Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:

ive lost 2lb im sooooooo thrilled.didnt expect that at all

now 11st 8.6,another 2lb to go and il be back to my lowest yet which is 11st 6lb,been there twice and i will get there again and lower,id love to see 11st 5lb,

Yeeeeeaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! well done!!!!! Ur on a roll woopwoop!! Xx
gonnabesmall said:
ooohhhh no kieragh,im so gutted,need a pair,aaw that sucks,going off to have a cry now,boo hoooooo.
did you get a pair?

:-( :-( :-( aw hun!!!! The chestnut cardy ones were on for £71 this morning?

Yes I got the cream ones but only cause my sis-in-law txted me, she stumbled on them. X
gonnabesmall said:
i know hun...with 4 kids babe money is so tight,feel bad spending anymore than £20 on a pair of boots....woud of spent £41 though coud of got away with that.better stick to me cheapos then,lol, god we havent had a summer yet let alone think about winter,b4 you know it christmas will be here x

Lol I know! Soon as it's sept it's practically Christmas!!!! Gotta a sore tummy, think hubby poisoned me at BBQ lol x
gonnabesmall said:
sunday - ee

out all day at a steam rally and whie all the kids and oh had pastys and ice cream all i had was a diet coke x

breakfast - banana

dinner - cheese and ham toastie

tea- might have a chinese

heax1=42g cheese hf
hebx1=2 slices ww bread

syns =

Wow go you!! We went out for dinner, I've had a fairly bad weekend, eek x
monday - ee

well resisted on the chinese last night and had a bowl of soup instead...part of me is saving syns cos im off to c a trex tribute band on wed eve so o know wel be eating out....but hey ive done it now.

breakfast - plums,strawberrys and raspberries

dinner - mugshot and 2 pieces of bread and apple

tea - steak,chips,roasted veg and mushroom sauce with garlic and onions + philly

heax1= 71g phily extra light
hebx1=2 x bread ww

syns = scrape of flora e l 1,ww cookies 5

total syns = 5
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