Half marathon training

Oh right? I googled it to find out the route, and it says on the website it's on April 7th 2013 :confused:
Have just looked again, and the one on the 24/02 is the Great North West Run! But following the same route-how odd!! Oh well-more options I spose x

thats the one, great north west run!
there is another half in april and september though. the april one has a full marathon going too (im doing the full that day)
This might be a bit premature, but I'm starting to panic about Christmas. I'm not bothered about the weight loss, I think I can control what I put in my mouth enough to not gain loads but I was just wondering if you were all planning to stick to your running plans (if you have them) over Christmas?

I include intervals on the treadmill which I find really useful for measuring distance and setting speed and there's no way I can keep these up when I'm away from the gym. I don't think I'm good enough at gauging speed to do decent tempo runs either. Any tips? I'm going to be away for nearly two weeks so I'm starting to worry!
Morning gang,

Got my osteopath appoint today, really wanted to do a run yest or today but I've had a chest infection all week and shouldn't of run mon night really, been worse since!
Lucylu79 said:
Morning gang,

Got my osteopath appoint today, really wanted to do a run yest or today but I've had a chest infection all week and shouldn't of run mon night really, been worse since!

Hope you're feeling better soon
This might be a bit premature, but I'm starting to panic about Christmas. I'm not bothered about the weight loss, I think I can control what I put in my mouth enough to not gain loads but I was just wondering if you were all planning to stick to your running plans (if you have them) over Christmas?

I include intervals on the treadmill which I find really useful for measuring distance and setting speed and there's no way I can keep these up when I'm away from the gym. I don't think I'm good enough at gauging speed to do decent tempo runs either. Any tips? I'm going to be away for nearly two weeks so I'm starting to worry!

Will you be away as in abroad? If so, and you are in a hotel, could you use the treadmill there? If you are in the country, could you switch to running outside and rather than do any interval stuff for the two weeks, just try and go for a steady run and increase your distance?

I have only just started using a treadmill to run on. For some reason, to start with it made me feel really sick, but I have to say I quite like it now, it really helps with intervals and hills. And its better than slipping and sliding all over the frosty pavements!!

Really pleased today as I have FINALLY got my 5st award in Slimming World! I have struggled to shift much weight over the last month or so, but finally got there :)
This might be a bit premature, but I'm starting to panic about Christmas. I'm not bothered about the weight loss, I think I can control what I put in my mouth enough to not gain loads but I was just wondering if you were all planning to stick to your running plans (if you have them) over Christmas?

I include intervals on the treadmill which I find really useful for measuring distance and setting speed and there's no way I can keep these up when I'm away from the gym. I don't think I'm good enough at gauging speed to do decent tempo runs either. Any tips? I'm going to be away for nearly two weeks so I'm starting to worry!

my last run day before christmas is the 23rd and 24th, then going back to it again on the 27th
my last run day before christmas is the 23rd and 24th, then going back to it again on the 27th

i dont use treadmills though, good thing as my gyms shut over christmas. it is open christmas eve though
I'm abroad anyway, but moving back at Christmas so gym won't be until the new year. I'm at my parents for a few days and then OH's parents house where it's manic and also in the middle of nowhere and I'm a real city girl, not too comfortable about running on narrow country lanes without footpaths! I think I'm just going to have to take things with me and try and get a run in if I can... then straight back to it in the new year.
Those of you that run outside, do you run whatever the weather? I said I'd go this morning but it really is grim, heavy rain and strong winds :-( should I still give it a go? My 10k is in 3 weeks!

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Jenny809 said:
Those of you that run outside, do you run whatever the weather? I said I'd go this morning but it really is grim, heavy rain and strong winds :-( should I still give it a go? My 10k is in 3 weeks!

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Yes-the only time I won't is if it's icy x
I went, haven't ran for a few weeks now and managed just over 5 miles in 50mins so happy with that! Had the longest nicest shower tho, blimin horrid out there, empty cycle track tho! :)

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Jenny809 said:
I went, haven't ran for a few weeks now and managed just over 5 miles in 50mins so happy with that! Had the longest nicest shower tho, blimin horrid out there, empty cycle track tho! :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using MiniMins

Well done! That's great!
Those of you that run outside, do you run whatever the weather? I said I'd go this morning but it really is grim, heavy rain and strong winds :-( should I still give it a go? My 10k is in 3 weeks!

Sent from my HTC Desire S using MiniMins

i havent ran in icy weather yet, but then again it hasnt been icy when i have been running.... but i generally do run in rain, sun or wind....
Managed a quick 45 mins whilst Alfie was snoozing so I decided to try and do my best 4 miles, please I did it in 44 mins!

Need to attempt my 2nd 10k but its hard finding the spare free time!
Thanks, how are you doing with your running? X

Not too bad-haven't been very well this week, so only run once-was gonna go on Thursday but we were flooded! Oops! Going to go to the gym a few times this week to run if the weather doesn't let up-it's not the rain falling that's the problem, it's the sheer volume of water on the ground-it's just not safe x
Not too bad-haven't been very well this week, so only run once-was gonna go on Thursday but we were flooded! Oops! Going to go to the gym a few times this week to run if the weather doesn't let up-it's not the rain falling that's the problem, it's the sheer volume of water on the ground-it's just not safe x

Eek! Hope the flooding's not too bad!

I've had a one-run week as well. Just felt so unmotivated for some reason. I went to the gym yesterday, did some weights, ran for about 10 minutes and thought f*** that and went home. But I did manage my long run today so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. It's only 7km at the moment but it's the furthest I've ever run in one go. I've done two 10kms but with walking breaks so 7km feels like a real achievement! I can't believe I've come so far!
Eek! Hope the flooding's not too bad!

I've had a one-run week as well. Just felt so unmotivated for some reason. I went to the gym yesterday, did some weights, ran for about 10 minutes and thought f*** that and went home. But I did manage my long run today so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. It's only 7km at the moment but it's the furthest I've ever run in one go. I've done two 10kms but with walking breaks so 7km feels like a real achievement! I can't believe I've come so far!

Well done you! I know exactly how you feel, coming from 2-3 miles with walk breaks to running 4 miles non stop feels amazing and we should be proud!
Not too bad-haven't been very well this week, so only run once-was gonna go on Thursday but we were flooded! Oops! Going to go to the gym a few times this week to run if the weather doesn't let up-it's not the rain falling that's the problem, it's the sheer volume of water on the ground-it's just not safe x

I'm lucky in one respect that I only treadmill run, the only reason I don't run is down to me, not the elements! The down side is I'm not getting that outdoor run push but I'm hoping to get out soon.