Hia what's your name?
The bulletproof coffees are a god send.
they are basically coffee, butter and coconut oil whisked up until frothy. They are so filling and if I have them for breakfast I can go until around 1pm then eat. Loads of people are drinking them now with great results.
Plus coconut oil is really good to help with weight loss.
heres the recipe should you want to try them
2 tsp coffee- if you can get organic better
2 tbs grass fed unsalted butter or organic unsalted, rachels do one but they are hard t get hold of. I'm using president unsalted at the moment. oh and Yeo valley do a nice unsalted one too.
2 tbs coconut oil, if you can manage more great but if you struggle with the 2 initially build up with tsp measures. It can make you queezy until you are used to it plus it cleans out any bad but bacteria which is something a lot of high carb eaters would have in their guts- this makes you feel nauseous but it's a good sign so don't worry.
500 ml boiling water and whisk it all together, you don't need milk or cream.
it tastes gorgeous and t gives a strange amount of energy.
I sometimes lack will power and its been totm

s that's knocked me out a little only because of the headaches I get with it, I always find I need to eat a lot more to help with the headaches....so strange but annoying and sets me back.
the great thing about the dark choc is you can't eat a lot, it's so rich! I suck on a couple of squares and its amazing how filled of sweet you feel and honestly anyone that knows me will tell you I am the biggest chocolate monster that roamed the earth, easily eat 2-3 big cadburys or galaxy's a day