Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

This is mylo, my fav boy we have ever produced here. I'm hoping to do a repeat breeding early next year. image.jpg
What a cutie <3

Oh my god the pups too, so adorable!!!

They are just the sweetest dogs!!

I am officially jealous!! :)
Lol on being the bad girl of the party, I'm sure it will be fine and you can test us all and see who resists. I would resist the cakes and booze but put a bowl of all bran down and I am slam dunking it! LoL.

oh we definitely do wear make up for ourselves but for other women too, I learned long ago that men are just not arsed. Same with fashion and heeeeeels....... The amount of time I have wrecked my tootsies to show off new shooes to other friends is ridiculous! The only time he notices is if I'm taller,then he looks down to see what I'm wearing on my feet. No comment

How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I do think we care less as we get older and I am actually glad about that because when I was a teenager, I used to walk around with a stress headache trying to look good and fit in, I couldn't give a poop now...which comes with age, they say it gets even better :)

Haha, I would definitely be the bad girl, atm my self control seems to go out the window if I get offered a glass of wine, and I'm a cheap date as I am such a lightweight!! I need to sort this out if I am serious about losing weight! Slam dunk the bran haha, I am like that with pasta, I bought these portion cups though and they have really helped my portions reduce dramatically, before I was having a huge bowl of pasta, now I have one cup and it's enough.

So funny about heels, I lived in them until about five years ago, being 5.3 I always wore skyscraper heels, then I just had enough, now I live in flats (everyone at work was shocked when I suddenly shrunk 3 inches over night!), comfort over style is my new motto, although it took my Achilles quite a while to get used to the transition!!! I still wear heels when I go out but I sooo can't walk in them now, I wore these huge platform stilettos when I went out for dinner on Friday and I was teetering along, ridiculous, and my knees have hurt ever since :eek:

We used to go on holiday and I would be tottering around cobbled streets on huge platform wedges and my husband would go mad each time I nearly broke my ankle ;)

I am 43 (*!!) not that I feel it or always act it according to my Dad, but he can talk, I definitely get my childish sense of humour from him, he always says your as old as the (wo)man your feeling so I am actually 38! ;)

How old are you if you don't mind me asking too.

You are right, lots of things get better with age, we get more chilled and care less about silly things, which is great, I used to be sooo neurotic and worry about everything, now I really don't, but it took a bit of work too!! X
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Oh my gosh the pups are bloody adorable!!! The chocolate one is super cute!
I have to share this little cutie my FIL's new pup Henry :)

I just love their paws soooo much, dogs and cats, just love those paws


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What a lovey looking bunch of pups. I've never had a dog before and contemplated getting one for my husband for Christmas as he grew up with lots of them. However, I decided my 2 cats would have their lives changed forever and not for the better I think. So hard to know, although when my sil brings her old dog over at Christmas they always sneak down in the morning and are very curious. She's very old and doesn't bother getting up for them, so that makes it easier for them to get to know her. Would love to have one temporarily to see how they would react after a few days, but I know they would be staying. Did anyone watch the dog special on tv last night? It was very interesting and I loved seeing all the different breeds.
Hi coffee lover
I am exactly the same, I really want to have dogs one day, my only fear is how it would effect my two cats, who are my babies and totally rule the roost atm, I would not want them upset in anyway, and it's so hard to know. If I got them all at the same time I am sure it would be fine but they are four now so might not appreciate a puppy in their territory :confused:
What are your cats called, mine are Turbo and ozone from the breakdance movie, Breakin' ... Haha, everyone is like wth!! But my husband loves it ;)
Lol on the names they're great! I feel at our age we need to get a puppy/dog now or not at all, not that we're elderly but in our 50's- which according to my son is elderly. My husband grew up with dogs but never had one of his own and he's put up with my cats for years would love for him to have one of his own. We live in the country and have an enclosed garden so ideal for a puppy/dog. They are so routine orientated and totally rule the roost. Just found a breeder of labradors in Scotland that will try to rehome them if it doesn't work out. How heartbreaking would that be though and unfair for all parties. It's a really big decision and I've been reading up on it all afternoon. Funny but the most timid of the 2 seems the most curious about dogs the few times we've had them in the house (after she comes out from a marathon under the bed session )
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50 is not elderly no way, it's the new 30 :)

I love your names too, and that their sisters, mine are brother and sister. Isn't it funny how they rule the house, I think they have the best lives, come and go as they please, sleep loads, play, get fed and have tons of cuddles, I want to be a cat :)

I totally feel you on your decision, I am sure it will be us in a few years to, so totally empathise, it's really hard. My FIL had a black lab and he was a big old softy, I think once they are out the excitable puppy stage, the cats will treat him with disdain ;) and all rub along together. A girl who has both said to me the intro is important and to do it in neutral territory, rather than in the house, if possible? Don't know if that helps as the cats may just scarper if in the garden!!?

I wonder if we worry too much, I am scared my cats will be jealous or feel less loved if I introduce another cat or dog... But am I crediting them with human emotion!??! :confused:

I am sure you will make it work and give them all lots of love, wish you all the best whatever you decide :) xxx

Ps I know you wouldn't want to re-house but it's good it is the breeder who would do it, if necessary, and it gives you a bit of a safety net should you need it. Don't feel bad, it's great you take it seriously, lots of people don't :(
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PUPPPIIIIEESSS!!!! so so so cute. I have too meny pets to be posting pictures lol

I'm easily led, if everyone else was eating cake I would eat cake. So this bbq tomorrow is going to be hell.
Do you think the coconut oil really helps? well actually, I read your post on it a while ago. I just wondered if your views had changed, I was thinking of getting some. But I think the idea of it appeals to me more than the oil. I might end up buying it and it just sitting there.

I love make up for the colours as well :) though I never seem to have time to do it all pretty these days.

About the bran, have you tried a fiber tablet or something instead? cambridge do a powder, it can be drank on its own or in anything. I find it disgusting, but I noticed in the health food shop there was tables. I have no idea if they work though, and even if they are any better than eating bran.

Its good though that you can maintain, I know this being stuck around 10st is annoying for ya. Hopefully things will change and you can keep on losing to your goal, and I hope the blood test sorts loads of stuff out :)
Morning Lauren:)

Love the pics of the teddy bears, I mean puppies! I'm really a cat person but they look pretty cute:)

Just wondering how you are finding the bran effects you - although I'm on maintenance I tend to stick to about 30-40g carbs a day (I don't count but then I don't really eat any carbs apart from loads of veg). I avoid grains because they give me tummy aches and make me bloat and other carbs because they make me lethargic but worse they send my appetite completely out of control. This is the sort of hunger that has me reaching for DDs pizza and chips so not nice!

So I wouldn't dare eat the bran. I know that when I started Atkins I used first physillium husk and then mims (so flax) to keep me regular. Now veggies seem to work for me. Interested in how that works for you

Have a great weekend
PUPPPIIIIEESSS!!!! so so so cute. I have too meny pets to be posting pictures lol

I'm easily led, if everyone else was eating cake I would eat cake. So this bbq tomorrow is going to be hell.
Do you think the coconut oil really helps? well actually, I read your post on it a while ago. I just wondered if your views had changed, I was thinking of getting some. But I think the idea of it appeals to me more than the oil. I might end up buying it and it just sitting there.

I love make up for the colours as well :) though I never seem to have time to do it all pretty these days.

About the bran, have you tried a fiber tablet or something instead? cambridge do a powder, it can be drank on its own or in anything. I find it disgusting, but I noticed in the health food shop there was tables. I have no idea if they work though, and even if they are any better than eating bran.

Its good though that you can maintain, I know this being stuck around 10st is annoying for ya. Hopefully things will change and you can keep on losing to your goal, and I hope the blood test sorts loads of stuff out :)

morning firelass,

yes the coconut oil works wonders but I'm at the point now where it's time for me to up my intake. I usually have 2 tablespoons mixed in my coffees on a morning. I find it hides well in a nesspresso because of all the froth. So how ever you make your coffee, try whizz it up a bit to prevent oil slick forming on the top. I used to fry with it too but changed back to olive oil. I do believe for me it's a good way of keeping my healthy fats up and I've read nothing bad about it online. It's also good for candida growth in your stomach and if you follow the steps using it it will slowly kill off bad bacteria in the gut helping the balance of good gut flora which if done regularly will aid in better metabolism and weight loss. Candida or bad gut flora can inhibit weight loss and slow your metabolism. I have done so much reading on this stuff that sometimes my head can feel explosive :)

i haven't tried Cambridge fibre, although I may possibly look in to tablet form. I'm not usually one for supplementing when I can get t naturally elsewhere.

How are you doing on your diet?
Morning Lauren:)

Love the pics of the teddy bears, I mean puppies! I'm really a cat person but they look pretty cute:)

Just wondering how you are finding the bran effects you - although I'm on maintenance I tend to stick to about 30-40g carbs a day (I don't count but then I don't really eat any carbs apart from loads of veg). I avoid grains because they give me tummy aches and make me bloat and other carbs because they make me lethargic but worse they send my appetite completely out of control. This is the sort of hunger that has me reaching for DDs pizza and chips so not nice!

So I wouldn't dare eat the bran. I know that when I started Atkins I used first physillium husk and then mims (so flax) to keep me regular. Now veggies seem to work for me. Interested in how that works for you

Have a great weekend

Morning Katie, thanks! I am a Persian person but oh wont allow me one! Hmmm I've tried to sneak one in but it just won't happen hahah. I do prefer my Poms though although they can be absolutely yappy little gits sometimes.

My honest opinion on the bran, well I have a bowl in the morning and I don't feel any strange effects. However later in the afternoon I've often fancied another one and so this is a sign the cravings have opened up again. Sometimes I've been lazy and naughty and ate another bowl instead of a cooked dinner for instance, I get truly horrendous bloating and abdominal pain whenever I do this. I also feel knocked over with guilt about the 2 bowls in one day equalling approx 60g carb before any other carbs I consume. My weight was staying the same with a few ounces here and there added or deducted. For two days now I've only had a bowl for breakfast and I've noticed although I crave an afternoon one I ignore it and am starting to move on the scales again. It is keeping me more regular than I have ever ever ever been so I'm still wondering if I should just stick with it morning only for this benefit alone.
i think I need to look in to this physillium husk to see if that would be equally good instead of the carb feat breakfast???

I do like veg but can only eat so much before I'm just curling my toes at the thought of it. What kinds of veg do you eat and which do you find keep you regular?
Morning everyone, stepped on scales today and I saw the 9s again before it flickered to 10 on the nose so am happy with that.
had my docs appointment and had my urine sample checked there and then. She could not see any ketones so I've clearly well and truly knocked myself out of ketosis. I have to do another urine sample this time with crystals in it because the other sample confused her??? No idea.

my blood pressure is not good, when I got there she checked me and it was 153/103 so she let me relax and did it again after 30 mins, 143/103 so she tried again after another 10-15 mins and it came back the same as last reading. She said it may have been white coat syndrome but honestly I felt no different to when I'm sat at home. So I go back OCtober and she will fit me with a 24 hour bp monitor. If its still high she will talk about medication, I'm so sad about this because I know for a fact it's going to be high as I've suffered with hypertension, high blood pressure since back when I was a teen. I was actually brought in to hospital early for this when I was pregnant with my son.
I don't want to be on medication, would rather do naturally but I've lost some weight and changed my diet and its still not working....maybe it's just my genetics :( this is really getting me down.

i also had my blood taken for a full check up, she said the doc is doing a full test to see the thyroid antibodies so everything will be found because I explained I was worried after reading online about people with symptoms getting checked and everything coming back normal because docs didnt test t3 and t4. So luckily he is delving deep for me because it runs in the family and my symptoms were not good. They are checking on everything for me so fingers crossed whatever I have can be reversed or helped safely in someway.

On the only happy note I have to offer this beautiful fine and crisp sunny but cold morning is that my BMI is in the healthy range and I am no longer obese or even overweight. I'm classed as ideal (top end) for my height. Feels weird but good!

i need a diet that suits- hectic life, slightly lazy when gets attacks of depression, slow but sure loss, no feelings of guilt because I've not eaten the whole of the veg aisle and can still have cream in coffee. Hahahahah does this exist? It does if I want to stay 10 stone but I don't.......I want to be for once in my life a comfortable 8.6-12. I don't even know if I'm capable of this! :(

anyway hope you all have a lovely day, sorry if I've missed replying to anyone.
HI Lauren, -how great to see the 9's, if only briefly!! Not sure how you arrange to get the crystals in your sample!! Or is that TMI? LOL! Could you get a blood pressure cuff to test yourself at home? Maybe then you can reassure yourself. Yes it seems that testing thyroid can be a bit hit and miss, how brilliant you have a doc that is going to be more careful. I am teetering on the edge of no longer being termed obese and so I can appreciate how chuffed you are about that :) I confess I dont eat the veg aisle, but I am slowly and totteringly heading in the right direction. Will this not work for you? I mean, if you continue to follow the WOE, could you get into your ideal weight but slowly. As long as you enjoy the food and are close to your goal, does it matter??
Hi Lauren, I'm so sorry about all your health worries. I know it's not easy but don't stress about diet and just see what the results say.

Your doing well for maintaining for now - even with all this up in the air, you must be so worried, your being very brave xx. I'm sure things will be clearer when the tests come back (I do pray it's good news for you), then you will be in better position to decide the best route to whipping the last 18-20lbs off. At least the drs are having a good look into everything and being thorough.

Big big biiiiig hugs sent to you xxx.
Hi Lauren,

pleased to hear it went well at the doctors and about the BMI.

Lol the "ideal" diet you have described above generally sounds like low carb to me. Obviously this is only my experience but i find it suits me when i'm busy as i can just grab something from the fridge rather than messing about adding up points or sins or making shakes or cooking something from scratch. When I'm feeling down I get very lazy and often don't bother to cook much or at all - generally just grab something quick from the freezer or even just some cold meat from the fridge when I really can't be a*sed! Dont feel bad about not eating loads of veg - I don't like veg much and it actually stalls me so I eat very little, generally just with my evening meal although some days i realise i've eaten none at all - oops.

Can you not find a lower carb alternative to the bran to keep you regular? I use mims and coconut oil but I'm sure there will be other things and you've had some suggestions above i think. If you are eating low carb then as soon as you eat a bowl of all bran you will be undoing all of your hard work. Unfortunately the low carb way of eating, unlike other diets, is not very forgiving if you eat "extras" If you are having about 60g carbs a day as you said above - that is a level that someone on maintenance might eat so it is probably unlikely that you would lose much weight - sorry you've probably heard this all before.

Maybe try ditching the bran, and try some of the alternative suggestions you have had on here to keep you regular. Then commit yourself to following it 100% for a bit to see how you feel then if you find it doesn't suit you think again. I think that is the only way to know for sure which is the right diet for you.

I'm sorry if any of that sounds harsh - it's really not meant to but at the moment I get a sense that you are running round and round in circles and getting nowhere fast - except more and more stressed.

Sorry for the long and rambling post. I really do wish you lots of luck in finding something that suits you soon. Keep your chin up and I'm sending you a massive hug xxx