Week 4 weigh in - 11st 9lbs (+0.5lb) I am fine with This as out of7 days I wason lipotrim for 3 days and off plan 4 days.... no ridiculous amount of food or anything but I think considering I didnt refeed or anything im happy. I enjoyed myself. Again didnt go overboard, previously if id had a food day on lipotrim I would think stuff it n eat tkll I felt sick, not this time so was an achievement
Monday had impromptu dinner invite fro bro in law Friday meal out and then went smokinb (sheesha/hooka)@and deserts for cousin getting married soon....wasnt going to go but glad I did Saturday - baby shower kinda thing Sunday- takeout at inlaws as my sil had come down for weekend I watched roughly wat I ate during the day and enjoyed the one meal This week not many plans so hoping for 100% Lipo. However my mil said her n my fil (fatherr in law and mother in law) are coming to mine for dinner on sunday.... no idea why, but if they do ill obviously be cooking n will have to eat. Apart from that no plans.Preferreding this way of things as no pressure on me n the weights stillcoming off even if its slower Im going through a very rough time unfortunately. Me n my husband have hit rock bottom
things are going really bad, he smashed my phone up so im phoneless ...actually feelsgoodto be disconnected from the world!! Im not sure what will happen but he told me he doesn't love me N ive driven him to it, I feel like over the laxt year my feelinvs have just dissappeared