Time to start again!
Have a lovely holiday Helen... xx
HPSaucy said:I'm back! Had a really fab time and have got the best tan I've ever had. Feel like I've put a stone on, food was fab, did have salad and avoided chips but what with the numerous pastries etc I know I've put on loads but had such a great time, did get some Body Magic in, played tennis (badly), played table tennis (badly) lol also swam loads and did water aerobics.
Today will also be off plan as no food in house and Mark has just popped to shops but haven't done any planning so goodness knows what we're getting! I want to be back on track tomorrow really, still have another week and a bit off work, was hoping it was going to be sunny like last April but hey ho!
Hope everyone is well, will read through everyone's diaries but its going to take a lllloooonnnggg time! Need to get on with the washing and bits now but I promise I'll get on your diaries soon x
lynica said:Yeah welcome home !!! Glad you enjoyed turkey told you the food was good he he but hey that's what a holiday is for to relax and chill out
Take care enjoy your washing lol xx
JackieN said:lovely to see you backglad you had such a fab time
lsf666 said:Welcome back!!! I'm at the same stage as you as got home on Wednesday but went food shopping this morning so will be back on plan from tomorrow
As for the washing. I've told Elliott he has enough other clothes
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HPSaucy said:I need to get onto the meal planning, really want to be good this week to try and limit the damage done on holiday, can't seem to get my head around what meals to make, I won't say I'll be 100% as I know we've got things planned that it'll be hard to stay 100% but I'll try my best x
HPSaucy said:Morning all, my plan of going to Windsor Castle today isn't happening boo hoo, as we can't get into the chapel it would mean standing outside in the rain and it's blowing a gale so Dad said it would be silly to get cold and wet when I wouldn't even get to see him, so we're out to lunch with friends instead x
lsf666 said:When's your WI day Helen?
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