about it I have to becareful pulling up my fly incase some is still left outsidex Click to expand... Eweew! and Ouch!!! (careful....you wouldn't want to get something in your eye!) Seriously ....good for you posting the pics....i hope to be as brave as you soon!!! Back to CD forum....you lot are corrupting me....will still be lurking:sign0151: XX
fattothin said: Tell me about it I have to becareful pulling up my fly incase some is still left outsidex Click to expand... Eweew! and Ouch!!! (careful....you wouldn't want to get something in your eye!) Seriously ....good for you posting the pics....i hope to be as brave as you soon!!! Back to CD forum....you lot are corrupting me....will still be lurking:sign0151: XX
fattothin Gold Member 9 April 2008 #56 SIKO TOES anagram of KETOSIS..............yep ive lost it!:crazy:
lillie weighs a lot less 9 April 2008 #57 TracyJ said: Im out whats my excuse?! xx Click to expand... your blonde lol xx