Getting skinnier and healthier with SW

Thanks ging, I am much more positive :) pains haven't been as bad today, so that has really helped me have a productive day!
Had my lovely fruit breakfast, and took Mylo for a walk, walked up to my mums house and saw my grandma, she loves him :) me and Mylo went and woke my brother up and Mylo jumped onto his bed with him! Naughty boy, but he looked so cute. I was chatting to my brother, when my grandma said oh god at the bottom of the stairs, Mylo was eating my dads mail! Naughty Mylo.
So trekked home, did a bit of cleaning, then this afternoon I've actually started on some packing! 2 and a half boxes in the living room, and 3 boxes in the spare room. Lots more to go but at least it's a start :)
just sitting down for a little rest before weigh in. Not stopped eating all day, good stuff but I'm sure that's not a good time.
No idea what were going to have for dinner tonight :-S

Happy Thursday everyone! :) hopefully even happier in about an hour and 15 mins. Lol x
Yay!!! Never thought I'd be so happy to see a Sts on the scales!! Yay! Got some more food logs, so going to keep a strict eye on what I'm putting in my gob this week. I'm determined to get into those 12's next week! I'm sure the success express day saved my bum tonight, so maybe ill squeeze in 2 more days this week.

Going to pizza express tomorrow for lunch, and then mums on Sunday for dinner and I know her gravy and stuff won't be SW friendly. :-( think shell be offended if I took my own x
Yay! Glad you're happy with the results at WI.

I'm sure if you go easy with the gravy etc. then you'll be just fine. The food logs are definitely a good idea, it's amazing what we can eat then forget about!
Re: New to SW.... trying to find a new healthier me

I've never understiod how people can WI in the evening- the body naturally weighs more.towards the end of the day, plus what you've eaten and your digestion plays a huge part! If you saw a decrease on the scales at home thenit sounds like you'd have had a loss if you did morning WI's! Congrats anyway :) great positive attitude there! X
I know what u mean Hun, I tend to weigh myself in the mornings, but my local meeting is in an eve, so my stats on here etc go by that. I don't think it would make a big difference, maybe half a lb I could have lost but scales didn't say it, but might lose more next week :)

lve had quite a nice day again. Forgot to eat breakfast because I was looking for jobs in Lincoln, ate a bar while I was getting ready. We did a few bits in town and then took my grandma and my brother for lunch at pizza express for lunch, and by gosh it was delicious!!
i had a legerra pizza ( the one with salad in the middle). It had caramelised onion, spinach and goats cheese on it! Yum yum! Unfortunately, it made my belly really hurt :-( fortunately, it's calmed down again nice and quick! Phew!

The most exciting bit of my day so far is that we bought me an X5 steam cleaner!!! :-D :-D
i doubt any of you have seen the adverts, because I only see them at 5.45ish while I eat breakfast on earlies, but it looks incredible. I obviously know its not really that spectacular, but I've had a little go, and I LOVE IT :-D
this is going to make my move out clean much easier. Honestly, it's such a strict inspection, I will get charged for any grease at all on the oven, and limescale at all on taps etc etc.

not sure what well be upto this evening, but nothing too exciting xx
I love how excited you are by the cleaning gadget. I get excited by that sort of stuff too!
Ok so after my pizza yesterday, I came home and had pasta, (free) then hubby wanted a Chinese later, so I agreed, and had chicken curry with boiled rice, I didn't even really need to eat! Lol. Then I NEEDED chocolate. Lol. My grandma got me and Chris a big Easter egg to share with mars bar, snickers and twix with it. No idea what the syns are for the egg, and had an awful food day, so got hubby to agree to eat half a snickers with me. Nom nom. I reckon 8 syns for half.

So to some up yesterday, I had approx 40 syns and hardly any super free! Woops!
Onwards and upwards. Going to find a SW recipe for desert and take that to lunch at mums tomorrow, so I can munch on that. I bought everybody a homemade Easter egg from a lady across the road from me! To die for choc. Got them filled with homemade flavoured fudge. Yum! Glad I didn't order me one! Lol.

Need to go food shopping so I have no excuses to be bad today! And I'm going to go read my new SW mag for a bit of inspiration :) x
That pizza sounds sooo good!! I LOVE caramelised onions with goats cheese!! How did you syn it in the end? Would like to have one of them one day but feel like they're probably pretty lethal even with the middle bit gone? Sucks that your tummy reacted to it again! How was your tummy after the Chinese curry?

I've read so many comments about people not eating on WI day to make sure they get accurate scales and such- just seems silly :/ we gain a totally variable weight throughout the day depending on how much you eat or drink so you can only get an accurate reading if you look at it perhaps monthly, I'd find that really frustrating when looking for motivational losses each week. I guess you do sneaky WI's at home which works for motivation though! Do you enjoy group other than the WI's?

I looked up the syns for easter eggs the other day- Dairy Milk 100g (normal size I think?) easter eggs are 24 syns for the lot, so 12 for half. Good thing to keep in mind this weekend! So easy to scoff a whole egg if it's just sitting there! The home made ones you bought sound awesome! We bought a luxury Thorntons egg from Tesco for G's mum as it's also her birthday- it's about twice the size of standard ones and is filled with 27 thorntons chocolates- omg! G is hoping that they'll give it back to him- he LITERALLY thinks they'll give him it LOL because apparently they are always trying not to eat chocolate. I literally think he'll be p*ssed if his mum doesn't give her bday present back to him LOL. It was a tenner though- quite expensive for an easter egg! But it does look super snazzy. I'll be avoiding that at all costs when it gets cracked open tomorrow- once I pop I can't stop! and that egg is probably about 50 syns before you've even started on the small chocs inside!

That pizza sounds sooo good!! I LOVE caramelised onions with goats cheese!! How did you syn it in the end? Would like to have one of them one day but feel like they're probably pretty lethal even with the middle bit gone? Sucks that your tummy reacted to it again! How was your tummy after the Chinese curry?

I've read so many comments about people not eating on WI day to make sure they get accurate scales and such- just seems silly :/ we gain a totally variable weight throughout the day depending on how much you eat or drink so you can only get an accurate reading if you look at it perhaps monthly, I'd find that really frustrating when looking for motivational losses each week. I guess you do sneaky WI's at home which works for motivation though! Do you enjoy group other than the WI's?

I looked up the syns for easter eggs the other day- Dairy Milk 100g (normal size I think?) easter eggs are 24 syns for the lot, so 12 for half. Good thing to keep in mind this weekend! So easy to scoff a whole egg if it's just sitting there! The home made ones you bought sound awesome! We bought a luxury Thorntons egg from Tesco for G's mum as it's also her birthday- it's about twice the size of standard ones and is filled with 27 thorntons chocolates- omg! G is hoping that they'll give it back to him- he LITERALLY thinks they'll give him it LOL because apparently they are always trying not to eat chocolate. I literally think he'll be p*ssed if his mum doesn't give her bday present back to him LOL. It was a tenner though- quite expensive for an easter egg! But it does look super snazzy. I'll be avoiding that at all costs when it gets cracked open tomorrow- once I pop I can't stop! and that egg is probably about 50 syns before you've even started on the small chocs inside!

Hi Hun,
the pizza was honestly worth every syn!! My SW book says its 12.5 syns for half, so 25 syns for all of it, which seems like quite a lot, but so so worth it! Would definitely recommended you treat yourself with a trip to pizza express. :)

yeah your probably right about weigh in, but I never starve myself before weighing or not drink or anything like that. I always eat dinner after weigh in but so I'm not starving I either eat late or have a big lunch. I am lighter if I weigh on a morning but I find the group too useful. I definitely find if I miss a week or can't stay after weighing I don't do as great. You get too see all these other people doing so well, you get different tips all the time. We laugh so hard at times, it's brilliant. And if your not doing well it can't be good to reflect and get encouragement or advice. My leader is fab too! Do you not fancy group?

Thanks for tips of chocolate syns! There's no way ill be able to resist eating eggs, so far mum and grandma have got me and hubby a bigger egg to share, so it's ok, ill let him eat most. He he .
Happy Easter :) xx
The Easter bunny has been :)

Happy Easter everyone, hope your all having lovely days :)

so yesterday didn't go too bad in terms of food. Went shopping and loaded up on let's of healthy berries and stuff :)
also popped into town and I bought myself some new pumps and a top as a treat. Top is slightly tight as a size 12, but it's ok to wear, and I know it will look better as I keep loosing weight which is what I want if I'm buying bits now.

Was starving when we got home about 3, so should have taken something with me, but made a big bowl of healthy pasta yum yum. Went and steam cleaned some windows at my mums, and when we finished, Chris really wanted a curry, but I didn't really have anything in to do a curry for him, so he ordered an Indian.
I ordered chicken tikka ( no sauce), green salad and aloo gobi (cauliflower and potato). Chicken was lovely, and had a bit of aloo gobi but when I opened the green salad it was absolutely caked in salad cream which I hate! So couldn't eat that. So only had a tiny plate for tea.

Yest food diary:
B: strawberries, kiwi and raspberries in yoghurt and melon
L: pasta, mushrooms, bacon, spinach, garlic, chilli, pasata, cheese
D: chicken, curry sauce cauliflower, potato approx 5 syns?)
S: 2 mini kinders (3.5 syns)

not too bad on the syns front

todays plan:
B- roll (hex b), 2 rashers bacon, cheese, fruit salad of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi and grapes.
L- tiny bit of leftover pasta in fridge
D- roast lamb at mums, so not sure what veg or syns :-S

but I have made a SW desert as a healthy option after that :)
only 4 syns each if shared between 8, which there is 8. Took a photo to show you, not the best looking as didn't roll properly but hopefully will be yummy.

Happy Easter everyone :) xx


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Last day of hubby at home :)

Hello all,
just woken up from a nap, anybody would think it was a Sunday. Lol.

Food went ok yesterday, didn't do too bad at my mums, she did a roast dinner, but I didn't skimp :-S had a massive plateful, but did try to eat less mash and more veg, but lots of mums gravy. God knows how many syns that was! Lol. I did resist mums chocolate she has littered around the house at every holiday. But then had a bit of my Swiss roll thing before we came home (4 syns).
This was the recipe for luxury chocolate log off the SW website, they just made it look Christmassy. I used 0% total instead of fromage frais, and I mixed extra cocoa into it so it was less sharp, so I think 4 syns if shared between 8, instead of 3 syns.
Knowing what mum usually cooks her roasts in I think I used all my syns yesterday, but it was so worth it, not sure when ill next get to enjoy one of my mums roasts, she won't be just up the road for much longer.

Yesterday, once mum had given us our Easter egg, I looked up syn values, and have split some chocolate and mini eggs into synned pots. 4 mini eggs for 3 syns, or 20g of chocolate egg for 5 syns! Did 3 little pots of chocolate, probably wasn't even a quarter of our egg. Ha ha. I'm glad I measured it out, i would definitely have underestimated. I think it's the only way I can deal with big packets of sweets and stuff.

Food today has been a bit weird so far. I didn't fancy any breakfast, so at 10.30 this morning I had pasta, lol. Still not hungry at all now at 3, so will probably just eat dinner. My plan dinner is having a quorn fillet in a wholemeal roll, with some SW chips, maybe salad or something with it. So today will be a green day.

Took Mylo for a walk in the woods this morning, turned out to be just over 3 miles, so that's quite good, but need to up my activity more, I feel like even tho I'm loosing weight, i don't feel toned I just feel lumpy and bumpy still. Was going to do some bits on the wii this week but I think I have packed the wii games :-S. wonder if my mum has an games that I could be active. X
Great tip about splitting up the Easter chocolate into batches, I have a bunny and an egg so might do the same.
You're doing so well with your losses, you can add in body magic when it's right for you and the long walks are a good start.

The wii is a fun way to get some exercise in (and have a laugh). Mine us gathering dust in the corner, I should get it out every now and again for a change.

How's the packing and cleaning going? Xx
Hi all,
got a ton of things to do today. Not sure how much ill actually get done. I got doctors at 10.45, need to clean the oven, want to make a carrot soup, and something with mince, maybe a chilli, and ill bulk it out with a ton of vege's. would also like to do a bit more packing, that sea to have stopped. Lol.
Chris is on a weird shift this week, he starts at 3, but finishes whenever they stop flying, he just has to shut the airfield. So he could be home by 6, 8 or 11. Lol. Just depends what they're doing this week. Need to try and get lots done today and tomorrow. Meeting a friend for coffee on Thursday, and then were off to legoland on Friday! I am so excited, I've never been and I swear I'm more excited than my sisters kids! Ha ha.
Think we're planning to take a picnic so that should keep me to plan but well see.

Just had pasta for breakfast again! What is wrong with me!! Ha ha. So plan for later will be soup for lunch and probably chilli for dinner.
Hope everybody has a lovely day :)
to take away or not to takeaway??

hi alll.....
been a bit of an odd day really.... have been quite busy with not a lot to show for it, cleaned bits of my oven. These are just normal oven cleans, had my steam cleaner on it, got to be immaculate. the problem is the stupid ovens weve got in the house is soooo old, that its actually rusty in bits, so when im tryng to clean it, im just getting rust water everywhere!!
applied for a few jobs for when we move, think if i look every couple of days and apply now, i might get one soonish when we get there? fingers crossed!

Doctors was success, more of my painkillers and signed off work now til we leave. although i went into work, and my sick note was still on the board in the office from last week, so not sure whether ill actually get sick pay or not..... i best do!! well see on friday when i get paid.

Made a carrot soup earlier and a spag bol, had a bit of spag bol. Chris is home from work already. He had a dinner break pretty much as soon as he started so he came home and played the playstation. he was at work 3-3.45, then 4.30-6.45. ha ha. what a lovely easy day at work :)
was planning to have soup for tea, but chris just mentioned takeaway! :-S hes so bad!!

Did a bit of research into food at legoland, to preplan what i might eat, and all i coudl find was that its pretty much over priced burgeres with fries..... not really interested if im honest so i think the plan at the minute is to take a picnic. we were bought a picnic set for a wedding present and havent used it yet so that will be quite exciting.
Anybody get any ideas of any yummy picnic food??
will need to be a bit warming/filling because its probably going to be cold still. Will have to plan my outfit to keep me warm too.... maybe when i go to meet my friend for coffee on thursday i cold pick up a thermal top for underneath my clothes. Im not great at getting cold and not warming up properly...

so syns so far today are 0.... not really thinking about food yet, but might cut up my pineapple. nom nom.
or could end up with a takeaway... and still trying to resist the pile of chocolate that is the contents of our cupboard. lol. wish me luck ladies!