Weather is rotten here as well. It is just making me want very stodgy, fattening food! Those rice pancakes are a good idea, I will be adding those to my shopping list as well!
That plate was not the biggests one - we could not lift the pile to get to get to the bigger ones but he said that would doAll the ones behind him are plastic, there are some really pretty one, if only I had a heavier luggage allowance.
Managed to watch f1 race to-day without any hitches - thank goodness.
Far too hot to go out walking this afternoon, came back after about 15mins. Plenty of Russians on the beach going a darker shade of pink by the minute and still laying there in it, they must be nuts.
I would love a bit of sunshine right now !!
Had a go at one of those double shamballa bracelets last night with promising results tho I didnt quite have enough of the right beads-long sory LOL, thanks for the link tho !!