Hi all
Diary for Wednesday Day 8:
Well yesterday I was so busy, I didn't manage to get my meal down me!! Just no time to make anything and still rowing with OH too, so no urge to eat. Had my shake in the eve and then a bar about 9.40pm, so kind of a ss+ day really.
Off to the gym tonight straight from work, so doubt I'll get to eat til 8.30pm, and plan a chicken stir fry with spring onion, garlic, chilli, curry powder,ginger and mushrooms. Am in school all day today, so have my choc tetra with me and lots of black coffee and water I think as I'm here til 6.45pm
Olive Shanny and Nikki thanks for your kind words and I'll carry on with my diary at least for the time being anyway.
Olive.. I find that having that small meal in the eve, is great, no extra urges to eat or hunger pains either and I have my 2 shakes still during the day, then my meal and then my bar a little later (feels like a treat that way

Shanny, I'm glad you feel better today - I used to get days on ss like that, so uncomfortable, got some lactalose in the end and bet your scales have moved too

Nikki, I love cooking and on the 810, it can become so boring, that you end up having, as you say.. cottage cheese and salad. Did you know you can have the cottage cheese with chives now as well

Chuck that in 2 big mushrooms, add chilli and spring onion and bake for 15 mins or under the grill (just cook the mushrooms first and empty the water from them before adding the cottage cheese). So, yes.. its good to look at what other people eat and their ideas too.
Feel a little lighter today and scales have moved too

. Have MY WI in the morning and won't even touch a drop of water before I go.. Next weeks WI will be on a diff day, not sure when as working from 7.15am - 6.30pm most days. So might have to be an eve and will have to starve myself that day,

The weather is blooming awful here today .. pouring with rain and don't even want to open my blinds in the office, lol..and could have just stayed in bed :sigh:. Moan over..Am shattered still for some reason..
Hope everyone is good and wishing you all a good day. xx