Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

Hey Lauren, been a minimin'er for ages now but just seen on fb you had started this diary so popping by to subscribe. Well done so far and good luck in getting to goal xx
Thanks so much scarlet for subscribing :) good luck with your weight loss too. Which diet are you on?
Just had the biggest shock horror moment!!!!! I tried all the nespressos and found my favourite since doing Atkins to be appregio hmmm well there is something nice and cosy about it with cocoa notes and just found out that each capsule has 2g carbs wonder my body chose those ones...looks like I am food zombie after all.
I've done that before lolol yeah shame, they are my favs but oh we'll il knock those extra 12-16g carbs on the head and may start losing again :) fingers crossed.
Just had dinner, cheeseburger pie tonight with a bit of spinach and water cress. It was nice but feeling über over worked and stressed so it went down like a lead weight in a rush.
Morning everyone,

having my second coffee (appregio before they run out, have 4 left and won't be buying them again after finding out they have 2carbs per capsule. will go back to ristretto Which are more bitter but I am determined not to put those hidden carbs in via a coffee which lasts 2 seconds.
Probably have 2 chorizo and Gouda sticks for my pre breakfast snack 7:40am then proper cooked at around 11:30am

weighed this morning and I'm back down t 10.6 on the nose, now if only I can get past this set point monster to 10.4
advice, support, kick up the butt welcome :)

weathers not great he but I'm hopeful there may be some sun this afternoon :)
I follow slimming world but taking the massively scenic route!

LMAO ah yes I'm also a paid up member of that club (the scenic route one) :D

What a shame about the coffee, but therein lies Atkins Lesson # 4 - you have to check the contents of absolutely everything - and one brand can differ wildly from another. it can actually become really satisfying to find something really low carb :D
I just assumed with it being coffee how could there be carbs, so basically that wasnt including all the soya cream I use too. They are nearly gone and will change them for ones without carbs now I know. It's all a learning curve that's for sure.

Just goes to show without even knowing my body will Lead me to the naugties every time :( Hope you are having a great day Susie?
Just grabbed an hour's nap and had the weirdest of dreams, mine never usually make sense but this one did.
I was in my own car (I can't drive) and my oh was showing me the way home in his but I couldn't keep up and got lost. I then gave up trying to find him and go out of the car only to be stopped by someone for a chat. (Weird chat about renaming a child) she also gave me 2 black bags full of stuff (not sure what?) I then left her to go off again to see if oh had turned around to find me but there was no sign and it was dark by then. I stumbled across a derelict car park and there was this person sat in a parked car with a balaclava sat next to a terrified looking passenger. The balaclava was a women and she got out and said run, Ive planted a bomb and its going to blow any minute. I ran like mad but the car park was walled high with fencing and I was running around shouting" I can't get out I can't get out "only to then find a gap where the electricity pylon seemed to be. I remember thinking "just go for it, jump high and get out then duck" as I jumped and ducked I heard an explosion and woke up.

very strange and its stayed with me clear in my head which is another unusual thing for me.
Hi Goldilukes, We're about the same weight and have the same goal. I'm just calorie counting atm, don't really know what else to do. I lost 10lbs the month I gave up alcohol, and haven't budged since I've started again- think I need another dry month lol.

I love my nespresso too! OMG didn't know coffee could have carbs? Where did you find this info?

I don't really update my diary anymore but pop into others.

Good luck with the plan. :)
Hi val? It's nice to hear from someone with similar goals to mine. Yes 2carbs per capsule, I found this info out on myfitnesspal I just googled out of curiosity how many carbs in nespresso capsules and there it was a list. Ristretto I think has none, but oh....decaf had some :( will stay clear of that too. Well done on losing 10lbs wish I had something so big to give up like booze to see a boost but I'm not a drinker, just an eater and a coffee monster :)
LMAO ah yes I'm also a paid up member of that club (the scenic route one) :D

What a shame about the coffee, but therein lies Atkins Lesson # 4 - you have to check the contents of absolutely everything - and one brand can differ wildly from another. it can actually become really satisfying to find something really low carb :D

Me too - another scenic route devotee signs in! I have just realised that the new carton of soya milk I bought at the weekend has sugar in it! I should have checked, but stupidly assumed that 'original' meant it would be unsweetened and that the sweetened ones came later. Ah well, think I have only used it twice in a couple of cups of tea.

Well done on your loss Goldi. Maybe giving up those particular coffees will get you past that sticking point?
B 2 slices bacon, 2 m&s pork sausages, handful of mushrooms, mayo
L 2 pepperami minis with 1 hard boiled egg and mayo
D chicken strips fried in coconut oil, spring greens, 4 sprouts & 2 florets broccoli

s2 slices of mim with hazelnut butter
s small piece of Red Leicester
S 3 pieces of coco/choc bark, feeling positively spewy now :sick0019:

earl grey with soya cream
6 nespressos with Soya cream
4 litres of water

Hope you've all had a great day?
Last edited: I was out today, called into Costa, saw advert about coffee cooler, ooh thought I might have one, I asked the assistant what was in it, she said coffee and a little bit of milk, ( I know milk is not atkins atkins friendly), but I thought if I am careful with my carbs I can manage turns out there is a LOT of suger also,when I put it into fit.pal it came up as 43carbs!!! But it was fab.... I was out today, called into Costa, saw advert about coffee cooler, ooh thought I might have one, I asked the assistant what was in it, she said coffee and a little bit of milk, ( I know milk is not atkins atkins friendly), but I thought if I am careful with my carbs I can manage turns out there is a LOT of suger also,when I put it into fit.pal it came up as 43carbs!!! But it was fab....

Ouch! Still, if you enjoyed it. It's not as if you are in there every day having one. I was out today, called into Costa, saw advert about coffee cooler, ooh thought I might have one, I asked the assistant what was in it, she said coffee and a little bit of milk, ( I know milk is not atkins atkins friendly), but I thought if I am careful with my carbs I can manage turns out there is a LOT of suger also,when I put it into fit.pal it came up as 43carbs!!! But it was fab....

blimey that's high! Wish there was an indulgent coffee out there without carbs, including something to brighten it like milk or cream does since I hate black coffee blurgh :(
Me too - another scenic route devotee signs in! I have just realised that the new carton of soya milk I bought at the weekend has sugar in it! I should have checked, but stupidly assumed that 'original' meant it would be unsweetened and that the sweetened ones came later. Ah well, think I have only used it twice in a couple of cups of tea.

Well done on your loss Goldi. Maybe giving up those particular coffees will get you past that sticking point?

Scenic routes are wonderful, you get to see so much :)
thanks and I think you may be right...well I am in hope anyway. Lets see except its totm so things probably won't move just yet. Hope you have a great day!
Good morning everyone,

well today is totm and I'm still at posted weight 10.6.......lets see how long that will last hey? I'm dying to get to 10.4. I made a batch of coconut/choc bark and ate three snaps of it which left half. I felt totally vomit worthy last night and went to bed a bit green at the gills but.....this morning I'm hungry with hunger pains but my appetite has subsided a touch.

Woke up with a headache too thanks to totm, I used to suffer weekly headaches before I started Atkins so am very grateful that my only headaches are menstrual now phewwww...nurofen should have sponsored me back then.

had my last 2 appregios (won't buy more) ristrettos next for sure. On to my second 50cl water bottle :)

oh and I have been meaning to say but kept forgetting, coconut oil- tiana extra virgin is the best I've tasted. I went to holland Nd Barrett and there was a deal on buy one get the second for a they shoved this green wrapper end jar at me and said this is just the same and cheaper so I got them, it's vile!!!!!!!!! Now I know why it was on offer and the tiana wasn't. It's got the worst after taste ever!!!!, like cheap animal fat smelling soap (barf)
back to my tiana now and it's much tastier :) il get the exact name for you all so you can be on guard of overly not helpful sales reps on the penny sale counter :)
Not long now and I'm cooking breakfast before heading out.
it will be bacon, sausages and mushroom.
3 coffees down and 3x 50cl bottles of water so far and its 9:56am not too bad considering.

weather here is absolutely rank and does nothing for the soul :(