had a good week this week managed not to snack most of the time , not even on fruit and went to the gym twice.
yesterday went to a animal rescue centre, my friend wants to volunteer there, there were many dogs there and it was a bit sad, I did go into the cattery and almost didnt because my dad got rid of my mums cat so I didnt want to see the cattery even though its not the same cattery,
anyway I did go in and saw this friendly black cat with one eye and its been there for a year, so if anyone wants to come up to leicester here and wants to adopt it let me know and I'll tell you how to get there , I would adopt it myself but I live in a shared house with no cats and dogs rule
yesterday I also did my friends excersise dvd, never done one before, it was fun, but hard, me and my friend had to pause it! I did however have some pasta late at night, which was my only blip of the week, i was just a bit hungrey, anyway this afternoon i weighed myself Im now at my lightest being on a diet which was my goal in my sig
anyway i was this weight back in october ( look at my photo album)but was stuck there so now the goal is to get below it, anyway im going to my grans this weekend so must keep positive and saying no.