Ah - I'm still backing Holland even thought I think it might be a Germany victory. Supporting the underdog and all that!
Good morning Phill
hope you have a good day
how was the dance on broadway ?
You're a braver man than I - willingly putting yourself in the company of little people, not something I do very often.
For once I am actually interested in the footie. I've got spain to win in the sweep at work so there's money in it for me.
Have a great day
Hope you've had a great evening phil
have fun painting hun! x
Hi I have skimmed milk in my green tea and sweetner as I can't stomach it plain, I researched if that's as good and most said yes also it gets my fluid intake up so that alone us needed.
I've painting to do :/ not too bad it will wait till September after summer hols.
Have a good day mind your back snd think if those APsxx
oooooh, I love the smell of fresh paint, I would be sleeping as close to the walls as possible - but that's coz I'm a bit freaky like that
Hope you've enjoyed the rest of your day. xxx
Once you've finished the bedroom phil, feel free to visit south wales the outside of my cottage needs painting
Have a good one
Eh steady on phil![]()