Gold Member
Thanks for the advice and I'm going to take most on board.
i do drink at least 4 litres per day without fail and enjoy it, never had it hit with lemon though so that's something to try. I do aso find myself snacking on processed meats often but do check for sugar and never see any in the ingredients. I'm a package checker haha.
nuts are deadly i know and I've been cruising in and out of induction/owl but to be honest I want to shift this last stone Nd half before I get too comfy on owl so will rein it back in.
i tend to eat the same things over and over so not sure carb creep has set in that way but it has been totm and I made pound cake which I'd never usually do. Won't be making another.
i don't use sweetener in my drinks, the only time I use it is if I'm cooking with it which is rare. I do believe those nespressos have held me back though so glad to let them go and see if things chAnge.
Oops, sorry on the water bit. I had just read a post from someone who was struggling to drink their water - think I got the two of you muddled up