Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

Morning everyone, 10.0.4 today....still muddling along but no losses to report. My body seems to like being at 10 stone without trying but I don't so having time to think. I'm staying on low carb as I love the empty stomach feeling I get instead of bloat on high carb. I don't feel as sluggish either. I have been doing loads of research on adrenal stress caused by stress and that when you are stressed the adrenal glands don't work in a good way and can actually make you gain weight and mess your metabolism.

Ive been looking in to the juice diet for a short while but then worry that we were not meant to have a whole weeks worth of veg and fruit in one glass. Could this do damage? I don't know enough yet but enjoy reading up on it all. Might by myself a good juicer or blender and give it a go and see for myself the results. People do say that they feel amazing on it :)

Id love to hear where you are all at with your diets because sometimes it's not always clear how you are all doing on your diaries. Some put menus down, some don't so would love to hear how you are getting on?
Im hoping to be back on here properly from now, last week and this one has been manic, and I have my fasting blood test tomorrow so as of tonight from 8pm no food/coffee :( will be hard for me in the morning because I've got my appointment at 10.10am and I'm a huge morning coffee monster :( oh well has to be done plus I'm terrified of needles and feel faint at the thought :(

hope you are all keeping well?
I think it's fantastic the weight loss has given you that extra confidence to not feel the need to wear make up all the time, you look beautiful with it or without it, so that's great either way :)

Thanks ref the brushes, and good luck with your continued journey xxx

thank you, it's weird but I've just not felt like bothering like I did feel I had to before to fit in. It does definitely give you more confidence losing weight. I definitely feel more normal now and have the attitude take me or leave me I don't mind anymore. So strange hahah. How are you?
Pics, pics, pics!!!!!!!

How are you doing Goldi? x

Morning tee :)

pics are in the video, I don't have them on my ipad :(

im good thanks how are you? I've missed you all!
I am pretty good thanks honey, just bit the bullet and weighed myself, haven't lost in the last couple of weeks but it was my birthday and had tons of meals out and really fell off the diet for few days but thankfully the damage after being back on the wagon doesn't seem too bad, 11.4 instead of 11.3 but I can live with that, as I wanted to do it sensibly without killing myself and being miserable, you know. Just trying to keep positive and keep at it :D

I think it's great about your confidence, I just wish I had that, even when I was a skinny mini I wore a full face of make up to the gym :eek:, not eye shadow but everything else!! Silly huh! I just don't feel like me without it, I guess it's my mask of confidence for facing the world.. make up is definitely my crutch, whenever I feel down it cheers me up and being in a beauty department I still feel like a kid in a candy store :D my husband isn't impressed with my spending on it though :eek: some women hide new clothes, I keep my make up habits on the down low with him :eek:

Have a great day honey xxx
I am pretty good thanks honey, just bit the bullet and weighed myself, haven't lost in the last couple of weeks but it was my birthday and had tons of meals out and really fell off the diet for few days but thankfully the damage after being back on the wagon doesn't seem too bad, 11.4 instead of 11.3 but I can live with that, as I wanted to do it sensibly without killing myself and being miserable, you know. Just trying to keep positive and keep at it :D

I think it's great about your confidence, I just wish I had that, even when I was a skinny mini I wore a full face of make up to the gym :eek:, not eye shadow but everything else!! Silly huh! I just don't feel like me without it, I guess it's my mask of confidence for facing the world.. make up is definitely my crutch, whenever I feel down it cheers me up and being in a beauty department I still feel like a kid in a candy store :D my husband isn't impressed with my spending on it though :eek: some women hide new clothes, I keep my make up habits on the down low with him :eek:

Have a great day honey xxx

hahahahah it used to be make up and clothes for me now it's dogs, I hide the fact we have another coming to join the family...very naughty he laughs though........way later!

i used to be such a make up monster but I think for me it's been about fitting in or trying to, mind you I d get a buzz when at make up stores....nothing quite like it really and I am drawn to all the pretty colours and imagining how I could look in it although after trying it all on relise it was just an idea and not reality haha. I am very arty too so enjoy that aspect of it.

we should go for coffee/clothes and make up shopping one day! Sounds like we have similar loves.

You will lose your weight well because you are being sensible about it, slow and steady wins the race :)
Wowsers! Just watched your last vid!!!!! You look stunning chick x

Awe thanks hunny bun! I feel like a laydeeeee now :)
Thanks honey, really appreciate the support and seeing you and others doing so well helps massively too :)

Haha, a dog habit, I love it, if I wasn't out the house all day I would definitely be adding to my pets too, I can't wait to be able to get some dogs, as soon as I stop working full time that's it, my dream/fantasy has always been to have a ton of animals, I can imagine without my husband to keep me in check I would be like one of those hoarder women on tv where the pets take over the house :p he didn't want me to get the cats at first but as soon as we did he adores them just as much as me and they do rule the house already!!

Yes that is it definitely with the make-up all the colours, packaging, etc. I can't leave empty handed and there is always a new collection each season, dammit! :eek:

Make up is definitely art!! I love Alex Box looks she creates, they are like another level!! Not really super wearable like yours though!!

Coffee, clothes and make-up shopping sounds great, definitely sounds like we share the same loves, if your ever in London with some free time we can be partners in crime ;)

Take care and have a good week xxx
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Morning everyone, 10.0.4 today....still muddling along but no losses to report. My body seems to like being at 10 stone without trying but I don't so having time to think. I'm staying on low carb as I love the empty stomach feeling I get instead of bloat on high carb. I don't feel as sluggish either. I have been doing loads of research on adrenal stress caused by stress and that when you are stressed the adrenal glands don't work in a good way and can actually make you gain weight and mess your metabolism.

Ive been looking in to the juice diet for a short while but then worry that we were not meant to have a whole weeks worth of veg and fruit in one glass. Could this do damage? I don't know enough yet but enjoy reading up on it all. Might by myself a good juicer or blender and give it a go and see for myself the results. People do say that they feel amazing on it :)

Id love to hear where you are all at with your diets because sometimes it's not always clear how you are all doing on your diaries. Some put menus down, some don't so would love to hear how you are getting on?
Im hoping to be back on here properly from now, last week and this one has been manic, and I have my fasting blood test tomorrow so as of tonight from 8pm no food/coffee :( will be hard for me in the morning because I've got my appointment at 10.10am and I'm a huge morning coffee monster :( oh well has to be done plus I'm terrified of needles and feel faint at the thought :(

hope you are all keeping well?

Hi Lauren,

The majority of the reason I do low carb because I like the feeling it gives me, I feel much more trim and tighter round the middle somehow. if I eat carbs I bloat up straight away and feel sluggish and heavy and I hate that feeling.

i think you are right about the stress - last time I did Atkins I was slimming for my wedding and had huge stress about fitting into my dress by a certain date. I lost just over two stone but it felt quite slow and it took me over six months to do it.

this time I still have a deadline but it's flexible so I've decided to relax and not stress about the timescales and I've already lost one stone and 2 lbs in five weeks which is much quicker than last time.

so to answer your question my diet is going well - I feel completely different to last time I did it, almost like my brain is being rewired. Last time I felt a real sense of being deprived - I couldn't have this or that but sacrifices had to be made to be a slim bride. This time I don't feel that way at all and even if I have the opportunity to eat carbs I find I don't want to because I know they will make me feel like hell - it's so odd. I used to look forward to anything ( like work lunches or birthdays )that gave me an excuse to break my diet and have a " treat" because I felt I deserved it. now I kind of dread those times as I really don't want to eat that rubbish and I feel I deserve to be slim much more.

My friend did the juice diet a while ago and it made her really ill - although she followed it with a calorie controlled diet she still put back on all but one pound of what she had lost - sorry that's probably not what you wanted to hear and you should do whatever you think is best.

anyway sorry for the very long and very rambling post. I really do wish you lots of luck whatever you decide to do xx
Hi Lauren, just subscribing to your diary. Will check out the video later this eve. Are you a dog breeder?! What kind of pups?
Thanks honey, really appreciate the support and seeing you and others doing so well helps massively too :)

Haha, a dog habit, I love it, if I wasn't out the house all day I would definitely be adding to my pets too, I can't wait to be able to get some dogs, as soon as I stop working full time that's it, my dream/fantasy has always been to have a ton of animals, I can imagine without my husband to keep me in check I would be like one of those hoarder women on tv where the pets take over the house :p he didn't want me to get the cats at first but as soon as we did he adores them just as much as me and they do rule the house already!!

Yes that is it definitely with the make-up all the colours, packaging, etc. I can't leave empty handed and there is always a new collection each season, dammit! :eek:

Make up is definitely art!! I love Alex Box looks she creates, they are like another level!! Not really super wearable like yours though!!

Coffee, clothes and make-up shopping sounds great, definitely sounds like we share the same loves, if your ever in London with some free time we can be partners in crime ;)

Take care and have a good week xxx

im glad you feel inspired by reading the posts on here although mine are not to be copied at this moment in time because I quite literally am on the "haven't got a clue which" diet :( I could probably manage to help you gain weight right now which is terrible so don't look haha.

i often work in London so yes if I'm down il give you a shout, would be great to meet up. I'm also wondering if the other girls are doing a meet up soon too, I know they have done them before and they have been succesful.

Pakcaging is everything! Why do you think they spend millions on trying to get it right, so we spend loads believing it will change our rarely does and men don't care but women do, they are so judgemental at times that I wonder if that's who we wear makeup for??? Hmm something to ponder.
Hi Lauren,

The majority of the reason I do low carb because I like the feeling it gives me, I feel much more trim and tighter round the middle somehow. if I eat carbs I bloat up straight away and feel sluggish and heavy and I hate that feeling.

i think you are right about the stress - last time I did Atkins I was slimming for my wedding and had huge stress about fitting into my dress by a certain date. I lost just over two stone but it felt quite slow and it took me over six months to do it.

this time I still have a deadline but it's flexible so I've decided to relax and not stress about the timescales and I've already lost one stone and 2 lbs in five weeks which is much quicker than last time.

so to answer your question my diet is going well - I feel completely different to last time I did it, almost like my brain is being rewired. Last time I felt a real sense of being deprived - I couldn't have this or that but sacrifices had to be made to be a slim bride. This time I don't feel that way at all and even if I have the opportunity to eat carbs I find I don't want to because I know they will make me feel like hell - it's so odd. I used to look forward to anything ( like work lunches or birthdays )that gave me an excuse to break my diet and have a " treat" because I felt I deserved it. now I kind of dread those times as I really don't want to eat that rubbish and I feel I deserve to be slim much more.

My friend did the juice diet a while ago and it made her really ill - although she followed it with a calorie controlled diet she still put back on all but one pound of what she had lost - sorry that's probably not what you wanted to hear and you should do whatever you think is best.

anyway sorry for the very long and very rambling post. I really do wish you lots of luck whatever you decide to do xx

Hi jonsgirl,

thank you so much for the brilliant response and an honest one too. I know exactly what you mean about the bloat with carbs and the lovely tight tummy feeling from pure Atkins. Even though I suffer with bloat I still do eat the all bran or up my carbs, I'm beginning to suffer more and more though with what I call wheat belly so will enjoy a few days off and strict Atkins could do me good. I mostly eat the all bran to keep everything regular, works a treat.

i understand your stress at the time to be the slim bridesmaid, isn't it weird that when we put time frames on things it gets very stressful and takes longer than a relaxed approach, now that has to be stress surely. I'm taking a very scenic route and hoping that means that it would take a very scenic route to ever go back to how I was rather than a rush job and straight run easy for being catapulted back to square one or worse.

thanks for your post, you helped put things in to perspective for me on the diet, it does do us well and I need to stop ignoring the fact carbs do make me bloated and I really do not like that feeling so what am I playing at.
il give the juicer diet a miss but maybe have a glass now an again as a way to get my fruit and veg down.
Hi Lauren, just subscribing to your diary. Will check out the video later this eve. Are you a dog breeder?! What kind of pups?

Thanks for subbing! Yes I breed pomeranians. They are literally the worlds cutest teddy bear dogs and I love having a home full of them in different colours. The standard colours in the UK are oranges, creams, sables and blacks but I'm working on blues, chocolates, whites and Black and Tans :) it's very exciting, hard work but rewarding.
Yoohoo everyone,
i don't usually post at night but have some spare time on my hands and trying to keep busy. It's my fasting night, started at 8pm this evening and I'm at the docs at 10:10am so no coffee in the morning and I am stuffed cramming in my dinner before 8.

My menu for today is not something anyone on Atkins should follow but here goes with honesty.

B 2 coffees x cream, 1 of them with 2 tbs coconut oil. 1 bowl all bran with cream water mix.
L on the go 1 cheese string, 1 slice ham, 2 slices corned beef.
6pm I crammed in another bowl of all bran I was starving.
7:45pm DInner was handful cooked mince, half bag of m&s spring greens, little bit of steakhouse spice.

2 more coffees throughout the day 1 of which being an iced americano with cream from costa.
at least 4 litres water.

i am actually looking forward to not being able to eat after 8 tonight, I know it won't kill me except for having nothing to nibble on whilst watching tv.

My exercise is getting better and better and I am now burning off 200-300 cal lumps per day along side with my sit ups, 150 now, leg raises, 40, press ups 25-30 and around 30 squats each leg. getting better with them as I could only ever manage 20 on each leg.

il keep you updated on my results good or bad, although after reading online I am worried they will come back normal as so many others have done when in fact there is something wrong. Apparently some labs just don't pick thyroid problems up so will have to ask for specific t3-t4 or something....will see how it goes first.
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im glad you feel inspired by reading the posts on here although mine are not to be copied at this moment in time because I quite literally am on the "haven't got a clue which" diet :( I could probably manage to help you gain weight right now which is terrible so don't look haha.

i often work in London so yes if I'm down il give you a shout, would be great to meet up. I'm also wondering if the other girls are doing a meet up soon too, I know they have done them before and they have been succesful.

Pakcaging is everything! Why do you think they spend millions on trying to get it right, so we spend loads believing it will change our rarely does and men don't care but women do, they are so judgemental at times that I wonder if that's who we wear makeup for??? Hmm something to ponder.

Haha yeah exactly my husband always said I was a marketing mans dream, I am such a sucker for all that crap even though I know it I still fall for it!!

You're right women definitely do it for other women, men don't really care at all. Then again I think we do it for ourselves also to feel good. I know I do it for me really, I don't really care what anyone else thinks, well unless someone said I was fat and ugly, then I would probably lose it ;). But women can definitely judge other women and be so competitive and *****y, although I notice that less and less as I get older, but maybe that is because I am now becoming invisible haha :eek: or maybe I just don't care anymore. I hope it's the latter!!

A minimins meet up would be fab but given how crap I am with my diet atm, I would probably get banned for plying everyone with booze and crisps and fags and using the weakest excuses for not sticking to my diet!!! :beer::eek:;)


Ps just saw you breed poms, so want one, one day!!! X
Lol on being the bad girl of the party, I'm sure it will be fine and you can test us all and see who resists. I would resist the cakes and booze but put a bowl of all bran down and I am slam dunking it! LoL.

oh we definitely do wear make up for ourselves but for other women too, I learned long ago that men are just not arsed. Same with fashion and heeeeeels....... The amount of time I have wrecked my tootsies to show off new shooes to other friends is ridiculous! The only time he notices is if I'm taller,then he looks down to see what I'm wearing on my feet. No comment

How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I do think we care less as we get older and I am actually glad about that because when I was a teenager, I used to walk around with a stress headache trying to look good and fit in, I couldn't give a poop now...which comes with age, they say it gets even better :)
Pom puppy pics time, hope I don't bore anyone but I just adore them, it's like looking after teddies that are alive :)


  • image.jpg
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Here is our little home bred chocolate Pom pup, we called her coco :)image.jpg
Buddy cream boy, hazel and Nutella playing outside for first time at 8 weeks old.image.jpg