As another "oldie" - although not quite so old a Fillymum :8855: . . . in length of time on Minis that is, although the lovely lady is a tad older than me in years too . . . Just thought I'd stick my two penn'arth in as well.
Off topic got truly horrible at one point and I completely stopped posting on any thread on here.
A good discussion is great - but rudeness is totally unacceptable - and downright nastiness should not be tolerated imho.
Written words are a funny thing. As soon as I saw clique, my heckles were up!!!
As Jay said - written words are a funny thing - we can use a word that to us is innocuous but to others is like a red rag to a bull.
We're all in little "cliques" really as we find people that share our opinion and so we follow what they are up to.
We're in one Jay . . . our lovely DGs thread is our private, little support group.
There are times when I struggle and my lovely friends come to the rescue.
Without it I would go mad. But hubs says I'm mad anyway so don't know if anyone would notice the difference.
I get fed up of the softly-softly threads - and I get fed up of the whingers who don't stick to plan and then have the temerity to ask why they have gained. Yes - I'm becoming a grumpy old woman.
But then The Tough Love thread started and I thought it was a breath of fresh air . . . for a while.
The advice started getting VERY strong. I can't do some forms of exercise these days for various medical reasons, as couldn't a few other ladies, but we were being told we were just downright lazy and to get off our fat arses as diet alone wouldn't get us to target. I took huge exception to that. I've lost 70 lbs by SW alone thereby proving exactly the opposite. So I abandoned that thread fairly sharply.
And then the TL on there started creeping and spreading onto other threads and they got downright nasty too, so some harsh words were said and fortunately the nasty posters departed.
What I'm trying to say is that before I reply now I take a deep breath and think "How would I feel if someone said that to me?". So I often don't post anything any more for fear of someone taking it the wrong way.
But I also found I was spending lots of time on Minis - far too much time - and hubs was getting peed off with me!
I'm still around, but stick to talking to my "trusted" friends who I know will offer good advice and don't take offence when a few home truths are required.
Sad really . . .

But that's why I think it's a lot quieter now on here.
In fact I thought about clicking "cancel" for this post but thought "What the heck - post it woman!.