Hello out there!

So just had a hugely embarrassing conversation with a rather handsome young pharmacist on the subject of poo. He has given me some lactulose. Initially a bit worried as it's a sugar solution, but I had told him I am on cambridge and that sugar and carbs are a no no. He reassured me that the sugar isn't absorbed by the gut. Had 15mls with my breakfast. Please please this will solve the problem! Lots of rain in South Manchester this morning, hopefully this will freshen things up! Can't help thinking the heat has definitely contributed to the problem.
Definitely stepping up early next week, so I've got between now and Wednesday (when I do the online shop) to plan some lovely and exciting step 2 meals!
Hoping we're all looking forward to a great weekend xx
woohoo :D well done :)

it's on here. i have neglected everything on here for a few days because i am feeling wretched. i have been slowly sliding into a chest infection. i think i might finally be there and i am going down like a rock. i have been on the protein only bit of the dukan for 8 days now. had some donner meat yesterday as a 'treat' and of course gained 3.5lbs overnight... it's probably water retention from all the salt or something. i am going to add veg in tomorrow if i am well enough to go out for dinner with friends so i can have a salad or something. you can only do protein only for 10 days in any case, and today is day 8.

glad things have gone better for you :) you feeling more optomistic about weigh in?
Hello hello! A couple of days away from the blog but not away from the diet. As predicted it's been a tough week to stay motivated, but now my next weigh in is on the horizon I'm feeling more focused again.
Have also discovered the blummin miracle worker that is Slimatee. This stuff is brilliant! A natural, herbal and actually quite delicious solution to the constipation problem. Love it.
Hopefully it will have meant that I get a decent loss tomorrow. Crazy scales say so. They've varied wildly, as they always do, but I haven't seen a 17 all week, which I hope is a promising sign. Fingers crossed. Bloody deserve it this week!
Still no sign of my period (although in fairness I never make note of it so have no idea when I'm due. It's just a surprise every month. A really crap surprise. Like the venue for your party burning down. Or someone tripping you up.
Anyway I'm hoping that (possibly?) being pre menstrual won't scupper me.
Will post results tomorrow. Positive thoughts please...
In other news, I step up next week. Doing the online shop tonight so will be adding lots of exciting things like courgetti and cauliflower rice!
Abz I'm about to track down your diary. Hope the Dukan is being good to you. I don't know much about it tbh! Xx
Good luck with your weigh in...I hope it is a good one:)

It's amazing how exciting veggies are when you have been SSing.
good luck for tomorrow :)

i have decided to start juicing as of tomorrow. i have done 9 days of protein only and was going to go onto the protein and veg stage of dukan, but to be honest i can't bear the thought of any more meat. thought i would take the opportunity since i'm not hungry at all to shift to juicing for a week. i do it as a week detox every now and again, and with this bloody chest infection i feel the need for a massive shot of nutrients, so here i go... now i need to track down my own diary because knowing me it's in the wrong section...
ah, it's in the gold member section hon. might request that i shift it out of there.
Brilliant! Yes yes yes! 5lbs down :):)
Only 3lbs away from three stone.
What a relief...
Stepping up this week. Looking forward to some actual food...
Hooray! 5lbs down! :) And nearly 3 stone gone! That's awesome :D
A few days ago I saw the post on the *ahem* bodily movements, and I was going to suggest Slimatee as that has been so helpful for me as well, I didn't get around to posting it, but seems you found it! Be careful not to use it too much as it is a laxative and diuretic after all, but on occasion it really, really does help.
I hope you're having a good week! x
Thanks ladies...
So, step 2 going well so far. Yesterday I had my usual work breakfast of porridge, but because I knew I was having real food for dinner, I had a spaghetti bolognese pack for lunch at work. Felt much more full than I usually do after a tetra. Also took ages to eat so filled up much more of my lunch hour. Nice to be eating like everyone else!
The online shop arrived last night so lots of choices for my evening meal. Decided to use a recipe from one of my favourite cwp bloggers, Chanden Sidhu. She's shared masses of lovely step 2 recipes and is really inventive.
I went for pan fried chicken breasts with asparagus and balsamic. It was so yummy! My stomach is in shock I think; it's been a while...
Then a malt toffee bar for supper. All in all a very enjoyable food day. Was a bit surprised by how small a portion of vegetables 80g is. I guess I'll have to source some light vegetables! As long as it's not lettuce. I am literally a salad dodger... which may be what got me into this mess in the first place.
Hope you have a lovely weekend folks. I love a weekend!
Hooray! 5lbs down! :) And nearly 3 stone gone! That's awesome :D
A few days ago I saw the post on the *ahem* bodily movements, and I was going to suggest Slimatee as that has been so helpful for me as well, I didn't get around to posting it, but seems you found it! Be careful not to use it too much as it is a laxative and diuretic after all, but on occasion it really, really does help.
I hope you're having a good week! x

Minerva, how much slimatee is too much? A couple of times a week? I really don't want to get bunged up again - so uncomfortable - but neither do I want to get dependent on a laxative. Xx
I believe it says on the packet - not to use it for more than two weeks in a two month period. But I think they mean every day for two weeks... Once or twice per week is probably fine in a longer period of time. Overuse of laxatives can lead to your own system getting dependant on them, but, that would take quite a few months of constant use. If anything, drink a few one week, maybe then have a week where you don't drink any, and then again... as I do understand on a VLCD there's so little fibre going through it's so easy to get constipated. You could bulk up your shakes with psyllium husk to add the fibre to get things moving - you mix the dry powder in with your dry shake before slowly adding the water (while stirring) or you'll end up with gloopy lumps... I used to add it to my porridges in the morning when I was on VLCD, it made them nice and thick! :)
Hello all
So I'm quite enjoying this step 2 adventure! Not a fan of combining product + protein. I tried this on Saturday when I added tuna and hard boiled egg to a Mac cheese. Ew. Actually tasted quite nice but smelled like a vomit/cat food combo. Bleurgh.
However am getting quite inventive with my meal choices. Have loved the chicken in balsamic glaze, had it again tonight with stir fried courgetti. Lovely. And yesterday enjoyed buffet success by going for baked gammon with salad and a handful of pickled onions.
Hope the Loss is good on Wednesday (weighing a day early this week to work around year seven parents evening at school), as I quite like the idea of keeping this up!
Happy Monday all. And here's a picture of my lovely tea:


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I believe it says on the packet - not to use it for more than two weeks in a two month period. But I think they mean every day for two weeks... Once or twice per week is probably fine in a longer period of time. Overuse of laxatives can lead to your own system getting dependant on them, but, that would take quite a few months of constant use. If anything, drink a few one week, maybe then have a week where you don't drink any, and then again... as I do understand on a VLCD there's so little fibre going through it's so easy to get constipated. You could bulk up your shakes with psyllium husk to add the fibre to get things moving - you mix the dry powder in with your dry shake before slowly adding the water (while stirring) or you'll end up with gloopy lumps... I used to add it to my porridges in the morning when I was on VLCD, it made them nice and thick! :)

Thanks for the advice!
I have avoided extra fibre since being so constipated as someone suggested it might be exacerbating the problem. Maybe I should go back to it now I've had a bit of a clear out! Sorry for the TMI... X
Another great dinner tonight.
Guess I just have to wait and see what's happened in terms of losses. Only got to wait till tomorrow at least. By this time tomorrow I'll be reordering lots of food for step 2 or heading back down the sole source path...


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The food looks great :) remember for weigh in though that you will now have more food in your system which will effect your numbers a bit. Don't feel too downhearted if you don't get a huge loss. There could be rebound with your body getting used to more solid food, but it won't be real weight, if you know what i mean. Remind me of this when i cry next week post juice fast :)
Hurrah hurrah! 3lbs down this week. This smashed a few mini targets:
3 st total loss
Bmi below 40 so out of "risk of actual death" class 3 obese
Because of above drop to 3 products

Good times