Getting her sparkle back
Hiya. How are you doing today? I got really worried reading your post. You sound so anxious and unhappy. Do bear in mind that as soon as you replace your glycogen stores by eating carbohydrate again you can gain pounds and pounds almost overnight. It's a one-off gain though. It doesn't mean that every time you eat carbs you will gain the same amount (or your liver would be the size of a football!). I just hope that thought might relieve some of the anxiety you're feeling about food right now.
I have to say your posts have also made me worry about RTM for me too. You have been such an inspiration to follow and I really hope you come through this ok.
Thank you spangly, you are completely right about the glycogen stores. For the past week I have stayed the exact same weight no matter what i've eaten (healthy and a few not so good things!) I should be happy that i've found a weight I can maintain, but it's still about 4 pounds higher than I would like to be. But guess this is where the hard part begins, learning to maintaing and manage my weight without the packs.
I know RTM is worrying, but don't let me put you off! It really is an essential part of lighter life, if I hadn't done RTM I reckon the first time I lapsed I would have fallen off the wagon and not got back on, but RTM has kept me going. I've got 3 more weeks and i'm determined to keep managing my weight.