Hiya, saw u on serena's thread, I've subscribed, serena is ur guru for ww! Ur in.the right place! U veggie too? I notice u eat tofu.etc and not.many meat eaters eat tofuxx
We decided to share a pizza so went for the heavenly veg and I had 2 pieces plus 2 big bowls of salad with a bit of salsa and blue cheese dressing. Not fantastic but could have been a lot worse. Now need 2 perfect days before going away at the weekend
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I was just going to write off all my weeklies just incase. Do you think that will be ok? Xx
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Hi Serena, feeling positive todayhow are you?
Need to go food shopping tonight but today I plan on having. .
B - protein shake (3)
S - protein bar (6) and banana
L - 150g quorn pieces with salad (3)
S - berries and fromage frais (2- less than half a tub)
D - not yet decided
Does that look ok? Xx
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Oh and ive done 45 mins cardio at the gymx
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Haha yes I get it out of the way first thing or I wouldnt goalways there for 6.30am
Yes, I've eaten a lot of protein for a few years now. When I first went veggie I was a teenager and had no idea what I was doing or how to still have a healthy diet. Think I did a lot of damage to my poor body. A few years ago I had a few successions of breaking bones, being really weak and tired and fainting. I had a vitamin b, d and iron deficiency and was advised about increasing protein as part of that when the dr looked at my typical diet. Have always been conscious since. Also working out it helps my muscles repair quicker, I can tell when I dont have it and do a weights work out with the oh who is also really into fitnessxx
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