Getting back to target... somehow!!!

Great starting menu C, make sure you eat loads and loads of the good stuff, plenty of clucking and mooing!!! Avoid those scales if they are gonna alter your mood after the initial week cos you know it will slow down - I really find it hard to get under 11 stone 8 at the moment and even when I am great for a whole week it doesn't seem to move and I try to keep motivated by the fact that I feel sooooooooooo much better on plan than off!!! When will I learn that for good?! x
Cheers Trudy :)

I had very good intentions this morning but my day went all wrong! I had to work from home, so have been bad/guilty mummy all day not giving my kiddies proper attention!

That resulted in an accidental fasting until 5pm!!! :( luckily too busy to be hungry, but have some chicken ready to be eaten now. More work to do which would really be helped with wine ;) but I won't of course!!!

Tomorrow will be more of the same until lunch ish (the deadline!) and then I hope I can get back to enjoying time with my little ones!

Hope you have all had better days x
Today has started a bit better!

Brunch - slice of ham and eggs

Dinner - HM burgers with cottage cheese

Oatbran & frontage frais with jelly crystals

Not eating enough at the mo, but just timings due to more work stuff. At least I have eaten something today! :)

Got my period this morning so not sure what result I will get after attack. Will try not to get too hooked up on the number. Haven't weighed in again yet.
Dinner is done! I'm v satisfied, I need to improve my burgers though. Not sure if it is because they are so lean, or if I add a bit too much in the way of herbs etc, but just not quite right.

Feeling so glad to be on plan! So happy, in control, I know I when I go to the shops what I can and can't have, there are no desires for lots of treats (at the mo!) why do I stop 'eh??

I am also hoping it will save me a bit of cash for the next 3 months as I am the one in charge of food and when I am off plan, I am the one saying "fancy a take away? Oh I haven't had time to cook, we need to get something" which means.. I don't fancy what we have, let's get something else!! ;)

That can all add up, and I am determined that it will be a cheaper few months and I WILL plan and stick to it. :)

I think I will stay off the scales again tomorrow, TOM could have things going in the wrong direction and I am feeling so motivated at the mo!

Off to check the freezer and get something ready for tomorrow.

Have a good Dukan evening all!! :)


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They look very tasty mmmmm glad your back and in control xxxx and saving money is a bonus xxx
Oh C loving the positive Polly!!!!! Keep going gal and stay off those scales!!!!! Jump on in a while and I am sure u will be beaming!!! Xxx
Thanks Trudy x feeling super! How are you doing and how is your tum?

Just had a late breakfast with my little ones. I made a HUGE 3 egg omelet with leftover chicken folded in. I am stuffed!! I've not had enough to eat the last cpl days, so will try harder for the next 2 of attack :)

Starting to exercise again too. Woop! :D
Another good attack day :) One more to go, I am feeling like I could keep doing it, but obviously will stick to my prescribed days :)

Breakfast was the mega omelet
Lunch - none, still full!
Dinner - Tandoori chicken thighs & cottage cheese
Pudding - Yoghurt, oatbran (left overnight to soften) with a sprinkle of jelly.

Tomorrow we are at a friends so I will eat before we go so no temptation to nibble! Don't have any inclination to be honest though, oh the joys of Dukan! :D

Hope you are all doing ok xx
I am loving you being so in the zone C, I have decided to do a mini attack phase for the next couple of days - well the next three days, no tolerated items so goodbye to my beloved muffins for the next three days - oh that may well be hard for me!!!! Put my dress on this morning and I HATE the fact that I have a bit of love handles going on at the back - ARGH!!!!! Keep going C and don't you dare go back out of the zone - I need you!!! x
Trudy - I'm a bit tempted to ask for your recipe for the muffins, they sound pretty amazing ;)

Attack sounds like a good idea and I am sure it'll help!! I bet you look amazing in your dress, we can be very harsh on ourselves you know!! Xx

I've just done my early morning exercise (building up to 100 squats!) I managed 70 and my legs now feel like total jelly!! I am hoping it improves the more I do it.

Food wise, finishing off my tandoori chicken for breakfast ;)
Lunch - ham and 2 eggs
Dinner - more chicken thighs (cluck cluck!)
Yoghurt and oatbran

Looking forward to getting a bit more creative tomorrow, but saying that, OH is out, so I might have a PP Friday and make sat/sun my Pvs... That way I can really enjoy them with family.

Scales... Well I didn't manage to stay off them lol ;) down 3lbs (as predicted by Dukan) I think after attack I just need to stay off them as I am expecting some slow losses. I will ask my OH to hide them again. Could I manage a month??? Eeeeek!
Yahhooooooo three pounds is awesome!!! Stay off them scales for sure and a month is a great plan - go on do and I will too!!! Our lives are way too short to be ruled by numbers!!!! I feel soooo much better on plan than off it so I just keep trying to keep that in my pea sized brain!!!! One day it will truly sink in!!!! xxxx
C you are missing out BIG time on the muffins and I know it will help you on your journey so here is my recipe - which of course is the best!!! It makes 12 muffins if you use silicone muffin trays - the only ones the mixture doesn't weld to - even paper muffin cases don't work!!! LOL!

4 eggs
1 mullerlight vanilla/toffee yoghurt or two muller greek coconut or lemon ones
4 tablespoons oatbran
2 tablespoons wheatbran
3 tablespoons quark
6 tablespoons sweetner
6 tablespoons skimmed milk powder
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
vanilla essence
any other sugar free flavour you like but the vanilla ones are lovely!!!, whisk all ingredients together then pour into silicone mould and bake in oven for 25 mins at 150 - 160 degrees - no higher as they burn - leave to cool in the cases then put in the fridge - they last at least a week in the fridge - six a day covers oatbran/wheatbran allowance! Great to fill a gap when hunger strikes and have saved the day sooooo many times xxxxx
I think this is the best recipe but there are many others out there.... I know Dr D doesn't recommend the muller yoghurts but again I have used them every day in my muffins and only works out at half a pot of the normal vanilla one per day....... You can use fat free plain yogurt instead but I would consider upping the sweetner to compensate! x
Oooh I might have to try them! My muffins have used oatbran and wheat bran when not on attack , but there are a few other extras in there that sound interesting!

I always use VLF fromage frais instead of milk. I might just be tempted to try the muller ones :) thanks for sending that over! :)

Ok.... Shall we make a pact re the scales? One whole month! So the next time we can weigh in would be 11th May. You up for it?

That number shouldn't have any impact on us, lets go by our clothes and how we feel. :D xx
Your on but can we go from Sat morning????? REALLY want to know where I am on Sat!!!! LOL! x
Deal!!! :) I'll have a sneaky last one tomorrow for the end of attack ;) xx
Yay - you are on! x
I don't know... I'm funny with the scales, I hop on and off again sharpish every day for a sneaky peak but do the full-blown, checking they are on the same bit of floor, bending down 'cos I'm short-sighted thing once a week. If they're registering a couple of pounds gain after a week it definitely makes me try harder the following week - but I am on Conso so maybe it's different. I definitely don't think you should take any notice of short-term gains or losses, on the other hand there's nothing like those numbers to remind you to be strict with yourself if necessary. Whatever. Couteaux, you sound really motivated once again so I'm sure you (and Trudy) can achieve great things, good luck! xx
I don't know... I'm funny with the scales, I hop on and off again sharpish every day for a sneaky peak but do the full-blown, checking they are on the same bit of floor, bending down 'cos I'm short-sighted thing once a week. If they're registering a couple of pounds gain after a week it definitely makes me try harder the following week - but I am on Conso so maybe it's different. I definitely don't think you should take any notice of short-term gains or losses, on the other hand there's nothing like those numbers to remind you to be strict with yourself if necessary. Whatever. Couteaux, you sound really motivated once again so I'm sure you (and Trudy) can achieve great things, good luck! xx

Sara, I hear ya. There have been times in my dieting life when this would be a really bad idea for me. I have previously thought I want a break from the scales to give me an opportunity to relax with my eating a bit, not see what damage I am doing. But this time I am so so motivated and really don't want any stubborn weight loss weeks to dent my motivation. I am convinced my 2nd Dukan attempt earlier this year would have given me results if I had just stuck it out for another week or 2. Instead I got so hung up on those numbers not shifting that I caved in. I really don't want that to happen again.

If I can just stick 100% to plan as I currently am, then I can do no more, try no harder and the scales should eventually "show me the NUMBERS!!" :D (channeling Jerry Maguire there...) ;)

So, I just had my last weigh in for a month and lost 4lbs on Attack. Not the giddy 10lbs of last time, but I think it is more realistic and healthy and hopefully I can just have 1-2 a week now (or more, I would of course love more!!) :D

20lbs to go until target...

Food today - I have decided to have a PP so that I can have PV on Sat and Sunday. Such a change from the first time I did Attack and literally launched myself at a tomato the minute attack was over.

Breakfast - Ham omelet
Lunch - tuna & cottage cheese
Dinner - Steak & eggs

Might do my baking today and make some muffins, if I can drag my kiddies out to buy more eggs ;)

Happy Friday everyone! It is supposed to be nice(ish) this weekend, at last!!!
Have a great Dukan weekend and drag the kids for eggs muffins are fab xxx
Second that one too - get the eggs woman and make a batch - you will be in Dukan heaven - combined with the Dukan custard OMG - my mouth is watering!!! LOL! x