ProPoints Hannah's not sure what she's doing anymore...

I think tea as I like it would be my worst miss - I don't take milk but I have real sugar, I love my tea! When I'm being good I restrict myself to one cup a day, usually before bed - bliss :)
Another overeat of a day but hey ho!!

Did lots of reading for my paper last week & over the weekend & I started to write it up in my lunch break today :) I'm making a start & feeling better about it now, although it's due next Friday!!

I went to be gym on Friday to get a 30 min weights/toning program set up. So I dashed to the gym after work today, I managed all the weights side but missed the abs. They have be using the power plate for the abs section & they were in use & in all honesty I couldn't be a****!
Another overeat of a day but hey ho!!

Did lots of reading for my paper last week & over the weekend & I started to write it up in my lunch break today :) I'm making a start & feeling better about it now, although it's due next Friday!!

I went to be gym on Friday to get a 30 min weights/toning program set up. So I dashed to the gym after work today, I managed all the weights side but missed the abs. They have be using the power plate for the abs section & they were in use & in all honesty I couldn't be a****!

Ha loved this last bit!
Well done on going to the gym and doing something. Helps with the energy levels I think.
Well done on getting the assignment started too. Hard to look after the diet when you have so much other things on I'm sure. Best of luck for tomorrow xx
I know Laura - not the best start to my new gym routine!! But oh so true ;)

Well....I've added it up & the calorie total is....2213, oops!

B: banana, yoghurt, toast, flora & jam
L: veg & rice noodle stirfry, graze snack, cheesecake
S: apple
D: slow cooker chilli con carne (yummy!!), rice & creme fraiche, 4 roses & flapjack

I blame the chef in work canteen, she practically force fed me cheesecake because I'd 'bequeathed' her a load of curd cheese I couldn't sell! Still it only cost 30p so that's not bad!! Plus I've still Christmas treats to eat :D

But I did go for a swim this morning....nearly didn't though as I turned my alarm off this morning & woke up 20 min later! Still managed to get from my bed into the pool in 25 mins (I was a little bleary eyed!)

My inner thighs were hurting too this morning ;) From my weights session at the gym!! They've a machine you can do dead lifts with, so it must've been that. My inner thighs never seem to get a workout & are extremely wibbly, so anything that makes them hurt is a bonus!

I'm preparing for the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch, which is taking place next weekend, 25-26 Jan. If you've any outside space, start feeding your birds & then for 1 hour over that weekend bird watch & write down what you've seen. You then log it with the RSPB so they have an idea of what's out there. I made bird feed cakes, melted lard mixed with seed & nuts, then popped in the fridge to set - I'm sadly quite pleased with them, so have attached a pic!


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Aww I think the bird cakes look lovely, love the heart shaped ones, I'm sure the little birds will appreciate them greatly :D.

Well done too for getting out of bed and into the pool that quick!! You must be speedy x
Well done hon. Hope you enjoyed the cheesecake. :)
Bird cakes look lovely. I love watching the birds in my garden. :)
Well my obsession with eating has not abated!!

B: cereal bar & yoghurt
L: rice noodles & veg stirfry, snack pack of cadbury fingers
S(!): ham sandwich, crips & curly wurly
D: black pudding & chorizo risotto

The risotto was last weeks that I'd frozen, so easy but hugely calorific!

Afternoon snack wise - I was at work at 6:30, I messed up quite spectacularly and lunch wasn't very substantial, so I needed some comfort food!

Surprisingly it's within calories (1800) at 1771! No exercise today, but I did write another 350 words on my assignment which for a work day ain't bad :)
If there is any more of that delicious sounding risotto I will happily take it off your hands... ;) Black pudding and chorizo. And risotto. MMmmmmmmm. Not sure you can fit many more of my favourite things in a dish.

Well done on going for a swim when you had a good excuse not to. I think its about riding out those early "can't be arsed" moments and forming the habit of going. Someone told me a long time ago that with exercise you rarely seem to regret doing it but usually regret not doing it. I try to bear that in mind when my alarm goes off at 5am twice a week...
Habits habits habits...they're hard to crack & even harder to adopt, unless they're bad ones obviously!!

Risotto is one of my favourites & this one was great!

Thursday wasn't too bad, 2000 calories, mainly because I had a sandwich as an afternoon snack!! I also went for a 'run' - managed 22 minutes & today my body feels WRECKED...cycling was a real struggle. I didn't make it to the gym to do a weights session, mainly because I'm already in so much pain, so feel like I need the rest!

Uni yesterday & loads of assignment writing, I've written 2000 words so far this week :)

That's it I think - well & truly cream crackered
We've all got bad habits or we wouldn't be here, just human nature :)

Your doing great with the exercise but you obviously don't want to be in too much pain and pushing it or it might become and injury so glad your having a rest day!

Well done on the uni work!! Assignment wiring was my pet hate, have you got a target number of words to complete? Hope your having a more relaxing Saturday! :D
Well done on cracking on with the assignment. I find the thought of doing them is often far much than actually doing them.

Sounds like your body needed a bit of a rest after the running. Have you had a bit of a break from running? I find its one thing that my body doesn't retain the ability to do as well as other things - if I have a gap then I end up slipping back far more than in other forms of exercise.

Anything good planned for the weekend?
Still motoring on with the assignment...up to 2500 words now - so just reviewing/editing & my conclusions...needs to in on Friday so taking the day off today, so I don't become 'bamboozled'!

Food as bad as ever, tasty though & I made a cracking marble cake yesterday - from my Paul Hollywood book (Christmas present - signed & everything ;) )


Last night was game night:
Trivial pursuit - boys v girls - we lost
Risk - I WON !!!!
Haven't played it since uni days & it was with uni friends who had the actual uni board, very nostalgic :)

I have had a break of running for about 4 months and my muscle memory is pretty poor too apparently. It was fine when I was doing it, just the next 2 days were tricky!! Back to normal today, although back is just achey!
That cake looks utterly yumtastic. If you are passing Nottingham any time soon please bring me a slice!

Board games sounds fun. We had friends over to play my new Firefly boardgame last week. Its a bit complicated but really fun. We have another set of friends who we often see for game nights, often cards, got sometimes play RISK as well. I won the first one we played because everything underestimated my menace as I hadn't played before and kept asking about the rules.... Mawahahahaha!
Ha - thanks Atomic & Laura it was quite tasty too!! I took it to a friends for 'puffing' so thought I'd 'jazz' it up a bit! If I'm ever passing Nottingham I'll make sure I've some cake on hand ;)

At the start of risk I just thought, I've no chance, then I just got bolshy! My mission was 24 territories & I took 9 my the last go - ha, they didn't suspect a thing!!!

Ok day today, no blue Monday but a couple of difficult calls to friends this avo who are going through s***. Poor folks, make me realise how lucky I am & that I shouldn't complain about a uni assignment I started late! It certainly gives a little perspective...

Read through assignment today, so will try & re-write one tomorrow, all on track! Sorry to bore with essay writing!

Foods been good today. No exercise though other than my cycle. Hoping to swim & do a mini weights session before work....we shall see....swim for sure just don't know if I can squeeze it in!

B: 1 weetabix & milk
S: yoghurt
L: roasted bns, fennel & carrot soup, oatcakes & cereal bar
S: ham & a little leftover mash
D: chicken chilli men with noodles, lush! I have the wagamama cookbook but so glad they do jars of the stuff now, sooo much easier ;)
S: small cadbury bar

Total: 1357 calories OR 29pp

I prefer the calorie count it seems lower!!!
The noodles sound good. Think I bought that sauce a few years ago and was pretty impressed actually. I struggle with getting the flavours quite right when it comes to Chinese-style food for some reason.

Is it this week the assignment has to be in? Or next? Sounds like you will get it done in plenty of time anyway.