Ah poor Milky, that is bound to happen though, sure it could've been worse, you could have ate loads & drank all the vodka

Do you have motillium in the house, it's my go-to hangover meds, settles your stomach, obviously drink loads of fluids & for the love of God don't let the bloody guilts settle in & ruin your day.
So tell me, did you have a good catchup with your sister?? I love days like these. My sisters don't live near, I miss them, we whassap each other daily, phonecalls are minimal these days with small kids, but times when you meet up are precious & golden, even if it's just over a pot of tea
Enjoy the rest of your day, any plans???
We're contemplating a trip to the cinema to see the new Monsters University film, be nice to sit in the cool darkness for a couple of hours