Get Fit and Step it Out for 2008! RECORD YOUR DAILY STEPS HERE

Hubby and I have just had a long walk along the coastal wall in Teignmouth - 125 trains speeding right past you on one side, and a sheer drop to the sea the other. A precarious walk but enjoyable. :eek: Clocked up just over 9,000 steps on that walk alone. Hubby loves his pedometer as well, I didn't think he would to start with. Now that it has become a hobby I think I will start to invest in a proper walking waterproof jacket and a decent hat to keep my ears warm. Walking by the sea is gorgeous but my ears don't half suffer! :D
Janey, I've been on that train many times to Exeter from Paignton!:eek: Have never walked it though. I wouldn't know where too start from. Well done on roping your OH into walking with you!

Steps today is about 8,000. Dog walk 6,107, but I only put it on for that as I had misplaced it. Whoops. So from 7am til 3pm, and 4,30 to bed I guess is about 2,000 cos I haven't sat down!
11,242 in total, with 7,102 of those being aerobic steps (59 minutes). I did a 60-minute i-tread programme, which I am loving, and I've downloaded five more. In fact, if it hadn't have been for i-tread today, my total steps would have been embarrassing for me!
:chores016:You are doing so well! Your steps have gone from strength to strength on a daily basis. Well done! The day just seems to slip away from me, who knows where it goes! Next week should see an improvement with OH going away and me having to do the dog twice a day. We shall see! I do need to up it a bit cos I only have a 5 day week for WI. My CDC has changed her day from sat to thurs, so I had better up the gear to up the poundage lost!
Hubby and I have just had a long walk along the coastal wall in Teignmouth - 125 trains speeding right past you on one side, and a sheer drop to the sea the other. A precarious walk but enjoyable. :eek: Clocked up just over 9,000 steps on that walk alone. Hubby loves his pedometer as well, I didn't think he would to start with. Now that it has become a hobby I think I will start to invest in a proper walking waterproof jacket and a decent hat to keep my ears warm. Walking by the sea is gorgeous but my ears don't half suffer! :D

Oooooh, get some fluffy ear muffs Janey!! :D:D:D
Are you sure I won't look silly?!! Howabout some nice pink fluffy ones?!! :D:D:D

Absolutely darling!!!!! Go for the pink I say!!!! Don't hide your light under that :D:D:D
GAH! I'm stuck in with the youngest son whilst hubby and eldest son have gone to watch him play hockey. It's an all day thing so the gym I am a member off will be closed by the time they get back. I'm itching to get out their and do some exercise. I suggested to youngest son that we walk down to Woolworths to buy his birthday present and he said "No mummy, our car is not broken it is mended now!" (last time I made him walk home from school I told him the car was broken lol)
Today was going to be such a crap day steps wise I didn't even put MNBF on! Have dyed my hair, put on clean Jammies and I shall stay in them until I have to give the chap across the road his evening injection! And only then will I put on a pair of tracksuit bottoms to preserve the neighbours:D. Mind you I am doing MORE housework AGAIN today. The washing fairy came again last night and deposited 2 loads in the basket. It was empty yesterday afternoon. I'm gonna squash her if I catch her!

I never, ever thought I would say I was bothered that I couldn't get out for a walk, or go to the gym, but here I am thinking of devious and crafty ways I can get out later! I've remembered my own gym might be closed, but my works gym will still be open cos it's in a police station, and should be really, really quiet...wonder if I can sneak in a quick 20-minute i-tread sesh?
Mwahahahahahah - I got out and decided to go for a local walk (not as picturesque as your walks Janey!) and the route I took was 1.5 miles, and took me exactly 24 minutes. I power walked half of the way, then the other half of the way I jogged for thirty steps, then walked for thirty steps and so on. I felt really good when I finished - I finally believe endorphins do exist!!! I had my heart rate monitor on and have burned a total of 183 calories and my heart rate averaged at 148 beats per minute which is well into my fat burning zone. I love my gadgets I do!!!

I am really gonna try and get up a quarter of an hour earlier tomorrow, get out of bed at the first opportunity rather than snoozing, jump into my gym gear, and go to the works gym, by which time I reckon I can get a 40-min i-Tread session, plus a nice shower, and still start work at 6am. (PS - I did say "try")