Morning everyone,
10.6 on the nose today

it's just going in the wrong direction!!! I'm so mad at myself for not getting a grip.
yesterdays menu was snack day all day, the heat was off putting for eating anything cooked and we spent most of the day outside with the dogs getting panpan settled in and fixing up the new dog Wendy houses.
i think I'm still in ketosis too since the morning wee gives signs...I've not checked on ketostix yet though.
B 2 creamy coffees.
L 1 pepperami, 35g emmental, 2 tsp of almond butter, 9 black grapes, 1 tbs clotted cream
D 6 slices corned beef, 1 tsp hazelnut butter, 35g emmental
S 2 squares Lindt 85% dark choc.
Water 4 litres.
Coffee and cream 4
Feeling extremely depressed about this because I always imagine if I'd been good where I'd be now. I could have been below 10 stone but I'm just taking the mick and sitting at this ridiculous point. I'm not going to give up, my mind is set but I need to behave and definitely need to get back in the treadmill. I was doing so well, then had a week of headaches and gave up....I really do hate myself sometimes.
I believe we get what we deserve and at the moment I'm not putting any effort in
on a lighter note the weather was fantastic yesterday and I have noticed I'm sleeping well through it not like I did before losing the weight, I used to moan like mad and feel like I was dying before. S that's a good thing

hope you all have a lovely day!