Thanks guys! Feeling positive about tomorrows weigh in, have been quite good food wise, ate enough but no binging, and burned a lot in the gym. Nice balance.
Was at an anxiety seminar today and it was pretty good, lots of positive things learned. In tomorrow again for most of the day. Fasting all day tomorrow shouldn't be a problem either. Which is a relief. Got hairdressers on Thursday, which I'm looking forward to. My hair needs a good cut and I'll have to stick on some bleach too. Should hopefully be a nice boost as my hair has been looking wick lately lol. Got pt on Saturday at long last (after cancelling my first appointment cause I was ill)
Feel like I'm getting my head in a more positive place. Slimgate hasn't responded to my offer of hanging out but I've stayed calm and not sent a follow up message, after I was itching to do so last night. **** him, I'm just gonna spend some time with my actual friend, his brother, lol.
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