Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Oh well we all have a bit of a blow out from time to time. That's normal. I was looking at your pictures and you look amazing! What a difference. I quite fancy a chinese. Maybe this weekend. x

aawww,fanks honey,i hate having my photo taken,im not a natural smiler,i have to force one,lol.excuse my red hair though in the 2nd pic,had a bit of a 5 minute faze,im now blond....ish again and trying to grow it,im never satisfied x

go for the chinese,enjoy it xxx
saturday - ee

wow,i lost 1lb taking me to me pre holiday weight.yippie,downwards all the way for me now,yeeesssssss

excuse my bit of excitment just wasnt expecting any loss after thurs and indian on sat eve,god this baffles me

breakfast - kiwi and 2 ww toast

dinner,cheesey omelette with tomatos

tea - ordered some spice mixes from a lady on facebook so im gonna do quick chicken curry with rice,bung in some baby corn,more mushrooms,peppers and whatever ese goes in a curry ,also got a mix for onion bajee,so il do them with some bolied rice

heax1=71g primula light
hebx1=2 slices ww bread

syns = onion bajee?
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Hi hun, sorry I've been so quiet! Lost the plot a bit in the last week- looking forward to being in a routine again, back in work tues and 13 weeks until next annual leave so plenty of time to correct the big gain I'm gunna have Mon!! Routine is good for me! Missing weeks of WI and being off work is baaaddd news! Hey you are doing brilliantly! You must be mega chuffed with your progress lately! X
hi heather,yeah,im chuffed to bits thanks,just hope i can stick to it,gotta aim for this wedding and i want to look me best..i read about your little blip,but like you say it is hard when your on holiday and time off work but i know you can do it.your a tryer just like me...still going aernt we x hope all goes well for your weigh in,have you not been tempted to weigh at home.it was the 1st thing i did when i came back from my hols.was scary,lol but i felt id put it on so i wasnt surprised,weird though,7lb on in 1 week and 3 weeks to get it off.o well ben there ,done that xxx heres to a good week for both of us xxx
help,i know im a bit in advance but what do you think of this for an october wedding?

and this

must admit the coour looks a bit naff in pics,but its more of a purple than a pink......o er,me in a dress,i tell ya after the comments my lovely uncle made about my weight (git ) im gonna show him....ive booked a spray tan,having false nails,false long hair,false everything,lol
Ooooh gorgeous. I wish I could wear clever like that but even when I lost weight last time I still struggled to wear fancy things. Love the colours. I need someone to take me shopping lol.

I'm like that putting loads on and taking ages to get it off and it seems to get worse as I get older!

Going away in a week but I am determined not to sabotage when I'm away. Just need to keep thinking it's only food and fuel. Just planning to eat as normal except go out for a couple of meals. Ha! Well see. X
Dress & shoes look gorgeous!!! V sexy, u will look a million dollars xx

aaw,fanks x.bet il look like a oompa lumpa if i tried it on,i saw this when i went shopping on thurs but the dress was only in a 10 ,tried the shoes on and they looked nice...prob wont be able to walk in the buggurs,lol,
bet the dress is more ike a top,dont want it too short:eek: