Total Solution harry m's diary

Day 47, going 100% so far...
Day 48 was ok till 7pm then suddenly I started feeling sick, my sugar level and blood pressure was very low.Maybe it's cause of my TOTM or something else I don't know.I had normal food and I feel little better now but not sure about tomorrow. Hope everyone coping well...
Day 49....
100% again...
Day 50, yaay half way...
Hey harry, you're doing so well hun! I'm not doing well at all, feeling poorly a lot of the time and am binging most of the time :( I think I will have put on everything I have lost. I'm looking forward to January and getting back on plan xx
Ahhh u'll be alright hun!! it's the festive season so u can't blame youself for that but better back on track in the new year.
Day 51 here I go.I look great and I feel great nowadays :)
hi, I have decided to stay off the diet for 1 week starting from tomorrow, I will see how it goes.
Day 53, I had only one day off and didn't enjoy it at all so back on my diet again.Here I go again....
hi, tomorrow I will be back :)
Thanks hun but I haven't started yet.These headaches killing me.
hi everyone, happy new year and good luck.I m back on my diet, wish me luck :)
Good luck harry xx
Best of luck Harry I am back on Monday the 7th I have visitors over til then but got my exante delivery so all set for Monday - 2013 will be our year -happy new year and best of luck with it x
I'm back :)
heavier than ever but I'm back , hope I can stick to the packs this time and not eat everything in site wen I'm feelin down :-(
