Oopsie, it's been a while since I last posted. In fact, it seems to have been a while since anyone posted. It's like a ghost town around here!
School has changed quite a lot. I'm now back in class full time, I was covering in there all the time and ended up saying that it was far worse that way and I'd rather they just left me in there all the time because at least then I'd know what I'm doing each day. I've moved my maternity leave forward a bit and I finish in 2 weeks, can't wait! Between now and then I'll be out of class a couple of days a week whilst we trial different supply teachers and find one that we like who will carry on with a couple of days a week to make it easier for me and to give some transition. I'm hoping that we'll find one this week coming so that we can do a letter to parents to say when I'm leaving and who is taking over. That poor class will be on their 4th teacher, they really need to know what's going on. I had my observation in the end and it went really well, it was the headteacher and the head of maths observing a maths lesson. The feedback was REALLY good, it definitely gave me the boost I needed.
Pregnancy is going.. well, it's going. I'm almost 34 weeks now and if I'm honest, I've just had enough now and want it done and her here. It's been a bit of a bumpy ride to now and although people tell me they think I've coped really well with what's been an awful pregnancy, I don't feel like it's been that bad really. The nausea is back a bit but that seems to be linked to my chest, which just doesn't want to clear itself up as I've had a cold since long before Feb half term. Just drinking some water slowly sorts that out though so it's not too bad. I saw physio about my wrists in the end and they confirmed carpal tunnel so I've got splints for that, I don't wear them as much as I should though because they're really uncomfortable in bed. Wearing both of them I can't hug my pillow! My GP has just referred me to physio for my hip too, it's been going on for ages but first the midwife said she wouldn't refer me until I had pain in my legs, when that started I was just given advice and told I didn't need to see a physio. Nothing has really helped and I'm at a point now where I wake up every hour or so needing to turn over because it hurts but turning over isn't that easy anymore! A says I look like a turtle stuck on it's back! I've just reached a point now where I can feel her pushing on my pelvis when I walk and it's just generally uncomfortable so looking forward to her arrival.
Weight wise, things are going well. The lbs have started to creep on a little but slowly, I lost and then maintained for ages but about 6lb has crept back on over the past 10 weeks or so, I'm still 4lb less than before I got pregnant so I'm pleasantly surprised. I don't weigh myself very often anymore though, just every so often I'll wonder how I'm doing and pop on the scales but that's every few weeks or so. I'm interested to see what will happen post pregnancy in terms of weight, quite a few people have said I look like I've lost weight but gained a bump, if that makes sense.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling away to myself now. Hope everyone is doing OK wherever you are, whatever you're doing.