Half marathon training

I'm in Bournemouth Summer, I shall stay at my normal guest house, although need to double check where the start is and what the buses are like, unless I hire a car x
The start is on anchor road by the @ Bristol place :) x
Ah, thanks for that. That would be a fair walk from the B&B but not impossible. I might be able to persuade my friend to give me a lift if she's about!
Morning All, how's it going?

Have you done your long run Shazz? How did it go?

I did 8.59 miles yesterday and it felt quite comfortable. Hopefully that means next week's 10k will be a walk in the park!!
Hi Coach, I did 8 miles today. Full of cold so not my best run, but hopefully can progress to 10 miles next week.
You look like your doing great Coach! Pleased u have signed up to the Bristol half xx
Glad your run went okay. Hope the cold goes soon. I haven't signed up yet! Will speak to my friend on Tuesday and hopefully he'll still lend me the money and I won't be too late!! xx
I did 7.5 miles on the treadmill today, so feeling back on track. I have 6 wks to my next race (half again), so aiming for 11 miles this w/e, then the next run to be 13.1 miles. That way I have 3 weeks to recover before my race. I am trying to get my body ready for the race, so it is not such a shock as Silverstone!!! Hopefully it won't go against me???!!

How is everyone else doing?
I'm doing the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October, so will be joining you guys on this thread. *smilesandwaves* :) I'm really unmotivated with my training at the minute, as I've been feeling lightheaded all this week (just started dieting again) so doing lots of walks, and will hopefulyl be back to form by next week!
Shaz & coach how many runs a week do you guys do?
Well done Shazz, you're doing really well xx

Summergurl, I tend to do two shorter runs during the week and a long one on Sunday. I haven't got out this week yet because of the heat. I need to try and get out in the morning as I'm doing a 10k on Sunday
Hope you feel better runnerbean :)

Summer, I normally do two runs midweek then my long w/e run. My midweek runs are on a treadmill though, one run is 3 miles and the 2nd 5-7 miles. I am very guilty of not doing speed or hill work. Think this is down to been paranoid about injuries!

Coach: you have a race this w/e, brilliant!! Have you got a time in mind? Hope the weather cools down a bit for you. My fingers will be crossed for you. :)
Hope you find your mojo soon Runnerbean!!

Shazz, my last 10k took 1hr 9 mins so less than that would be good. I doubt very much it'll be a sub 10k but that would be great. I so hope it's cooler too! It's mainly slong the promenade so that will help
That would be a good time Coach, any better is a bonus. Should be ok if it's on the promenade. I know the weather for us will be much cooler, so hopefully will be for you too.
Must admit I'm not used to running in warm weather!!!
Have do you feel about Sunday? Have the nerves started creeping in?
Thanks Shazz, no don't think I'll get nervous now I've run that distance and more on several occassions and I've done the route a few times too. Just looking forward to it and getting another medal!!! xx
That's good. Hopefully you can relax and enjoy the race.
Post a piccy of your medal :)
Ah cool. I'm roughly the same with my runs too expect my long run day is midweek.

Good luck Sunday coach :) x
Thanks Summer. I haven't managed to get out during the week so hopefully Sunday won't be a problem. It's not like I'm running a huge distance so hopefully I'll be fine!!! Are you out for a run over the weekend? xx

Shazz, good luck with your 11 miler xx
Today's medal :)


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