Well if you send me your blog link I will send you mine![]()
Emmaline said:I have noticed that myself as I am quite an obsessive user of this forum and get quite disheartened when there is little response. However, there are a lot of "older" members who stick to their circle of "friends" and hardly ever post elsewhere. (Otherwise known as cliques!) I have constantly tried posting on these sites but got really fedup with being ignored. :
I have noticed that myself as I am quite an obsessive user of this forum and get quite disheartened when there is little response. However, there are a lot of "older" members who stick to their circle of "friends" and hardly ever post elsewhere. (Otherwise known as cliques!) I have constantly tried posting on these sites but got really fedup with being ignored. Now I just write on my diary on occasion, or my blog, and try to encourage newbies when they join.
However, as you say Catherine, it does seem to be much more quiet on here than it was a few months back. Never mind, let's all be determined to support each other as much as possible anyway... :wavey:
Hmm....... :-/
Yes it is very quiet these days, hardly any new "meaty" threads just little short answer type threads.
Quite correct whoever said us oldies get cheesed off with advice being snapped at, when people blatantly don't want to listen to what's being said, it makes one less likely to comment. Even off topic is quieter than it ever was.
I'm not going anywhere though, I do like this forum and I have some great friends on here.
Texty_F said:I don't think they will jaylou everyone has their reasons for coming and going - I think it was just an observation rather than anything else
OOH !!! I suppose I a one of the older members too along with Jaylou and several others who posted a lot on here and always supported each other. The threads then were interesting topics and one could answer with an opinion without fear of unpleasantness.
I stopped posting in off Topic because of the unpleasantness and very recently had another thread I started ( that mini moved to a more private place) removed all together because of the foolish thoughtless response from one member in particular.
We are not and never have been a clique, just a bunch of people who enjoyed a good, often in depth discussion unlike the wishy, washy threads that are around now.
I expect there will be those who take offence at what is not meant to be an offensive reply merely a defense of the older members who have given so much help and advice to newbies only to be shot down in flames.
I am with you all the way Jay and another one that is not going away unlike the members who have disappeared altogether sadly, just sitting back and observing more these days.
Emmaline said:My comments were an observation on the people who prefer to keep to just a few rather than spread their time and support around. Cliques are just that..those that prefer to keep to a few..and so be it. No offense meant, a spade is a spade in my book. Let's not sqabble over a word!
Emmaline said:I have noticed that myself as I am quite an obsessive user of this forum and get quite disheartened when there is little response. However, there are a lot of "older" members who stick to their circle of "friends" and hardly ever post elsewhere. (Otherwise known as cliques!) I have constantly tried posting on these sites but got really fedup with being ignored. Now I just write on my diary on occasion, or my blog, and try to encourage newbies when they join.
However, as you say Catherine, it does seem to be much more quiet on here than it was a few months back. Never mind, let's all be determined to support each other as much as possible anyway... :wavey:
jezzi999 said:It's the whole of minimins though. I read quite a few other boards just because I'm interested/nosy and they are all really quiet at the moment.
I think it's the cold snap and the run up to Xmas - these are the traditional times that people fall off the wagon, while January and may/June (per-summer holidays) are prime time.
cat yoyo greaves said:I'm finally back on my wagon I've got a party dress that could do with being a tad less tight ..... I've got just over a month
donna88 said:I'm terrible even when I'm off the wagon I don't stop coming here, but I suppose I'm always at least attempting to get back on the wagon whereas a lot of people fall off completely and don't catch up until after Christmas (I would have gained 8 stone by then if I did that haha)
My comments were an observation on the people who prefer to keep to just a few rather than spread their time and support around. Cliques are just that..those that prefer to keep to a few..and so be it. No offense meant, a spade is a spade in my book. Let's not sqabble over a word!
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