Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

LOL well lots of people take pics of food. Think of all the chefs and cookery mags. Anyway, you could always say, "It's not for me - people have been asking for them," which is true lol.

Philly - yeah... I started a thread in the recipes section for it. Some great recipes and inspiration. I am going to be making a few of them this week. .xx

went for breakfast at costa,had lattee,figured id use my hea for that and a naughty cupcake,couldent resist

heb=6 crackerbread

bugger.let myself down AGAIN.:(

went plymouth shopping and didnt get home till late and had a chinese,was too late to start cooking and needed somthing more than fruit.o eck what do you do,was wanting to be angelic this week too and now i feel ive ruined it all

hey, beef with mushrooms is only 4.5 syns from the chinese!!
yes,i was fuming but what can you do?
hate complaining (beleive it or not,lol )

well cinema is cancelled tonight cos me sis has to work :O( ,good on one hand cos it means no pizza hut,which means i can now aim high for this last 1lb of holiday weight :O)

had dentist this morning and the kids,i fee so ill going to the dentist i boody hate it...but its all done now,just dropped the little ones off at school...my 3rd,kyle,is aparently tounge tied ,so the dentist is gonna refer him to see a specialist, poor chap,hes only 4.he will have to be put to sleep and have the bit under his tounge cut...not nice...im not gonna tell him,is that bad? surley they could have seen that b4,i thought this was all sorted when they are 1st born.bloody hell.id have it done for him if i could
gonnabesmall said:
yes,i was fuming but what can you do?
hate complaining (beleive it or not,lol )

well cinema is cancelled tonight cos me sis has to work :O( ,good on one hand cos it means no pizza hut,which means i can now aim high for this last 1lb of holiday weight :O)

had dentist this morning and the kids,i fee so ill going to the dentist i boody hate it...but its all done now,just dropped the little ones off at school...my 3rd,kyle,is aparently tounge tied ,so the dentist is gonna refer him to see a specialist, poor chap,hes only 4.he will have to be put to sleep and have the bit under his tounge cut...not nice...im not gonna tell him,is that bad? surley they could have seen that b4,i thought this was all sorted when they are 1st born.bloody hell.id have it done for him if i could

Aw poor wee man! Mothers always know best so do whatever u think best re: telling him or not. We're never done worrying are we, try not to worry. Ps hope dentist visit wasn't too bad :) x