Slimming world
could you put vanilla essence in it or cinammon if you dont have the chocolate
Yes but I don't have any vanilla essence or cinammon but I have loads and loads of Chocolate Drink
could you put vanilla essence in it or cinammon if you dont have the chocolate
It actually tastes like those Alpro puddings in the little pots and the only difference between this one and the regular tofu is that it has egg in it so no syns. We have just been saying we could mix some chocolate drink powder into it and put it on fruit. Don't have any at the moment but will photograph it when we buy some more. It comes in plastic tubes like a big fat sausage and is quite soft.
Can get different foods but the problem is we only have 2 pans, a chopping board and 2 knives - no mixers, blenders or choppers and no oven only 2 gas rings. That is why I bought the pressure cooker.
Your food looks delicious-are you vegetarian or vegan ? I'm not doing SW but do like the look of some of your dishes !!
I get the pandora beads and bracelets on line, they are really simple to put together and have been good sellers.
Tofu with egg in it? I could imagine that upsetting a few vegansSounds really nice, I used to love the alpro dark choc puddings but they are annoyingly high syn for what they are :/
Is it silken tofu?
I hope you don't mind me subscribing. I got diagnosed with Crohns disease last year. I am 38 and all of a sudden the last 30 years made sense.
Including why I haven't been able to eat meat poultry etc since I was 16 - 1990 as it just makes me so severely ill. Seriously it just goes straight through me and I know if I eat contaminated food as my insides turn to water.
I can eat white fish but I am also having to limit my lactose intake so I eat mainly vegan or Lactofree stuff with eggs and a bit of fish.
Good job I have always liked Soya! !
I attempt to follow Slimming world but I am still trying to lose my steroid weight gain as I was on steroids for 16 weeks while they stabilized me.
I am now on methotrexate and folic acid.
Lucky me also has endometriosis and pcos. I am a bit of a mess! !!
I hope you don't mind me rambling.
Your food all looks delicious and I am hoping to get inspiration.