Welcome - we all ramble on here so you are in good company
Isn't it brilliant when you get that moment when it all makes sense - I was really ill for over a year before they diagnosed me ( it was many years ago) and I have a son who has it and him knowing what happened to me guessed straight away what was wrong with him and went to the Docs and said - I think I have Crohns. I am fine with it as long as I stick to the right food but he still has quite a lot of attacks and he is Vegan. He was on steroids for a while but he cycles everywhere and is quite "sporty" and managed to get back to his pre-steroid weight.
Lettuce (but not other greens) and meat are my triggers along with milk although I am fine with Yoghurt.
Going to go up to the shops later so will see what it says on the tofu but in UK have never seen any this consistency - you can cut the top of the tube and squirt it out, just like toothpaste.
Keep well and Good Luck with the weight loss.
Do you have a Diary page?