This is for life
Hi Lauren, well done on the BMi although I must admit that I think it's a fairly flawed system so useful for indicative areas but absurd to be used in tiny detail (especially if you want to build muscle).
Personally I decided that although it was nice to be "normal" it was most important to find a weight that I could stick at without any worry or thinking about or counting- so a natural one. I got down to 75kg at my lowest but was dancing everyday and sometimes twice and decided that it was getting obsessive so backed off.
I do think it's worth exploring other options than the bran if that's a trigger as if start day with carbs then keeping your insulin switched on hyper drive. Physillium husk worked fine - I used to have a spoon in a glass of water but didn't like the taste so felt like medicine! When I started making mims & flax bread I found half a mim a day kept me perfectly regular. A whole mim stalled me. I did enjoy my marmite on toast for breakfast in that period
It would be fairly easy to just sprinkle the ph or flax on other food too.
Nowadays I really don't bother much with "bread" or cakes as don't notice it. I do have a supply of mama lupes low carb tortilla wraps in freezer for when I need a sandwich lunch. So make sure I get veg in to keep me regular. Typically lunch is protein and salad - lettuce, cucumber & few baby toms. Dinner is protein & veg - spinach, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, mange tout, leeks, etc occasionally we have cauli or celeriac mash or chips but I find that all a bit heavy now.
Also just a thought on blood pressure. It is worth getting a home machine and testing yourself. I have white coat hypertension and it is absolutely impossible for doctors/nurses to get a reading that makes sense! Although we contemplated 24hour monitoring worked out that the machine would stop me sleeping properly and that drives my bp up too! I now take my home readings in & discuss them with GP instead (we calibrated initially and I get DH to do his to make sure it's working as his is always low). So mine is still borderline but just the right side! If that ever tips over then I know exactly what I would need to do to sort it - that would be give up all alcohol and do more yoga!
Anyhow, hope you are having a good day
Personally I decided that although it was nice to be "normal" it was most important to find a weight that I could stick at without any worry or thinking about or counting- so a natural one. I got down to 75kg at my lowest but was dancing everyday and sometimes twice and decided that it was getting obsessive so backed off.
I do think it's worth exploring other options than the bran if that's a trigger as if start day with carbs then keeping your insulin switched on hyper drive. Physillium husk worked fine - I used to have a spoon in a glass of water but didn't like the taste so felt like medicine! When I started making mims & flax bread I found half a mim a day kept me perfectly regular. A whole mim stalled me. I did enjoy my marmite on toast for breakfast in that period
Nowadays I really don't bother much with "bread" or cakes as don't notice it. I do have a supply of mama lupes low carb tortilla wraps in freezer for when I need a sandwich lunch. So make sure I get veg in to keep me regular. Typically lunch is protein and salad - lettuce, cucumber & few baby toms. Dinner is protein & veg - spinach, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, mange tout, leeks, etc occasionally we have cauli or celeriac mash or chips but I find that all a bit heavy now.
Also just a thought on blood pressure. It is worth getting a home machine and testing yourself. I have white coat hypertension and it is absolutely impossible for doctors/nurses to get a reading that makes sense! Although we contemplated 24hour monitoring worked out that the machine would stop me sleeping properly and that drives my bp up too! I now take my home readings in & discuss them with GP instead (we calibrated initially and I get DH to do his to make sure it's working as his is always low). So mine is still borderline but just the right side! If that ever tips over then I know exactly what I would need to do to sort it - that would be give up all alcohol and do more yoga!
Anyhow, hope you are having a good day