Hello Everyone!

So i set up the kinect this afternoon and my goodness, they don't start slow! The bloody thing had me doing crazy backward lunges, the dog thought i was barmy!! I want the dancing game so bad, but for now since i'm only borrowing it, i've got UFC training (yeah right!) and some sports games :) My cousin has just emigrated to australia and left her flabeloss vibrating machine with my auntie so i'm going to have to give it a go! What do you think to it? xx
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I love mine, and it really does work, the trick is to keep going on it. I used to do a little workout on it with light weights but for now I'm just standing on it but will build back up to the exercises and then add in the weights again.
Ooh awesome, they used to have something at the gym but it was a box that jiggled and only the skinnie minnies went on it, scared me off!! I think i'll have a go on it, is there a recommended amount of time/ frequency to use it? :) x
I think for all of them 10 mins is the max time, what level you do on there is the thing that makes the difference. Mine has 15 levels but they do vary, when I'm starting off I use one of the programmes that goes up and down through the levels, when I'm doing the exercising I pick a level and work up - only got as far as level 7 before and that's quite tough to do exercises too.

Had to laugh yesterday, went to see my parents, first time since I started s&s and of course the "shall we have some lunch" conversation comes up so I figured it was a good point to come clean as I said I'd brought my own tomato soup. So, we all had tomato soup - mine was s&s, Dad's was a tin of heinz - then mum sits down with weight watchers crackers. Seems I've kicked off the competition again! What was most funny though, my Mum asked what bread was ok when you're not eating carbs.... bless :)
Ahh that's great when they're supportive like that! Mine are actually being really good about it, my brother (who is a man of few words) said, oh i think your face looks slimmer! I'm not arguing with that hehe
I don't think i've lost much this week, i had a blip where i ate a plain tortilla wrap, i'd taken the dog for a huge walk and i was a bit shakey :( i know it's not going to put 11lbs back on but i still could kick myself!!
I just keep telling myself that any loss is a good loss :)
Oh dear. Had my 1st carb break down today!! 2 plain tortillas and a go ahead bar - i know ill pay for it but its my 1st blip so i dont feel too bad! Onwards and downwards tomorrow!
Oops! They used to my weakness those cheeky tortilla wraps! You've got a great attitude about it though, it's done, move on - that's really good. I'm quite proud of myself today, I've got insane pmt (yep, done the very unreasonable having a go at the OH followed by being mad at the whole world for no apparent reason, followed by lots of tears, followed by feeling very stupid :sigh:) but I've not strayed. I made a deal with myself earlier - I can have an extra pack, an extra bar, whatever I need today to get me through it, just hang on tightly to the wagon - but I've not needed it. I took the protein option with veg this evening and that's done the trick. I'm learning a lot about me and my triggers by removing the stress of having to think about food all the time, just hope I can equip myself with the tools to hang onto it for the future.

Here's to us all - getting thinner and learning about ourselves :)
Ahh noodles you sound just like me! Learning how to handle a blip and how to avoid it in future is key i think!! I think im pms-ing - although im on the pill i still get the moods every few weeks! Im mad at OH because hes out at the pub, invited me and then never answered his phone :( i got mad and upset and instead of a meal pack ive had protein so i feel better!! Men!!
Well my carb dip didn't seem to affect me too much, other than i felt really sluggish this morning - it was like waking the dead apparently! Had a good day today, been in a very 'tea' mood because i've had a dodgy tummy, still have a bar and a shake to get through tonight and i cant be arsed. I'll have my shake hot before bed though and cut my bar up into pieces an snack on them as i watch tv.
Hope everyone else has had a good week :)
How you doing, Natty? Hope all is well! X
Hi katycan - feeling bummed out, after having a tummy bug & not eating properly ive only lost 1lb :( weigh in isnt until wednesday but i cant see it changing much :( how are you?? X
I am bloomin freezing! I'm back on it today, but know what you mean. Was also disappointed with losses. Got to keep going though. I'm hoping to get back to work next week but I don't think my energy levels are up to much!

We should ditch the scales for a full week. They just make me sad & obsessive.

Come on now... I'll make you a cuppa!
I'm in with ditching the scales! they're evil :(
I'm just feeling really down - i'm still looking for a job - so struggleing to pay for s&s too, things just don't seem to be going my bloomin way this week! Will have to get my head back in the game if i can't pay for it this week - try to keep as low carb and low cal as possible! I could just do with a cuppa but have a snoring french bulldog on my lap! he looks so comfy i don't want to disturb him -

Also, do you ever feel like the scales are lieing? I still can't get to grips that i've lost 16lbs - i feel like im cheating somehow!
Aaaaw that's really hard. Hope you find something soon. Can you temp in the mean time? There's not much out there. ?

Could you mix up the s&s with some cheaper options too? I think I'm actually not spending as much money which is good. Apparently it's cheaper of you buy the men's 5 a day and then split it.

Ok- maybe the scales need to go away for a bit- well, until Friday anyway! I've lost 10lbs, but have stayed the same... Mainly due to cheating and eating some crap!

I haven't even been out of the house... And I'm meant to go back to work the week after next! Haha! Awesome!
My other half has actually said, he wants me to stay on the diet because it's worked out cheaper for us! I've been out of work since august - my last employer turned out to be a conman who owes me £1500, i'm sick to the back teeth of it - i apply for jobs every day. I'm on anti depressants already but i just feel all the doom and gloom and i just don't want to eat - which is novel, usually i'm a comfort eater! I feel like i've finally found something that works for me and it's being taken away from me with no choice :( sorry to be a downer, i just needed to vent! x
That's crap.

Keep on applying- you'll find something- sorry to sound glib. Very hard not to get down when circumstances are harsh. Let's hope there will be a turn around for you. Gotta keep hoping. The antidepressants will give you a bit of headspace hopefully- that's a terrible thing to happen. What area do you work in?

What do you mean, you've found something that works and it's being taken away with no choice- are you going to keep going? Have I misunderstood?

Thanks hun :) took the dog to the park for an hour today and walked loads, feel so much better now!
I'm a graphic designer/illustrator but i've applied for pretty much anything! With the money circumstance i'm just worried i won't be able to afford my meal packs - but saying that, i've just totted up and i've got until friday at least so that's okay, things might change next week! (keeping positive!)
This is the only diet i've been on where i've seen a change in weight - i normally fail after week one and don't carry on - my own fault but there's a glimmer of hope with s&s - not to be ashamed of the way i look :) Even if i have to come off it for a few days until things get better, at least I can keep on the straight and narrow!
Know what you mean- it's nice to see results. I normally give up promptly too, or fall off wagon never to get back on again. I think people on here help too- we're all in the same boat. I think I've spent less on food with doing s&s too, if I count it all up. Supermarket trips are few ££, so at least that makes up for it?

Aaaaw I'd like to write a children's book- have ou illustrated any of those? Not sure what about... I'd just like to write!

I've had a proper lazy day. Had loads on my list and only got through two. Fatigue day... Could do with some energy tomorrow!
Nattycat Graphic Design And Illustration | Wix.com - this is my illustrations :) well some of them! I'd love to illustrate a childrens book - at the moment i do some freelance work for a company doing stuff for car garages mainly and dog portraits/wedding invites etc

I had a friend pop round for a cuppa as i was feeling a little blue, feeling better now OH is home! We've saved money on s&s too - only had to buy veg and the occasional bottle of dr pepper zero! (which is my new love!)

I think it's lovely on here that even people who don't know you, will pick you up and get you back on the wagon :) as your message came at the perfect time today and now i feel much better!

I know what you mean about feeling lazy! Apart from taking the dog out, i've only cleaned the living room - no washing, no pots, no other cleaning! bad girlfriend!! hehe x