Half marathon training

Thanks WelshTigger, hopefully next year!!!

Have now found Shazza, we are just standing around playing on our phones killing time!!
Ooooh how have you two got on? Xx
No shame in walking! I still walk in some of my runs.

How do u feel?
What was your time?

Well done, you've just completed something very few people will do in their life. Be proud :) and enjoy replenishing those calories ;) lol
It really was a hard run, but really proud I did it.

Was so nice to meet Claire as well, she is a lovely person :)

My time was 2hr 21 min, so pleased with that :)

Fantastic feeling crossing that finish line!!!!!!!!!!
Well done Shazz. Awesome time. :) be proud.

Is silver stone half actually on the racing track then? X
Lovely to meet you too Shaz!!

SummerGurl, it takes in all 3 of the tracks plus some of the service roads!

My time was 2:54.40, was just so pleased to cross the finish line!! I'm not hungry though!?!
How come your not hungry Coach????? I am eating like a pig!! Also feeling very tired and every part of my body aches!!!!

My family are trying to get me to do another half marathon in about 6 weeks (home town). I am unsure though, I really did suffer today, not sure I can put myself through it again so soon!! :-(

Why was the run sooo much harder than my training runs?? I know it was hot and probably started too quick, but would that effect the run so much??
Don't know Shaz, I feel incredibly sick now too. I just hope its not heat stroke or something, I've had that before and its not pleasant :-(

I don't know why it was so difficult? Maybe it was just because of the heat?

I'm in bed already as was dozing off reading my book but can't sleep now because of feeling sick :-(
Hey girls. I am soooo proud of you both (and don't mind admitting I'm jealous too). Well done, that really is a fantastic achievement. Sounds like you need plenty of rehydration and to get your salts and sugars up. Hope you both feel better in the morning. Rest and take care of yourselves. I WILL be joining you on a half marathon at some point.
Once again well.done. I'm so, so proud of you xxx
Thanks Pinkie that's really sweet of you.

Are you feel any better Coach? I am so stiff but otherwise ok. Have red face, so must have caught the sun, lol
Well done-that is an awesome acheivement-I too am a little bit jealous as would love to have been able to do it xx
How you girls feeling today? Xx
I am so sore. I am resorting to walking down the stairs backwards!! Hubbie thinks its really funny!
It's my birthday 2moro, so had arranged a morning at this nice hotel today. We had booked a day using the gym, pool, sauna, jacuzzi and steam room. Obviously booked before Silverstone!!
Well what can I say...!! I eventually managed to get down the stairs to the gym. After a very long warm up I managed a 5 min run!!!! Swimming was a disaster, had no feeling in my legs, so managed two lengths using arms only. Then stayed in the jacuzzi for the remainder!!!! Mental note, make no plans for the next few days after a race!! I cannot believe how much I am suffering!! Stairs are just a nightmare!!! Not going to attempt another run until the w/e.

Coach: u are so lucky not to have this soreness!!! Lol x
I wasn't laughing at you Shaz honestly!! Happy birthday for tomorrow. Maybe I'm not suffering because I walked a couple of miles?

Hope you feel better soon xx
I can finally walk down the stairs normally!!!

I decided to sign up for the local half marathon. Despite only having 6-7 weeks to go, I thought it would be a good race to do. I can use the route to train on, so will be a lot more prepared. Plus all my family will be supporting me, so that will be a huge boost.
I think my plan is to not go below 9 miles on my distance between now and the race. My body is coping with the distance so dont see the point building back up again.
Incidentally I got weighed yesterday....I have put 5lb on in 5 days!!! You certainly don't lose weight running, lol. Nothing to do with the fact I have pigged out ever since the race, lol

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Has anyone got any races planned?

Summer - is it your race coming up next?