Morning lovely guys and gals..
Ok.. did the pub thing last night and as much as I tried to be completely 100% I didn't do it, but it was 99%, so not beating myself up about it..
Ate.. chicken ceaser salad, lol., without croutons and the dressing (had balsamic instead), but forgot to say no to the Parmesan cheese ;(.. so although I did pick most of it out, I did have some of it.. But then again, I don't think I ate a whole chicken breast.. it was small pieces of chicken grilled, but not much of it, lol.. Diet coke and fizzy water and compared to my mate who gobbled a Chicken Korma (with Nan Bread and Rice !! Cheeky or what

) and half a cider and a glass of vino to top it off.. Lucky thing and she's only a size 8 too!!
How lucky are those skinny ppl on this planet .. with what they can eat, it does crease me up :8855:..while the other half of the population works hard.
Anyway.. did half my shake this mornin (fruits of forest) and have a strawberry Tetra with me for lunch.. will again have the other half of that shake about 5ish.. So its down with the water and black coffee this morning and will try and get as much water as I can during the day too..
Ok.. just had a chat re new gym (one I couldn't find on Sunday) and have made a further appt to go down there and chat to them tonight re joining. Gonna take my swim suit with me so I can use the pool after..
Nikki x