Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

Still on coffee and water here too, while deciding what to have for breakfast. It's dull, grey and drizzly here - doesn't exactly fire up the enthusiasm for the day ahead.

Enjoy your brekkie and have a good day.
No it certainly does fact I'd even go as far as to say I don't even enjoy my indoor treadmill looking out the porch on to it :( apparently Wales is having a beautiful day today :) I think I'd like to move to the med, all that sunshine, olive oil and sexy

so what you hAving for breakfast?
Made a batch of coconut/choc bark last night and put a twist on it by adding 5g chopped raisins 30g serving = 20g carbs :( but I diced them and mixed them in to the original mixture, added a tsp of vanilla essence and popped it in the freezer, have to confirm its not bad at all and a bit like a lucky dip coming across those ever so fruity naughty pieces :)
Scenic route? I've obviously taken the mountain pass and am currently sitting on top lol

Don't worry, you won't be lonely up there! I'm around there somewhere - just worked out that in four months time I will be 'celebrating' my two year minimins birthday, since starting at 17st 7lb. Still a long way to go...
No it certainly does fact I'd even go as far as to say I don't even enjoy my indoor treadmill looking out the porch on to it :( apparently Wales is having a beautiful day today :) I think I'd like to move to the med, all that sunshine, olive oil and sexy

so what you hAving for breakfast?
Lol- definitely more appealing than the grey day outside. Still slobbing about here! Just plenty to drink and some cheese as snacks so far. Neither of us could drum up any enthusiasm, but it is brightening up now, so I am about to do us a bacon and egg brunch and then we are going to load up the van for another trip to the tip, and collect some glass doors/panels on the way back to repair our greenhouses and use as cold frame covers.
It des feel like a slob around day doesn't it? I can't be bothered but have had to drag myself out twice now, back for a bit and just about to let the hounds out for dinner then see to ours and ergh.....fridge is looking empty on meat.
so some more choc bark for now with a coffee should sauce hahah.

id love a green house, do you grow much in it?
Been a bad food day, had my proper breakfast but its gone a bit down hill from there, having a piece of cheese and a piece of last nights coco bark. Not exactly clean and green but its one of those picky days and no more meat except for bacon Nd sausages left until shopping....I've even ran out of cream which I'd like to get for some milk choc coco bark. Feeling very bitter after that lot even with stevia in.
Just attempted my very first pound cake in a loaf tin :) love Linda's low carb recipes and I had everything in to make this for a change. Still need most of the low carb cupboard must haves but I'm getting there and actually enjoy baking :) can't wait to try it and maybe create a low carb butter frosting for it with cocoa or just cream and chopped berries??? Hmmmm will post a pic when it's baked plus my verdict.
It des feel like a slob around day doesn't it? I can't be bothered but have had to drag myself out twice now, back for a bit and just about to let the hounds out for dinner then see to ours and ergh.....fridge is looking empty on meat.
so some more choc bark for now with a coffee should sauce hahah.

id love a green house, do you grow much in it?

We have two - had just bought a large one, when someone offered us a smaller one free, so we ended up with both of them. We didn't grow much in them last year, as for various reasons we did very little gardening at all, but this year I will get a few tomatoes and chilli plants to go in them, maybe a melon and a cucumber. Previous years we have had toms, baby corn, chillis, cucumbers, melons, aubergines... whatever I can fit in!
That's great! Are you a prepper mentality? Growing your own will come in handy in case of a crisis :) I want to do the same and plus I've heard you can't beat a homegrown tomato. The ones in the stores are grown in gel and taste rotten until scrubbed. I remember being a kid and tomatoes tasting great. I've never thought f growing chilli or melons :) do you have room for chickens? Id like to have fresh eggs each day but worry the dogs would stress them so still no chickens here.
Well I have had a great day today, managed to cram some baking time in and bake a pound cake. It's not bad at all, I followed the recipe from Linda's low carb but didnt have any lemon or orange at the time so mine was a wee but bland but just did a run to Asda and picked up some orange flavouring.

So pound cake in loaf tin, 50 mins in oven and to pep the taste a bit and to make it feel even more of a totm treat I whipped up some double cream, 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1tsp stevia granular & 1 tsp orange flavouring....oh my gorgeous.

oh bummer, it's uploaded upside down again :(

per slice and a whole batch makes 8 slices (good sized) 9 carbs which I know is high but I don't intend to bake this any other time than once a month. The choc orange cream is around 2 carbs if that.


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Scenic route? I've obviously taken the mountain pass and am currently sitting on top lol

I think we've all been there at some point. We have to keep in or heads that we all have the correct key for the door we just need to try and not drop it whilst getting there. That's the silly analogy I use anyway :)
Need my but kicking, I'm clearly either doing it wrong or I'm at a set point which my body is fighting me on staying put.
I want to lose between 1 to 1 1/2 stone and get rid of my apple shaped tummy thanks to pcos it's horrible. The rest of me looks slim but I look pregnant. I've researched a lot about it and there are millions of women out there with this related shape, oh and it usually goes hAnd in hand with no hips, no butt and no boobs :( my boobs are normal size for my weight c cup but...I have no hips or butt, never have :(

ok so this morning all my nespressos are gone and I made a normal 1-2 tsp kenco really rich with soya cream and dank a 50 cl bottle water alongside it.
starting to become hungry now so will grab a pre breakfast snack and I'm also thinking of calorie counting alongside low carb because the weight is now stuck and not shifting just fluctuating. Like 1 step forward 2 back always.....getting boring now.

hope you all have a great day, the sun is out here which always makes me smile :)
Had my second coffee with a small piece of vintage cheddar and a chorizo ad Gouda stick.
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That's great! Are you a prepper mentality? Growing your own will come in handy in case of a crisis :) I want to do the same and plus I've heard you can't beat a homegrown tomato. The ones in the stores are grown in gel and taste rotten until scrubbed. I remember being a kid and tomatoes tasting great. I've never thought f growing chilli or melons :) do you have room for chickens? Id like to have fresh eggs each day but worry the dogs would stress them so still no chickens here.

Yep, you can't beat home grown. Always thought would love a little self sufficient small holding, but I think it's one of those things where the idea sounds a lot better than the reality! We don't have chickens, although there would be room for them. Living here, free range eggs are so easy to get though - loads of places just at the side of the road.
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Pound cake looks lovely. Try not to get too dis-heartened by the lack of scale movement. I reckon a few weeks with the lower carb coffee may see things happen. If not, other things to think about... (I'm by no means an expert, but things I've read or picked up along the way...

Water - the first thing I think of if loss stops. It seems to help flush that fat away. Try it hot with a slice of lemon perhaps. It is one of those things that once you get into the habit it really isn't so bad.

Processed meats - often salty and sometimes cured with sugar.

Sweeteners - three portions a day max I think, but some people say even that amount stalls them

Nuts - again they affect some people.

Then there is what they call carb creep, where you relax and are eating more carbs than you think. Perhaps a week back on strict induction would kick start things again.

Atkins/low carb is like any other diet though, the nearer you are to goal, the slower things go. I'm sure you'll get there. xx
I have quite a bit of land but quite a few dogs so worry they would stress chicky's with their constant barking like baffoons.
I would so love to be self sufficient though...oh one can dream.
Pound cake looks lovely. Try not to get too dis-heartened by the lack of scale movement. I reckon a few weeks with the lower carb coffee may see things happen. If not, other things to think about... (I'm by no means an expert, but things I've read or picked up along the way...

Water - the first thing I think of if loss stops. It seems to help flush that fat away. Try it hot with a slice of lemon perhaps. It is one of those things that once you get into the habit it really isn't so bad.

Processed meats - often salty and sometimes cured with sugar.

Sweeteners - three portions a day max I think, but some people say even that amount stalls them

Nuts - again they affect some people.

Then there is what they call carb creep, where you relax and are eating more carbs than you think. Perhaps a week back on strict induction would kick start things again.

Atkins/low carb is like any other diet though, the nearer you are to goal, the slower things go. I'm sure you'll get there. xx

Thanks for the advice and I'm going to take most on board.

i do drink at least 4 litres per day without fail and enjoy it, never had it hit with lemon though so that's something to try. I do aso find myself snacking on processed meats often but do check for sugar and never see any in the ingredients. I'm a package checker haha.

nuts are deadly i know and I've been cruising in and out of induction/owl but to be honest I want to shift this last stone Nd half before I get too comfy on owl so will rein it back in.

i tend to eat the same things over and over so not sure carb creep has set in that way but it has been totm and I made pound cake which I'd never usually do. Won't be making another.

i don't use sweetener in my drinks, the only time I use it is if I'm cooking with it which is rare. I do believe those nespressos have held me back though so glad to let them go and see if things chAnge.
Foods and thoughts for today
weighed in at 10.8 and my notebook diary reads...I give up!!!!!

wrote notes about never eating after 9:30pm again as hoping this will help.
counting calories too which I'm going t incorporate once food shopping is under way.

B small piece vintage cheddar, 1 chorizo and Gouda stick
L 2 heaped tablespoons Greek yoghurt full fat with 1 tsp coco and berry flaxseed.
D 2 chicken breasts, 3 sprouts, 3 forkfuls spring greens, tbs mayo

S small piece of wonky hole cave aged cheddar, 1 mini pepperami
S 1 slice pound cake 7 g net carbs, USA measurements. Layered with 2 tbs double cream mixed with 1 tsp stevia, 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 tsp orange flavouring whipped up.....nice
S the last of my chocolate orange cream

Earl grey tea with soya cream x 2
Coffee and soya cream x 3
water 50cl bottle x 8= 4 litres
40 mins exercise on treadmill fast walking at speed 4.0- 4-2

and I'm off to bed now, absolutely knackered and hoping for better results soon.
Oh I have been taking measurements though and since 31st march I've lost quite a fair few inches all over so that is good and it's still going down... Wonder why the scales aren't???? Hmmm...night night.