Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

How did you find the Cambridge plan? That's one I've never tried, along with S&S

The weight loss is brilliant if you stick it out, you must drink your water and after day 4-5 it's plain sailing. I actually loved the shakes and bars, the porridge was alright but soups are not for me.
never tried s&s
Morning Goldi!

Hope you have a fab Friday (and don't go near them scales!!!) you must be mentally exhausted watching the ups and downs on the scales?!

So, any plans for weekend?

Claire... Nice to meet you. Similar height and weight goals!

Have a good day ladies :) x

Started CD 4 June
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Day12: -1st 1 12st 1 BMI 31.9
Dont like knowing weight, so staying off scales. Want to bypass 11s so not weighing until 2nd Aug!

morning bubbly :)

it is a bit mentally exhausting but I am absolutely addicted to keeping a check on it :( hands up I've been caught.

Cant wait for tomorrow because we are going to pick up a new addition for our dog gang :) she's gorgeous I'm so excited!
plus I love being in the car and the weather forecast looks wonderful so heading up to Dalkeith and there is so much countryside to see on the way :)

whats your plans?
I've been dieting since I turned 24. I joined the army at 16 and was very active but even then I weighed 9st12. Oh how I wish I was as thin as I was when I thought I was fat! I've looked back at the pictures and although I was never slim (I'm well built, broad shoulders and only 5ft3) I was all muscle. Now it's all gone south.

So I dieted once I left. Put a fair whack of weight on when pregnant and have been dieting ever since. I'm now 34. At my heaviest I was 13st4. I got down to 11st4 doing LL 2 years ago. I then got down to 10-10 following atkins. Then I got bored. I tried so many different diets, Exante, SW, WW and the 5:2 fast diet. But I panicked as soon as I gained initially and switched to another. A year down the line and I've gained a stone :cry:

Oh Dory says, just keep swimming........just keep swimming

claire I tend to find that if you've eaten a carb laden diet before dieting the weight should shift fast. You'll be fine and I can't wait to start hearing all about your losses :) will you be doing weekly weigh ins in here?

its awful when we lose weight then Life gets in the way and we put it all back on again plus some.

I totally hear you on looking back at pictures weighing a lot less and remembering feeling fat back then, I used to weigh 8.12 when I was 14-15 and I felt like a massive monster :( if only...I could slap that girl back then now I would. If I get to that weight again I will behave and love myself for a change.
Morning Goldi sorry to hear you have been feeling down, unfortunately we all have those days but don't throw the towel in yet, you have been doing so well, totm always gets me wanting sweet things, especially chocolate and ice cream!
The weekend is meant to be gorgeous so lots of lovely salads and maybe cut down on the coffees with cream just for a day to see if that makes any difference to weight . Take care x

Morning Sandra :)

im feeling ok now just get those strange days on any diet where you second guess everything. I wont throw the towel in yet because I know that throwing the towel in for me leads to becoming lost.
the weight loss is slow for me and I get impatient but I know low carb is for me and provided I tweak and keep check of it it does work.. I definitely need to and will take your advice on cutting the coffees down. I do believe they are adding weight.

totm doesn't half throw curve balls but you'd think I'd know that by now at 31 and be prepared. I've wrote all my thoughts down on here so at least next time I have a reference to how crap I felt and what to expect so I don't cave in.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Morning Goldie, hope you have a good day. Exciting about the new dog what kind is is?

Stay away from the new Krisy Kreme in Edinburgh lol
Morning everyone, I'm back to 10.5 on the nose this morning :) hoping that I can get back down to 10.4 before too long. Really enjoyed my dark choc last night could only manage a couple of squares and its not set any cravings off which is great.
i bought some soured cream to go with my salmon and hot mince mix dinners and clotted cream to go with some frozen berries and cherries or sliced black grapes.
I won't be eating bread of any sort again for a while since it was making me lazy in getting my carbs in. Instead bought bags of salad and some cress because I'm going to make a nice egg and cress mayo mix to add to my breakfasts and Tuna lunches.

Wish me luck because this week I'm cleaning my diet up except for maybe a few squares of dark choc on a night. If it affects my weight loss il nip it back in the bud. Even thinking of going back to soya cream to save on calories instead of double cream in my cut down coffees.

id also like to get back in to the habit of the dreadmill, I did t every day for weeks before then got headaches and stopped. I need to wash my trainers though as they are covered in cow pat and grass :( hmmmmm

hope you all have a great day and enjoy the weather which we so deserve right? :)
Morning Goldie, hope you have a good day. Exciting about the new dog what kind is is?

Stay away from the new Krisy Kreme in Edinburgh lol

Lol Val, il stay clear..I've got one right opposite my home and I'm well and truly behaved :)
she is a Pomeranian il post some pics of her and my others. I just love them, every day they make me smile and laugh even when I'm potty training the dirty little gits haha.
Meet panpan :)


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Morning everyone, I'm back to 10.5 on the nose this morning :) hoping that I can get back down to 10.4 before too long. Really enjoyed my dark choc last night could only manage a couple of squares and its not set any cravings off which is great.
i bought some soured cream to go with my salmon and hot mince mix dinners and clotted cream to go with some frozen berries and cherries or sliced black grapes.
I won't be eating bread of any sort again for a while since it was making me lazy in getting my carbs in. Instead bought bags of salad and some cress because I'm going to make a nice egg and cress mayo mix to add to my breakfasts and Tuna lunches.

Wish me luck because this week I'm cleaning my diet up except for maybe a few squares of dark choc on a night. If it affects my weight loss il nip it back in the bud. Even thinking of going back to soya cream to save on calories instead of double cream in my cut down coffees.

id also like to get back in to the habit of the dreadmill, I did t every day for weeks before then got headaches and stopped. I need to wash my trainers though as they are covered in cow pat and grass :( hmmmmm

hope you all have a great day and enjoy the weather which we so deserve right? :)

It's probably just water weight Goldi so don't worry. That's the problem with daily weighing eh ;)

O absolutely love salmon. They had the frozen bags in tesco for £5 instead of £10 so stocked up. Not sure if they're cook from frozen but I do anyway lol. I love egg mayo but I take lunch to work with me and would gass the pub out lol. Also love clotted cream but since I'm avoiding fruit there's no point in me getting any.
Morning Goldi!

Hope you have a fab Friday (and don't go near them scales!!!) you must be mentally exhausted watching the ups and downs on the scales?!

So, any plans for weekend?

Claire... Nice to meet you. Similar height and weight goals!

Have a good day ladies :) x

Started CD 4 June
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Day12: -1st 1 12st 1 BMI 31.9
Dont like knowing weight, so staying off scales. Want to bypass 11s so not weighing until 2nd Aug!

Hi Bubbly,

I cant see your stats on the ipad. What is your target? Wish I had your willpower. I weigh every day lol. It's an addiction
Hi paigesmum,

thanks for dropping by my diary :) hope you enjoy it.

im not sure on the salmon but id cook from frozen, mind you you've just reminded me to get mine out to defrost, that offer you go was good....salmon is expensive.
Thanks Val, it's hard some days though. How's your diet going?
Today's menu has been full.. I feel like I've eaten foods fit for a king.

B 1 bulletproof coffee - can on,y stomach one using the vile coconut oil up from Sainsbury's. got some tiana coming soon :)
L rocket, 4 slices bacon, 1 poached egg, 3 asparagus spears, olive oil, cherry tomatoes
12 black grapes with clotted cream......if you are sensitive and don't want to jeopardise your diet then look away now....
It was the best tasting thing I've had since my fruit die for!

D salmon, spinach, watercress, olive oil, Diablo chilli, red onion, red pepper, garlic, sour cream. Was delish!

S 1 pepperami, 1 baby bell Gouda and a couple of dips of guacamole - I make a better one than asda :)
S 5 squares green and blacks orgAnic choc 85%

water at least 4 litres, it's been so warm here :)
coffee 3-4 not sure now but they were all done early in the day.

I spent my evening grooming the dogs outside on the table and I kept hearing pshhht pshhht, the dogs were going off their nuts but I couldn't see anything then I looked up and there was a gigantic virgin hot air balloon right in front of me.

Cant wait until tomorrow to go pick panpan up :) we have bedded her crate out ready and she is going to be sleeping beside one of our nutcases so bless her, will have to rearrange that this week.

i hope everyone has had an amazing day enjoying the sun....yes you heard it right, the sun :)
The balloon right above me head :)
Well done Goldi. Ur menu sounded great :) x

Started CD 4 June
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Day12: -1st 1 12st 1 BMI 31.9
Dont like knowing weight, so staying off scales. Want to bypass 11s so not weighing until 2nd Aug!
Wow on the balloon! Bet you can't wait for your new dog. Hope you have a good trip.

Looking over your diary, I would say it maybe the sodium? I'm sure it will sort itself out this week with your clean and green regime.

It's sunny here today for the first time in ages and I'm working :( Have a good day. x
Morning Goldi!

Ready for a good day? X

Started CD 4 June
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Day12: -1st 1 12st 1 BMI 31.9
Dont like knowing weight, so staying off scales. Want to bypass 11s so not weighing until 2nd Aug!
Morning Val :)
I think you are right, plus I have felt like I've been retaining water. Mind you I went to London on the 14-15 th last month and wore a pair of size 12 warehouse jeans, they were tight/snug now today put them back on and they are slack???? Wow whatever is going on with the scales I need to keep in mind that the body is changing I'm just not seeing it.

hope you have a lovely day :) just about to head out here for a lovely drive up for the dog.