Lou_G said:wow you can really see it on your lower half!! and yay Mummy Han for being awesome on her first fast day!!
I never thought you would even see a difference with 2 stone but it is kinda amazing.
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Wavycat said:I'm convinced weight lost on JUDDD is 'real' fat, more so than on other kinds of weight loss, where a lot is water and muscle. Not sure if that's scientific fact! But with just under 1/2 a stone lost, I'm fitting into things it would usually take at least a stone off to get into.
bolero982 said:I know it's easier said than done (I rage at my scales a lot, as you know), but try not to be too disappointed. 1.7lbs is still a fantastic loss, and I'm sure the whoosie fairy will visit soon.
Good luck with changing your weigh in to a Friday. If that works for you, then that's great.
Greeneyes11 said:It's a good loss Hun. Most weeks I lose less than 1lb. You have lost an average of 2 lb a week which is the recommended weight loss.
hannata said:Week 15 weigh in
Sat 251.9
Sun 253 (+1.1 post up) +1.1
Mon 253.1 (+0.1 post uud) +1.2
Tue 253 (-0.1 post ddu & walk) +1.1
wed 251.4 (-1.6 post uud & gym) -0.5
Thu 249.7 (-1.7 post ddu) -2.2
Fri 247.9 (-1.8 post uud) -4
Sat 250.2 (+2.3 post ddu) -1.7
Still a great loss mind...!
Think I'm going to start weighing in on a Friday from next week, so week 16 will be a 6 day week.
Still 29.8lbs over 15 weeks!
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MissAmy said:Fab loss.
17lb is bliddy good. I'd be happy with that each week.
I've got my week 15 weigh in later (when i finally get dressed and motivate my ass into town) and hope i do as well.
MissAmy said:I wouldn't worry too much about the little fluctuations, the general trend is downwards and more down each week so you are kicking arse.
I always weigh clothed and after food, and it differs each week (sometimes three meals before i weigh) so i know my weights are not as accurate as naked first thing.
Only 1lb lost this which is a bit pants, although have been full of cold and starving all week so not surprising. But just bought myself a new coat in a size 20.
I started my diet at a size 26!!