Half marathon training

Yay to signing up for the half marathon and yay to walking down stairs normally!!

I've got a 10k run on 1 April so that will be good and I want to do the Bristol Half in September but can't afford to sign up to it at the moment. I've also got another local one in mind but again, can't afford that one at the moment.

Boo to the 5lb in 5 days! I've put 1lb on which is terrible considering I haven't really eaten much since the race!!! I did have a third of a tub of Haagen Daz ice cream last night though so it could be that!!!!
10k is a good distance, I'm sure you'll do fab.
Sounds like you will have a few races to keep you busy :)

Haagen daz is just amazing, so worth the cals!!!
Does this mean your appetite is coming back? Mine is finally starting to get back to normal!! Guess I need to get running again to make up for been a pig all week, lol
My appetite returned last night and was making up for the last couple of days!! I didn't go for a run last night as I was just too tired. I've had a good night's sleep but still feel like I've got no energy? I'm going to catch the bus to work and hopefully I'll be up for a run tonight.
That's great that your appetite is back Coach. Hope your starting to feel a bit better now.

I have gone off the rails a bit. It's not helping that I am only doing gentle exercise and still eating for two!! Attempting an 8 mile run 2moro, so that should be interesting!!!! May end up a two mile one at this rate though, lol. I am just going to listen to my body.

I have been feeling a bit down this week but couldnt put my finger on why. I think it is down to the race. I have lived this race for the last few months. All my focus has gone into it and now it's finished I'm a bit lost!! Does that make me a bit wierd, lol?? I have made my plan for my next race, which has made me feel a bit better. Hopefully I will be back to normal once I am running again.
No shaz it doesn't make you weird, I experienced the same. Good luck with your 8 miles but like u say do listen to your body.

How are you doing today coach?
Morning Shazz and SummerGurl

I'm feeling much better now thank you. I went for a short run round the block last night (2.28 miles) and I'm running home from work tonight (2 miles) and then I'll do a 6ish mile run on Sunday.

I've been feeling exactly the same Shazz re the lost feeling. Strange isn't it how it takes over your life.

I notice the official photos from Sunday are now ready :)
That's great that your back out running again Coach! Not sure I dare look at the photos, lol

I'm really pleased its not just me that has had the lost feeling. Thought I was losing the plot, lol

I got weighed again this morning and looking much better. Presumably your muscles weigh more when they are sore? As I put on 7lb this week, but now down to only a 2lb gain, so much more like what I expected!! 7lb was a huge shock!!!
Blimey, yes I wonder if you were retaining fluid too? I'm 1.25lb up but that could be the Haagen Dazs I've had this week!! Really need to start watching my food now I'm not doing the same mileage.

Is your next race your half in 6 weeks?
So I've just had a look at the race photos and the cheapest one is £12.95 with the cheapest digital one being £30!!!! Do they think we are made of money??? That is incredibly annoying as I really wanted a photo, preferrably digital, but the print is out of my league :-(



Coach if you send me your email address I can send you a few more.
Fab photos ladies :) x
Have to say I love that photo...!! Lol it looks like u stopped to pose, but Phil says you were happily running along, lol

I have seen my official photos...OMG!! The relief on my face when I cross the finish line!! Needless to say I won't be buying any!
I was quite surprised to see Phil and it was lovely of him to think of taking a photo of me. Mum took a couple but the only decent one I really am pulling a strange face because I was telling her how awful I felt!!!
Did I say I was going to do an 8 mile run this w/e....!!!! Not a chance, my body packed up after 2 miles, lol
Guess I need to build up gradually again. :)
I'm sure you'll be fine coach. My legs and knees felt like dead weights, which is how they felt late in the race. So my body is just not ready yet. I'm sure by next w/e I will be much better.
You have done a couple of runs already haven't you? How did they feel?
Yes I've done a couple of 2 mile runs and they were fine. Yesterday's was slightly more difficult but that could have been because I had run the day before and I was carrying a rucksack, albeit not very heavy! I think tomorrow's run is only 5 miles.

Are you going to do any short runs during the week to try and loosen up?
Good luck for your run today.
Are you still following a schedule?
Have u signed up for another race?

Yes I'm going to do a few short runs in the week.